June Updates and Announcements

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Well it's officially the first day of June and henceforth the first day of the month. Clue is above, you know the drill. Good luck.

As promised, the long awaited TSLOP and Housebroken crossover story is here. It is titled Therapy Dog and features short stories that are based on some of the Housebroken episodes and the TSLOP movies. However, it also features topics such as eating disorders, self harm and other mental health issues. As a result, I have it rated mature so I apologize to my younger audience but you'll need to wait a few years.

I have some other releases coming out this year. In fact, there's gonna be one in less than a week, on the fourth anniversary of The Secret Life of Pets 2. It is the next part of my Special Project series. Essentially, it is happening at the same time the events of Fire On Fire is taking place but it is from the perspective of Snowball and Daisy. I think y'all are gonna like it.

Then the month after that, on what will be the seventh anniversary of The Secret Life of Pets, we're getting a TSLOP and Zookeeper crossover cuz turns out Zookeeper also came out on July 8th about eight years prior I think. I don't remember how old that movie is but it's very funny.

Towards the later half of this year, the other two parts of the Special Project will be released along with two other stories. The first is a short story that loosely ties in with my October Project. Aka it has clues all over. The second story I have planned is another crossover with one of my favorite childhood movies. The title is The Lost Princess. I'm afraid that's all I can say about that one for now but I will be making a trailer for it in the near future.

Alrighty, with all of that out of the way, I hope you all are doing well. I also wanna remind everyone that be careful out there on the internet while you're having fun. While I believe there are plenty of good and responsible people out there, I know there is the darker side of the web inhabited by those who lack a soul. Though it has been quiet over here on Wattpad lately, I want to remind you all to keep your eyes open.

That is everything, I hope you all are having a good day and I will see you all later, bye!

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