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Hey guys, latest update on the joint account between my friend and I. So far so good, it is going very well. We even have our first story that we wrote together up, which is our Godzilla KOTM story "A New Era". We also have an ask us book (since there's two of us), an art book, a Wings of Fire (WoF) story and a Missile Mouse (MM) story up as well. And there will be many more to come, I guarantee you. Just go check us out over at KA_the_Writers. We're looking forward to seeing you all over there!

This isn't the only update I have for all of you though. There is also some bad news and I recommend you all exercise caution. My friend and I created this account on January 3rd sometime around noon. About five hours later we got a new follower who goes by the name Zoeah114. Within three minutes of following us we got an inbox message promoting this site that supposedly is a platform of fandoms. Pictured below.

I warned my friend not to click on the link since this had suspicious written all over it. I typed out a reply and politely declined their offer. That was it and I told myself if something else happened I was gonna block them. Next day, January 4th, sometime during the day I noticed there was a comment on our Missile Mouse story from Zoeah114. Literally a copy and pasted text of the inbox message. I quickly told them that we were not interested and that I already told them that we were not interested. Unfortunately I don't have a screenshot of that conversation because turns out as of today Zoeah114 doesn't even exist anymore. Their whole account is gone, probably because I exposed them of being a scam.

I knew there was something up from the get go. For starters, the promotion and the link. Those are red flags. Then I went to check out their profile, which had been created on December 14th of last year (ha I can actually say that now lol). One story that had been created and updated on the same day. And the best part, I checked to see who they were following. They had followed almost twenty other people after they followed us. And keep in mind that this was literally five hours after we created our account. That was the biggest neon sign of all. Honestly, I wished I blocked them sooner but at least they're gone. I do advise you all though to keep a watchful eye. I don't know if they'll come back or not.

Well, that's all I got for you today folks, have a good day and see you all later, bye! Oh, and have fun with the latest clue I left you.

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