Big Trouble

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Everyone, you're gonna wanna here this.

As some of you know, the TSLOP community here has quite a few Max's to the point I've lost count. Most of them are really nice. However, I'm here to warn you all about one in particular. His name is Max18.

Max18 joined us back on Jan 31st of this year. I will admit, I was a bit wary due to what his profile bio said but I kept my opinion to myself until now. He wasn't always the most active person here and he didn't post any stories until recently, which I'm assuming a lot of you have noticed what it is. He was one of the few people who wanted to join the Discord server I created for the TSLOP Wattpad Community. He was brought in with two others on I believe it was the fifth of March. At that time he still had no stories but in the server he had mentioned he might work on a TSLOP lemon one shot book for here. I honestly didn't care at the time because I don't wanna dictate what someone can write as long as it doesn't affect others negatively.

Then came the fateful day of March 30th, twenty five days after I let Max18 into the server. I was busy writing one of my stories in docs while Discord notifications popped up onto my screen. I usually ignore them unless it's in one of my top five servers. Well, I notice that I just got a notification from the TSLOP server. Apparently Max had posted some pictures in the rant channel, no words just pictures. I was confused so I went to check. I can't even tell you how much bleach I wanted for my eyes. He had posted ten pictures of various TSLOP characters, human and animal, making love. And they weren't even spoiler tagged! As quickly as I could I deleted the message and let the mods know what happened. In case if you are wondering, the number one rule on the TSLOP server is don't say or post anything inappropriate in the server. Breaking that rule could guarantee you getting kicked out. Max told us, or at least one of the mods cuz I was about to chew his head off, that it wouldn't happen again so he still got a strike and simply if he had another offense he would be kicked out. And with that, we kept our eyes peeled.

Sometime in the beginning of April, Max18 finally posted his lemon one shot book with only the author note stating it would take requests. So far it has no requests due to lack of interest I think but I don't know. I simply ignored it, it's not a book for me and I wasn't gonna judge who was interested. Well, I guess someone wasn't happy about no requests cuz I was alerted on April 24th by a close friend that Max18 was going to post lemon one shots of mine and some others favorite ships and tag us. He was told no yet insisted he would do it as a way of "bonding". He also deleted the messages to cover his tracks. Fortunately, my pal was able to get one screenshot with some condemning evidence against him. I have the censored version of this but essentially he flat out declared he was still going to do what he wanted to do and there was nothing we could do about it. He also proceeded to insult us.

I don't care if I'm insulted but I will not stand by and watch this happen to my friends. We immediately banned him from the TSLOP server and blocked him on Wattpad and wherever else we knew him, which for me was Twitter where days prior to the incident in March he had posted some pictures that he posted into the server days later. We were not taking any chances with him. And it's time we officially did something because he's still gonna do what he wanted to do and threatened to send me and a few others some of those bad pictures again. He's also planning on sending a spy (who we don't know yet but might be named heatless?) to essentially say negative and hurtful things against us in our dms and stories. It's also said that he has some more hurtful nicknames for us.

I plead with each and every one of you guys, please block and report Max18 on Wattpad and whatever other social media you know him on. He is a bad person who does not deserve to be here. I don't want to see people get hurt because of his actions. If we stand together, we can get rid of him for good. Please, I beg of you.

And Max18, if you or your cronies are seeing this, know that your days are numbered cuz I will share every hate message I get that comes from someone aligned to you. Consider this a farewell.

I will do my best to update you all on the situation if it gets worse. Take care of yourselves.

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