Update On The Situation

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As promised I got some more updates for you all. While I was at work I was alerted about this Twitter post from Max18. I had him blocked since Monday when this whole mess started so I never did get the notification. I was simply told about it and... Well as you can see below...

I'm sorry, I'm confused by your tactics Max18. Do you actually think this is earning you points? Cuz it's not. If anything, this is just more evidence. This is proof of you and your cronies harassing us now. Jokes on you though, we blocked and Daisy doesn't have Twitter. At this rate, you're gonna be reported on two social media platforms, three if someone catches you on Discord. And I swear you will be reported for stalking if I catch you harassing me or friends on another social media platform of mine.

For those wondering what the blocked images are, I think you know very well what they are.

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