Happy New Years!

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January: *Setting things up all around the house including streamers, confetti, hats, party poppers, and more, and helping out everywhere*

October and November: *Making some pizza*

December and February: *At the store buying soda, candy, chips, and other junk food*

March and April: *Turning on live TV for the countdown*

June: *Setting up board games*

September: *Making sure that they have everything they need*

May and July: *Giving people hats and glasses and stuff like that*

August: *Seeing if anyone needs any help with anything*

January: OK! WE'RE READY!

June: Ok!

October: She's just excited because she gets to stay up all night with other people for her birthday

January: It's not just that! 

December: I'm pretty chillax on Christmas, so I don't see why its a big deal for a new year

January: *Implodes*

October: Ok, let's get started then!

August: Well we have some board games here, so well...

June: We have clue, code names, exploding kittens, and a few others. May and July are in charge of other things

May and July: *Smile*

January: *Smiles and hugs June excitedly* You know me so well!

June: *Blushes*

September: *Smirks*

March: *Grins*

October and December: *Giggle and point*

November and May: OwO

February: *Silent victory*

January: *Pulls away and blushes embarrassed*

June: W-well... uhmmm... we should get started then?

January: Y-yeah, good idea

October: Okay, let's go!

(During clue, they broke up into two groups)

Apologies if you don't know how to play clue

Group 1

December - Mrs Peacock
May - Miss Scarlet
July - Colonel Mustard
April - Mrs. White
November - Mr. Green
February - Professor Plum

Group 2

June - Miss Scarlet
March - Mr. Green
August - Colonel Mustard
October - Mrs. White
January - Professor Plum
September - Mrs. Peacock


January: Pffft


September: You're Mr. Green. You are not a woman. Therefore, you are not a single lady.

March: Awwwe

September: *Hugs March* It's ok

June: *Glances at January*

January: *Trying to ignore March and September*

June: *Sympathetic look*




January, March and August: *Laughs*

January: *Steals people's victory by making an accusation based off of other people's ruling and explaining how she wasn't breaking any rules*

Everyone else: *Letting her be competitive cause it's her birthday*

December: Mrs. Peacock murdered her husband and drank his blood off of the knife before it stained the books in the library

February: In other words, you're suggesting Mrs. Peacock with a knife in the library

December: You speak my language. Anyone got a card for me?

Everyone: Nope

July: I woul-

December: Iwouldliketomakeanaccusation!

July: Dang it!

December: *Looks inside pocket with the answers* Haha I won this round!

November: I was so close! I just needed the weapon. May was probably refusing to share it with me.

May: Was not! Ok maybe a little bit.

April: Ok, everyone good?

Everyone: *nods*

(After they finished the board games)
7:13 P.M.

May and July: TRUTH OR DARE!

June: Uh oh

January: February, truth or dare?

February: TRUTH

January: If you were to have the personality of one other person in this room, who would it be and why?

February: March cause he seems to be able to read people better than I can

March: Awwe, thanks!

February: Truth or dare, March?

March: Dare

February: I dare you to kiss you're crush

March: *Scoots over to September and kisses her*

September: *Blushes*

Everyone: OOOooOOOoOOO

October, December and June: *Glance pitifully at January*

March: April, Truth or Dare?

April: Dare

March: I dare you to kiss your own reflection

April: Ok... better than some others that I could have gotten *kisses the mirror*

March: *Laughs*

April: May, Truth or dare?

May: Truth

April: What is your favourite thing about me?

May: Um...

April: Just kidding! Favorite thing about November

November: *flustered*

May: Oh that's easy! His desire to help people and wanting to see other people happy

November: *Blushes*

Everyone else: Awwwwee

May: June, Truth or dare?

June: Uh tru- Dar- you choose, I can't decide!

May: I dare you to try and play the violin

June: *exhale of relief*

May: *hands him the bow and violin*

June: *trying to figure out how to hold it*

Violin: ScReEeEeEeE

Everyone: *covers ears*

June: Sorry!

May: You're done now!

June: Oh thank god!

July: Dare

June: Uh, recreate a potato flew around my room before you came thing

July: Ok! Be right back!

*A few minutes later*

July: A potato flew around my room-

Everyone: *Cracks up*

July: *Laughs*

August: You chose a good dare, June

June: Thanks!

July: Back! *Shows everyone video*

Everyone: *Cracks up*

November: That's truly a work of art

July: August, Tru-

August: TRUTH!!!

July: What kind of music do you listen to?

August: I don't listen to music!

October: He likes jazz and 80's music

August: OCTOBER!!!

July: Good to know...

August: September, Truth or dare?

September: Truth please! Thank you!

August: Are you and March dating?

September: Not officially yet

March: *blushes*

August: YET

September: October! Truth or dare?

October: Dare

September: I dare you to use lipstick as eyeshadow

October: That's going to look gorgeous

January: *faint some at September* Glad you're loosening up a bit

September: *smiles* I can help you with-

January: SHH! Not now, he's here! Plus, thanks!

September: Sorry, forgot.

January: Its ok

October: DON'T I LOOK BEAUTIFUL!?!?!?!?

August: Quite, quite

October: NOVEMBER!!!

November: Yeah?


November: Oh! Truth!

October: Tell everyone what you did in the shower this morning!

November: Oh well fine. I was dancing in the mirror, singing.

May: *giggles*

November: December, Truth or dare?

December: Truth

November: What is it like having two sisters?

December: Oh! October is like my best friend who always has my back, and has a heart of gold and can be trusted but can be quite annoying at times. January isn't that close with us, but she is a good sister when she wants to be. Plus, she's an awesome artist and she draws me and October things sometimes when she's in the mood.

January and October: *smile*

November: Interesting

December: January, truth or dare?

January: Uhh... truth

June: *mouths good call*

January: *nods*

December: Honest. What is your full opinion on June?

January: W-well, uhh he's really sweet and chill.

December: I said FULL OPINION

January: Umm, he is surprisingly good and sewing and crochet. His favorite food is gouda and he hates goat milk.

December: I said OPINION, not facts about him

January: Uhh, well what do I say then?

December: Do you like his smile? Do you think that he is cute?

June: *silent*

January: Umm, well, yeah.

June: *Blushes*

Everyone: OOoOooOoOOoO


Everyone: *rushes outside*


Everyone: 3, 2, 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

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