February Date Crisis

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March: *Picks up scroll*

September: *Looks over shoulder*

January: *Glares at September*

March: February is gonna either love or hate this

February: *Head perks up* 

January: What is it?

March: Februa-

September: February has to ask everyone out and two people have to say yes

January: Not it

February: *Groans, but smiles*

*One hour later*

February: Hey Jan Jan

January: Kill me now

February: Are you still mad at me?

January: *Leaves* WHAT DO YOU THINK?!?

February: Heyyyyy March

March: Nope

February: Thank god

March: Anytime bro-dude

February: THANK YOU

February: April

April: Yeah?

February: Will you go out with me?

April: *Murmers* No... *leaves*

February: Is your name Maya? Cause I wanna sacrifice you to the gods

May: No its May. And that's a weird sentence starter

February: Will you go out with me?

May: Sure why not? Just no pick up lines.

February: Agreed!

February: June! My dude!

June: Hey

February: Whatever my next question is, you have to say no to it

June: Ok

February: Will you go out with me?

June: No

February: Thank you!

February: *Sweaty*

July: *Jumps up to him and hugs him*

February: Ok...

July: I just ate 12 doughnuts!

February: That's wonderful

July: Isn't it?

February: Will you go out with me?

July: Nope! I'd rather make out with an alligator than you!

February: Oh thank god. Wait, what?

February: August. I need to ask you something. Please say no to it


February: Will you go out with me

August: Oh hell naw

February: THANK YOU!

February: September!

September: What do you want?

February: Will you go out with me?

September: No

February: Thanks ok bye!

February: October!

October: *Eating*

February: Uhhh well ok. Will you go out with me?

October: Gonna go drink some gasoline now so you stay away from my lips

February: Ok...

February: November...

November: Just finished baking some muffins. Want one?

February: Yes please! 

November: *Hands him a muffin*

February: Will you go out with me?

November: Food is my girlfriend

February: Ok then...

February: Oh my god. Ok calm down. CHILL OUT. Ok, you can do this. 

December: Hey February!

February: December! Heh...

December: Hows it going?

February: I have something I've been wanting to ask you for a while...

December: *Ears perk up*

February: Uh... Do you want a muffin? *Holds November's muffin out to her*

December: *Takes the muffin, but seems dissapointed*

February: And there's one other thing

December: *Eats the muffin* 

February: Will you go out with me?

December: *Beams* Of course!

February: *Hugs December*

November: *Watches* So my muffin did go to some use after all...

May: I said yes because I thought nobody else would and I felt bad for him

March: This ended supirsingly well

January: *Giving out candy canes*

September: *Takes the candy cane* Why are you being nice to me?

January: I feel like it I guess?

September: ಠ_ಠ

January: *Smiles dorkily and leaves*

September: Who are you and what have you done with January

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