CH 1

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It was pitch black night. The sky cloudless, with the moon stunning white. Crickets and Owls playing their regular music. Stray dogs howling here and there.

Besides these the kingdom was silent, indicating all fast asleep.

In the capital, the king's palace had everyone wide awake in the night. The maids were rushing around to get the equipements for the big time.

Soldiers were on their guards, inside and out. The royal Physician made his way to the king's chamber. His strong steps pacing as he entered the palace with his disciples

Everyone present there had a panicked as well puzzled face. "Escort my wife to the King's chamber as soon as possible." The Royal Physician's voice stern and stiff gave his disciples a command. One of the turned and ran to assist the Physician's wife.

As soon as the Physician reach the king's chambe,  he was greeted with the loud painful screams of a woman. The doors of the chamber was closed.

A woman as well as a man stood outside the chamber's entrance. The woman, slowly aging, short, dressed in her royal night suit, wearing a worried expression, eyes closed, lips murmuring and her fingers praying the beads of the prayer neckless.

Where as the man, in his royal suit, tall with well built body, pacing from one end to the other end of the corridor. Hearing the footsteps, the man looked up.

"Your highness." The Physician bowed as he stood next to the king. The king acknowledged him. "If you give me the permission." The physician asked politely. The worried kind nodded.

He made his way to the chamber. In the middle of the room, a woman cried out from the pain, her maids supporting her. "Nooo. I am too tired." She begged them. One was wiping sweat from her head, three massaged her body, and the others were getting ready.

"Move." The tough voice of the Physician reached everyone as he walked to the bed. All looked up halting their works except for the queen who was indulged in pain, now ceased her cries from the tiredness due to contractional pain. The maid who was before wiping the queen's head moved giving access to the middle aged man.

He reached out for her hand, gently taking her hand and pressing his thumb to her wrist to check her pulse. He carefully counted, concentrated in reviewing the queen's health condition. The maids silently and concernly looking at the queen who laid heaving heavily on the bed.

"Get her highness hydrated." He said as he checked her tiredly closed eyes. She was tired. Very tired, he could tell that. He turned to the maids, "No matter what don't let her highness sleep." He commanded before walking out and the maids got back to positions.

The king was the physician walking out. "How is she?" He asked seemingly worried for his beloved wife. "She is doing fine your highness." He put up an assuring smile on his face.

Just then a middle aged woman ran to them. She accompained with the Physician's disciple. "Your highness." She bowed to the king and the queen mother. "Quick check on her." Queen Mother as well as her husband rushed her in and the door closed.

"She is here your highness. Everything will be alright." The physician assured the king who just nodded not being able to get down from his fear.

Meanwhile inside the Physician's wife was doing everything in a hurry; washing her hands and drying them quick. The queen stayed there still tired from straining herself so much. She pulled the queen's dress material to check how much she was dilated. She pressed her forefinger to check.

"Your highness," she called the queen. But the poor thing was in no condition to respond the call. The maids tapped her cheeks to get her conscious. "Your highness." The physician's wife called again.

"Hmm." The queen finally hummed after a lot of tapping and callings from the maids. "Make her back support the bed board." She ordered the maids and they slowly and carefully had the poor queen supporting on the board.

"Your highness, when I say to push you have to push." She said but the queen barely had any energy to even respond. "If she continues like this, the child will struggle." The head maid subconsciously responded from the situation, they were facing.

The head maid took a bit of time to come up with something. "Pour water on her highness." She shouted to the maids. All looked at her astound except for the physician's wife.

"But she will catch cold." One of the maids repsponded quickly. "Luke warm water." The physician said to all. The head maid nodded and and took the boiling water that was brought before. Poured it in a tub alog with cold water. She checked the temperature.

"Ready!!" She shrieked excitedly, finding a solution for the problem and poured on the unconscious poor queen. She sat up immediately from the sudden fall of water, fisting the bed sheets, eyes bulging out, mouth wide open and shouting at the top of her lungs.

