~Chapter 15~

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"YeS." 404 replied."I kNoW tHe AnTi-VoId MeSsEs Up MeMoRiEs, BuT i CaN't ReAlLy BeLiEvE hE fOrGoT aBoUt ThEm. ThAt MuSt InClUdE hIs ThAt DaY iT aLl FeLl ApPaRt. I'lL tRy To HeLp HiM rEmEmBeR, bUt I kNoW eRrOr. SiMpLy TeLlInG hIm WoN't Be EnOuGh. He WoN't BeLiEvE iT iF yOu JuSt ExPlAiN hIs MeMoRiEs To HiM. I'm SoRrY hE hAs To StRuGgLe, BuT hE hAs To HeLp HiMsElF rEmEmBeR, uNlEsS sOmEtHiNg HaPpEnS tHaT tRiGgErS hIs MeMoRiEs." He explained.

"I'm HeRe AgAiN?" Error asked no one. The other Error was sitting on the floor, petting Destiny. A portal opened up."Error!" A familiar voice yelled. A female skeleton covered in tar with black tentacles coming out of her back walked through."You can't be here right now. You're sick. Let's go." She said to the other Error."BuT i'M fInE!" The other Error said. The female used a tentacle to grab him, and for some reason, the other's hephaphobia didn't kick in."LeT mE gO, nIgHtMaRe! I'm FiNe! I'lL jUsT bE a BuRdEn!" The other Error said, but all three of them went through the portal anyways.

Error woke up and 404 was gone. He probably went to talk to someone about something. No idea. He went back to the house and decided to keep his mind off of the deja vu for a while. He saw Carrot and still had Destiny."Hi!" He said. Carrot looked at him and had a neutral expression."Hi. Error, right?" She asked."YeAh. ThIs Is DeStInY." Error said as he showed her his cat. She reached to pet her, but she hissed and Error laughed a bit."I wIsH i CoUlD sAy ThAt'S nEw." Error said.

"Hey, Error! Come here!" Red called as she held something in her pocket. Error teleported to her."Close your eyes and stay still." She said. Error did as she said and heard various noises. Tape and a box opening. He felt something being placed on his head and was hit by another wave of deja vu."Okay. Open." Red said. He opened his eyes.

Everything was different colors! He looked around and smiled, but then he was met with another suspicion. He's been in a scenario like this before, but when? And where?! Why doesn't it just click already?! Error held his head in frustration and actually squeezed his skull."Error?" Red placed a hand on his shoulder and he flinched a bit. He looked at her and looked pretty scared."Hey, if it's too much, I can take them off." She said, but he couldn't hear her. Millions of thoughts ran through his mind, but then the bad voices came. They started whispering "familiar" over and over again, adding to his stress and anxiety.

He didn't realize he was actually hyperventilating until he felt like he couldn't breath. What started as a small, weird sense of deja vu is now starting to make his stress spike. Someone would say that he's overreacting, but I don't think that's what's happening. Inside, he kept yelling loudly why he couldn't remember and even insulted himself to get his memory to come back somehow. Something grabbed him and he soon realized 404 was there.

"No te preocupes. Todo va a estar bien." (Don't worry. Everything will be alright.) 404 said."¿Por qué no puedo recordar?" (Why can't I remember?) Error asked."Ya te lo dije, has esperado demasiado en el Anti-Void. Solo dime qué te está provocando." (I already told you, you've waited in the Anti-Void for too long. Just tell me what's triggering you.) 404 replied. Error soon calmed down and Destiny also tried to calm him down.

"Esta vez, había un esqueleto con tentáculos. El otro yo estaba enfermo y seguía tratando de decirle que estaba bien." (This time, there was a skeleton with tentacles. The other me was sick and kept trying to tell her that he was fine.) Error said. 404 sighed and opened a portal to Outertale, to the edge where the Void was."Mira hacia abajo. Si recuerda algo, no se enoje. Déjalo volver." (Look down there. If you remember something, don't get upset. Let it come back.) 404 said. Error was confused, but looked down and saw the Void. He was even more confused until a flashback came to him, and clouded his vision.

"¡Pesadilla!" (Nightmare!) Error couldn't control himself, but he was running towards the edge, where Nightmare struggled to hold on. She was exhausted, and hurting. She passed out and let go of the ledge. Error looked down and got his strings ready to grab her, but she was gone.

Suddenly, his memories came flooding back. Nightmare, Killer, Dust, Horror, and Cross. They all helped him when 404 got fatally ill and saved his life. He was so grateful and they all accepted them both into their family if they wanted. Nightmare mothered most of them and Error eventually managed to confess to her. Everything hit him like a literal ton of bricks.

Including when they fell into the Void after a long battle...

He remembered that he was never allowed to help them, and that 404 would always prevent him from going, unless he was sleeping and they left without him knowing. He would find out after they came back and one day, he went to Outertale to see if he could find them. He saw Nightmare trying to pull the others up, but the ledge broke and she only had her clearly broken arm to hold on. She couldn't, and they all fell. He told 404 what happened and 404 told him to go wait in the Anti-Void while he tried to figure out a way to bring them back out. He waited too long.

Error felt as if he had just woken up after a dream and looked at 404."PlEaSe TeLl Me YoU fOuNd A wAy." Error said. He realized he was crying because he felt more tears form and replace the ones that slipped out of his sockets."I'm ClOsE. I'm GlAd ThAt YoU rEmEmBeR." 404 replied. Error hugged him tightly and then noticed he was back in the mansion with a few of the other Sanses staring at them.

"Remember what?" Ink asked. Error didn't answer and felt his head hurt more and more. After he finally calmed down, his head was pounding and he just wanted to take a nap."Me voy a dormir ahora." (I'm going to sleep now.) Error said."AlRiGhT. GoOdNiGhT, eRrOr." 404 said. He moved so Error could lay down comfortably on the bed he was placed on, and he fell asleep quickly with Destiny laying down on him while purring. The light was still on, but he was just tired, which makes sense because he didn't need to sleep in the Anti-Void, and now he's left that space, so he's going to get tired at some point.

Really tired.

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