May Updates

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Seeing how it's the first of May, it's time for me to release a new clue. I know things aren't the greatest right now but I'm not going to have our fun ruined.

As of latest updates on this Max18, there's not much we can say as we're still keeping our eyes peeled. But it is safe to say they are the dumbest dumb dumb I have ever met. Some of the things I have learned makes me scratch my head in confusion. For real though, I have no idea what his game plan is because we just keep getting more evidence. And I'm assuming this is to get attention, especially seeing how his lemon one shot book pretty much got looked over, no requests whatsoever. Which brings me to my other point, if he updates that book and claims so so requested it, don't believe it until you have proof cuz chances are it wasn't asked for. All I ask is he gets reported and blocked before he lashes out at other people.

Now to the other thing. Due to these events, I don't feel safe updating my stories until Max18 is properly taken care of. Especially Fire On Fire since he seems interested in making a one shot about the couple within the story and tagging me to the chapter to either "credit a request" or simply get my attention. Yeah, I already had to bleach my eyeballs several times this past week because of the things he has done to people. I don't need to see more. Consider this a hiatus for the month of May. Hopefully, I'll be back at it in June or maybe (hopefully) the last week of May. I'll be back a lot sooner if this whole situation is taken care and we get rid of Max18. If I do update something without an official "I'm back" message, don't expect a rush of chapters to come streaming afterwards. Don't worry though, I will be updating any story I have saved in Google Docs which now includes chapter outlines for Age of Superheroes. Probably by June I will have a bunch of chapters released. Prepare yourselves.

Now, I had mentioned that I had two stories with May releases. This would be the return of my TSLOP/Godzilla crossover (still needs name) and my long awaited TSLOP/Housebroken crossover. I don't want to push back either one, especially the latter. So they will still be released on the days I picked out for them. However, it's only going to be the author note's for each. The rest of the chapters will follow once this mess is solved. I'm really hoping this can solved before the end of the month but only time will tell.

Another thing I wanna bring up is the TSLOP Wattpad Community server on Discord. Guys, though you are free to ask to join, know that due to this whole situation you probably won't be allowed in until this mess is taken care of. You can only get the link from me if you ask me but please note that, unless I know you very well, I'm not gonna let you in until probably June. I hate it has to be this way but this just a precaution, especially since Max18 had the nerve today to hack someone on the server and briefly message me and a few others a brief little hello complete with new nicknames. The message was deleted before anyone could see it and we have let the hacked person know that we harbor no ill will but maybe update their security so this doesn't happen again. By the way Max18, I didn't think you could sink any lower after the insulting and the no no pictures but hacking someone to insult us with new nicknames? Congratulations, you're a psycho.

Everyone, please be careful and enjoy the rest of your day. We'll get through this, I promise.

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