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The months have a way that they are expected to act, but actually, act differently. 

Acting as guardians of Earth, they should have a way to understand how the citizens down there feel.

But they don't fulfill those expectations and act differently and how they want to act but have to put on a mask whenever the gods are there.

They have an animal form and a human form. The groups of guardians are separated by what they control and what animal form they share.

The months are just one group of a few of the guardians.

There are the Jewels(Birds), Vines(Dogs), and Palettes(Dolphins)

The gods make sure these guardians keep the world in check, each different power than the rest.


Gender: Female

Age: 27

Birthday: January 1, 1991

Strengths: Funny, loyal, modest, and chill

Flaws: Salty, secretive, quiet and quirky

Expectations: Ambitious, calm, modest, realistic, pessimistic, materialistic, conservative, and reserved


Gender: Male

Age: 29

Birthday: February 14, 1989

Strengths: Charming, charismatic, romantic, and popular

Flaws: Flirty, egotistical, uses words are a weapon, and gives attention to people who don't want it

Expectations: Intellectuals, adventurers, opinionated, independent, distant, stubborn, unemotional, and extremists


Gender: Male

Age: 29

Birthday: March 17, 1989

Strengths: Optimistic, childish, generous, and friendly

Flaws: No backbone, gullible, unadaptable, and outgoing

Expectations: Adaptable, empathetic, peaceful, romantic, creative, naive, no voice of their own, disinterested, and shy 


Gender: Male

Age: 27

Birthday: April 1, 1991

Strengths: Outgoing, funny, active, and persistent

Flaws: Uncertain, prankster, high expectations, and dangerously open

Expectations: Certain, calm, modest, realistic, pessimistic, materialistic, conservativism, and reserved


Gender: Female

Age: 27

Birthday: May 13, 1991

Strengths: Beautiful, astronomical, generous, and outgoing

Flaws: Uncertain, no backbone, secretive, and a small voice

Expectations: Generous, determined, realistic, sensual, materialistic, lazy, sensitive, and uncertain


Gender: Male

Age: 27

Birthday: June 21, 1991

Strengths: Chill, realistic, sensual, and reliable

Flaws: Materialistic, lazy, sensitive, and cautious

Expectations: Persistent, emotional, protective, family oriented, anxious, pessimistic, reserved, and attention seeking


Gender: Female

Age: 26

Birthday: July 4, 1992

Strengths: Outgoing, optimistic, happy, and bubbly

Flaws: Annoying, loud, childish, and emotional

Expectations: Compassionate, reliable, peace lover, creative, sensitive, cautious, constant mood swings, and depressed


Gender: Male

Age: 28

Birthday: August 15, 1990

Strengths: Generous, loyal, honest, and sincere

Flaws: Brutally honest, sensitive, and reserved

Expectations: Optimistic, energetic, honest, loyal, dominant, egoistic, headstrong, and aggressive


Gender: Female

Age: 30

Birthday: September 21, 1988

Strengths: Intellectual, focused, modest, and patient

Flaws: Reserved, quiet, untrustworthy, and cautious

Expectations: Sincere, modest, cautious, trusted, pessimistic, distracted, controlling, and impatient 


Gender: Female

Age: 27

Birthday: October 31, 1991

Strengths: Optimistic, outgoing, childish, and chill

Flaws: Impatient, annoying, hungry, and can't say no

Expectations: Adaptable, intellectual, independent, intuitive, stubborn, controlling and demanding, resentful, and suspicious


Gender: Male

Age: 29

Birthday: November 23, 1989

Strengths: Great cook, surprisingly clever, introverted, and generous

Flaws: Lazy, pessimistic, hungry, and can't say no

Expectations: Optimistic, intellectuals, extrovert, good at heart, brutally honest, know-it-all, un-commital, and exterior surface faced


Gender: Female

Age: 26

Birthday: December 25, 1992

Strengths: Funny, calm, introverted, and trustworthy

Flaws: Can't say no, hungry, bad luck, and unstealthy

Expectations: Generous, idealistic, funny, energetic, impatient, promise more than they can deliver, undiplomatic, and attention seeking

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