No one there expected such a reaction from the queen. And then the woman fell back on the bed lifeless. All blinked their eyes, there was an awkward and uncomfortable silence which was broke by baby cries.

The physician pulled the queen's night gown up to find a baby squirming on the bed, blood all around her with the umbilical cord still attached. All the maids gathered with jaws dropped as she took the baby. "It's a girl." She cried out of joy, wiping the baby's blood covered closed eyes.

"Get the sterilized knife." The head maid shouted and one of the ran to the corner and bringing it. The physician carrfully cut the cord and the head maid wrapped the delicate new born baby in a cloth and handed over the maids to wash her.

The physician then turned to the queen, who laid on the bed lifeless. She put her hand in her to dig out the placenta. The miads brought a bowl to dispose it. She washed her hands properly using some herbs to clean her hand out of the germs.

She walked to her side. Not seeing any movement fear crawled in her body. She took the queen's hand to check her pulses. The count was perfect yet weak.

She tapped the queen's cheeks, "My queen." She called out whispering. The queen twitched her eyes, opening them slowly. Her eyes roamed taking in the surrounding, finally falling on the physician.

"Is the baby alive?" Her tired and energyless voice enquired. "Yes, your highness." She nodded to the queen. The queen nodded her head lightly. "Now you can rest." She whsipered and walked to the other maids who were cleaning the baby girl.

She peeked over their shoulders to see the baby. The baby was squirming and making sounds while the maids cleaned her in the luke warm water and now drying her with a cloth.

"The baby seems different from the first born." She remarked recollecting the first baby that the royals had who died right after an hour of the birth.

"What do you mean?" The head maid turned to her. "She has the aura of a warrior." She said turning to face the maid. The head maid gave her a confused look, not able to interpret her saying.

"Done." One of the maid said after tightly drapping the baby in a cloth leading the small being to fall asleep. "Hand her to me." The maid gently hands her over to the physician.

The head maid escorted her. She opened the main door, peeking out to catch a glimpse of everyone.

The king caught the maid. His face was pale and he rushed to her. She opened the door widely, the physician's wife slowly walked out of the room with the sleeping baby in her hand. The king, queen mother and others awaiting for the news were happy.

The expression on the king's face was inexplicable. His eyes softened as he came closer to the baby. She handed over the baby to the king. He took her gently, a tear escaping his eyes, smile spread across his face. He looked over at his mother with the overwhelming happiness. He was proud of his wife and himself. They gave birth to their heir. It was joyous as well emotional moments for him.

"My baby." He said. His eyes shining, lips quivering, his first baby who survived. He had this urge to protect the baby, with the assurance that he will be there for her, he kissed her. He then carefully handed over the baby to his mother who crying her tears, as she looked at the baby. She looked up to her son to show him how many she is. "We have a prince now." She smiled to him and then looked back at the soundly sleeping baby.

"Your highness." The physician's wife caught everyone's attention. All looked at her. She hesitated but decided to face them.

"It's a baby girl." She announced.

All the happiness that everyone present their held drained. Queen Mother looked at the child sleeping child without any expression. But then she smiled.

"She is a girl. So what." She cradled the baby in her arms. "She as well be the princess who can forge kingdoms for alliance by giving her hand for marriage." She smiled to the sleeping baby.

"How is my queen?" The king immediately recollected the mother. Queen Mother looked at the female physician.

"She is resting your highness." He was satisfied. "Let me take her to my room while you help clean the queen." The Queen Mother commanded. They females head back to chamber as the King and Queen Mother retire to her chamber to look after baby.

"We must call the royal astrologer." The king discussed with his mother who agreed with him.



New Book. 😁
Hope you guys love it. It's just the beginning. So don't expect Prince Jungkook to come by chapter 5 or 6. His entrance is needed according to my will.

LOL.  Just Just Kidding(JJK) . He will come but we have to see the queen grow and become powerful so be patient.

So stay tune with my book.😊😊

With Love,

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