Bunnie 1 and Antione 1 & 2

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Three questions in one round!

Hip: The comments section just caught on fire folks!

Class: We have 3 questions from tangerbree-sunrise

Aura: Lets here them.

Class: First one is for Bunnie.

She asks how did you react to meeting Antione aka your husband?

Bunnie: Well I thought at first that he was one them spoiled rich boys that just wanted power and money.

Antione: *sweats some*

Bunnie: But the more I talked with him, I saw he was a gentleman with a heart of gold. And I slowly fell for him.

Antione: *breathes out in relief*

Fury: French boy, you're up!

Antione: Me?

Class: She asked two questions for you.

Antione: Oh my!

Class: The first one is asking if you still feel afraid or did Bunnie help you find your self esteem?

Antione: *glares*

Bunnie: *giggles*

Antione: I will have you know that while may have been what you call a "sissy coward", I have gotten over that!

Aura: I can confirm this as well since he's fought better than when Robotnik took over.

Class: The second one asks...

...how did you learn swordsmanship?

Antione: *grins* I am glad you have asked that.

My first lessons were from my own father in basics, as well as our noble family's own techniques.

After that, he sent me to Mobotropolis to be trained under royal guards and the king.

I was going to be trained by Sir James Woofwell as well, but my apprenticeship was denied for some reason.

Class: That was because he was banished from the kingdom and stripped of all his titles.

Antione: Why may I ask?

Class: Because of espionage during the Great War.

Sally: Perhaps me and my father could turn things around and allow him back, as well as return his positions.

Class: Too late for that, he's dead.

Author:........................Happy Snowman!

Bopper: Lets go before it gets any darker.

Author: Agreed. Stay tuned for some more questions answered

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