Intro/Rule/Ask Away

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Hey guys! If you're reading this, I've probably posted this when I've reached 200 followers.

Before I introduce the characters, let me go over the rules.

Or should I say ONE rule, because this one is important enough.

Important Rule: Don't be a hater, bully and jerk to people and characters.

I can't tell you how many times I've seen several people form a group just to pick on people for liking one specific character.

It's even more infuriating when I see someone make a Wattpad account...

...only to dedicate it to destroying someone else's life.

If I catch any hateful comments about anyone or any character...

... I will rally as many Sonic fans as possible to have that person totally muted or removed from Wattpad FOREVER!!!


With the rules finished, let's introduce everyone that's available for questions.

First up is the OCs I will allow to be asked questions.

Introducing, Aura, Fury, Bopper, Hip and Class!

Aura: Hello and welcome. *bows to readers*

Fury: Hey. *winks*

Bopper: Hi fellas!

Hip: What's up?

Class: A pleasure to meet your acquaintance.

Author: And now for the treat I was already planning on adding. For the first time ever (at least I think so), the Knothole Freedom Fighters get to be asked questions

Give it up for Sally, Bunnie, Rotor, Antione and Nicole.

Sally: Hello

Bunnie: Howdy!

Rotor: Hey there

Antione: Bonjour mes amis

Nicole: Greetings

Author: As a reward for helping reach 200, two people got to pick two additional characters for questioning.

May I introduce Blaze and Shard

Blaze: A pleasure to meet everyone.

Shard: Hey, how's it going?

Author: More characters will come if this and other books get votes.

You came here to ask questions, didn't you?


Just remember the one rule.

Have fun!

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