~Chapter 14~

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"I think some of us are actually taking it better than others." Hearts said. Ink was actually freaking out a bit because 404 kept sending glared at almost everyone, same with most of the other Sanses.

Apparently, this guy could end the multiverse in the blink of an eye, but he was right there, talking to Lust, Error, and Red. Lust and Red left to go back to their AUs, and Error soon left with 404 to the Anti-Void."So, TeLl Me, WhAt Is BuGgInG yOu NoW?" 404 asked. Error wasn't too surprised that he knew. He almost always knows what Error's feeling.

"I hAd ThIs WeIrD dReAm. I wAs Up ThErE oN tHe StRiNgS, aNd WhAt LoOkEd LiKe A pAsT vErSiOn Of Me JuMpEd DoWn WhIlE sAyInG 'tOdAy'S tHe DaY' aNd I fEeL lIkE i FoRgOt SoMeThInG iMpOrTaNt, BuT i CaN't ReMeMbEr If It WaS aCtUaLlY iMpOrTaNt Or NoT." Error replied. He hugged Destiny and 404 looked at him."I sEe.... TeLl Me, Do YoU rEmEmBeR aNyThInG aBoUt A gRoUp YoU cAllEd YoUr FaMiLy EvEn ThOuGh YoU wErEn'T rElAtEd To ThEm?" 404 asked.

"... No.... WhAt'S hApPeNiNg?" Error asked."YoU wAiTeD iN tHe AnTi-VoId FoR tOo LoNg AnD fOrGoT, dIdN't YoU?" 404 asked."WhAt Do YoU mEaN?!" Error asked. 404 opened a portal to Outertale and pulled Error and Destiny through. He closed it and turned back to Error."StAy OuT oF tHe AnTi-VoId. It'Ll MaKe ThE sItUaTiOn WoRsE, aNd YoU'lL fOrGeT mOrE." 404 said. Error was confused, but listened and sat down before looking at the stars."WhY dOeS iT fEeL fAmIlIaR?" Error asked. 404 sat down next to him."Go To SlEeP aNd I'lL eXpLaIn WhEn YoU wAkE uP. RiGhT nOw, I hAvE tO wOrK, bUt I'lL sTaY hErE." 404 said. Error wanted to argue, but it was rude to bug people while they were working, so he stayed silent and laid down. Destiny crawled onto his back and laid down as well. Soon enough, they both fell asleep, and 404 looked at Error for a moment.

"I pRoMiSe YoU, i WiLl BrInG tHeM bAcK." He said before redirecting his attention to the charts in front of him.

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