The Thing About Stickers...

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Does anyone here ever get that thought where you suddenly realize something for the first time but then you're like wait a second I'm how old again? Boy do I have a funny story for all of you.

So Saturday night I was working at my job in a diner. One of the things that we do when not serving customers is rolling up silverware. I was doing that and I grabbed one of the wrappers that we use to keep the silverware rolled up. It happened to get stuck to my finger and while I got it off easily I couldn't but think to myself, "Man these are sticky. Maybe that's why stickers are called stickers." Then I was like, "Yeah, that's why they're called that." And then, I kid you not, I mentally slapped myself in the face. It was literally the dumbest yet funniest thing ever.

Anyways, I figured I'd tell you guys about that story. See you later!

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