Mountain of Change

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March: *Grabs scroll and opens it*

September: What is it?

March: We have to climb the mountain of change

September: What does the "change" part mean?

March: The mountain changes as we climb it, and when we get to the top we change personalities

November: *Overhears this* I'll make some food for the trip. For all of us. But you guys have to pack my bag.

October: Deal!

*After preparation, they all sit in a circle*

September: Does everyone have thermal gear?

*All nod*

September: Extra layers?

*All nod*

September: Climbing essentials?

*All nod*

September: November, did you give everyone warm food?

November: *Nods*

October: *Eating spaghetti*

September: Ok, let's go

*On the way there in a car*

January: *Looking out the window*

February: *Grooming his fur*

March: *Keeping people from arguing*

April: *Sleeping*

May: *Checking gear*

June: *Sleeping*

July: *Talking to sleeping people*

August: *Driving*

September: *Double checking her list*

October: *Eating*

November: *Sleeping*

December: *Playing games on her phone*


September: *Ushers everyone off, and proceeds to do role call*

August: *Locks the car*

January: September. If we don't wanna get hypothermia, we better get a move on *Starts climbing*

September: *Huffs and follows her lead*

*Everyone else follows*

March: Wait, this is a changing mountain. Rather one by one, lets go side by side so we don't lose anyone

September and January: Great idea!

October: *Stows food away*

September and January: *Glare at each other*

July: *Starts climbing the mountain quickly, but as she puts one foot on a rock, it disappears, and reappears a few feet away from her*

August: *Intimidated*

September: ROLL OUT!

January: *Mocks September under her breath*

September: *Butts her*

January: *Smirks and start climbing*

*After a few hours of struggle and difficulty*

August: We got to the top!

November: *Basically dying* Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy...

October: Is everyone ok?

January and September; *Scratched and ticked off*

October: Oh god! Can I help either of you?

*Everyone got to the top of the mountain so the spell acted*

October: *Grabs both of January's paws and holds her over the edge*

January: Oh no! What did I do wrong? Help! I'm not strong enough for her!

September: *Eats her checklist* Why would anyone waste perfectly good paper? Screw being organized!

August: *Pulls January's tail*

October: *Drops January*

January: Help!

September: MARCH! HELP HER!

March: No! I do my OWN work. You can't tell me what to do.

January: *Off of the top of the mountain so she turns back to normal and holds onto the mountain for dear life, then proceeds to make her way down slowly*

October: *Hisses*

August: Come on baby, let's leave this bin

October: Ok *Starts walking down the mountain*

August: *Follows October*

June: This is too boring. *Leaves*

*Once October, August, and June leave the mountain they turn back to normal and start making their way off of the mountain*

November: *Pours pasta off the mountain* Who freaking eats anymore? It's stupid. Waste of time.

March: *Leaves his own way* Fork this shite. *Turns back to normal, and finds other people down on the mountain*

November: *Pushes September off of the mountain*

September: *Cautiously makes her way down*

February: *Holding May's tail to pull it*

May: *Pushes November off* Screw you! 

November: *Reaches for something, and grabs May's paw and drags her down with him*

February: *Is dragged off, and lands on top of November*

April: *Looking over the edge and falls*

July: *Slouches over the edge, and reaches for a rock to eat, but falls*

December: I NEED PEOPLE! I'M LONLEY!!!!!!!!!!!

*Back at home*

January: *Bandaging herself*

September: *Making sure everything is in order*

March, August, and October: *Making sure everything is fine*

April and June: *Relaxing*

February and May: *Cleaning themselves*

December: *Having alone time*

July: *Sleeping*

November: *Cleaning up*

March: Can we all agree that we are never going to do that again?

Everyone: *Nods*

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