CH 2

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According to the tradition, the princess was brought out of her chamber only after 100 days. Both the mother and baby were perfectly healthy.

The King sat on his throne. The king in the middle having the upper status and position in the seating. The queen stood on the left side of the king with her maids holding their princess. The Queen Mother sat on the right side of the king. 

The ministers who stood their waiting to get a glimpse of the princess.

"Your highness." The messenger walked in the throne room. "The astrologer is here." He bowed not bringing his eyes to the king.

"Let him in." He commanded. The messenger ran out to escort him. The king cleared his throat to catch everyone's attention. "Today we are gathered here to know my daughter's and the future princess's destiny." He said with a neutral smile.

All the minister nodded their head with the excitement and joy. Not long when the messenger was accompanied by the astrologer.

He was in his middle age, having  beard and moustache, wearing his noble etiquette.

"Your highness." He dropped on his legs, giving a seated bow.

"Look at my daughter and tell me her destiny." King smiled at the man, who nodded agreeing with a smile.

He took out his astrology books. The began to interrogate. "What time was princess born, your highness?" He asked the queen. "In the midnight of the 15th day of spring season." She answerd.

He noted down. He did a bit of a calculation in his hand and his eyes wandered up to recollect something. All were anxiously looking at the epi centre; the astrologer.

"Your highness!!" He exclaimed with a ferociously smile facing the royal family.

"The princess is born in the year of tiger." He said laughing. Others knew that tiger is big thing but they couldn't interpret what he meant.

"The princess will be as fierce as tiger. Never getting scared, having everything done in her path, never submitting to another power unless she feels to, facing everything with her power, she will act as a tiger more than a tigress." His happiness was bouncing everywhere.

Queen and Queen Mother were happy to hear it. Yet the king had a bit hard time to accept his daughter's fate. He furrowed his eyes to the astrologer. Dissatisfaction and disagreement in those ruling eyes.

"I want you to look into my daughter's destiny again." He repeated to the man. The astrologer agreed and stood up from his seated position on the floor. "May I?" He seeked the king's permission before walking to the baby.

He looked at the baby's palm. He nodded his head after a thorough inspection. Everyone gapped at him. Looking forward to hear that she will marry a big king or emperor.

"Your highness." He stood infront of the highness. "She is destined to rule. She will be your next heir to your throne." He smiled to his Lord. "What?!!!" The king stood up from his seat, shrieking from hearing this news.

The astrologer got scared from King's thunderous voice. "My throne will be inherited by my son." He shouted at him. The entire counsil was pin drop silent which was broken by the cries of his very own daughter. The mother took her in arms and ceased the cries. Queen Mother and Queen were upset to find that the king preferred a son even though his daughter is destined to rule.

"In the history of Baekja dynasty, there has been no female ruler." King roared. Queen Mother deeply sighed at this fortune and her son's behaviour.

"May I read your palm, your highness?" He asked whimpering like a fox. He climbed two steps to read the king's palm.

"Your highness." He decided to speak after reading. He got down from the steps. "You are said to have three daughters and no sons. Your eldest will bring prosperity to you." He spoke.

"What?!" He shouted. "I am never going to have sons." He spoke in utter disbelief. Shock evident on his face.

He wanted a male heir and not a female. His male heir would ascend the throne, rule the kingdom, wage wars, look after their citizens, get married and have grand children. But all that is shattered.

"Your highness, having a daughter to rule signifies that in future the princess shall get married and hand over the kingdom to another king." His senior left minister spoke.

"Yes, your highness." Another supported and slowly every minister raised their voices except for the prime minister, foreign minister and military minister.

All the voices of the ministers rang in the king's ears that annoyed as well as panicked his mind.

"Hold it." He shouted. His eyes bewildered, breathing heavily as he looked at his assembled ministers. "What opine do you hold, minister Hyungwoo?" The King asked his prime minister.

The most trusted one. "I would go along with the coronation of the princess, your highness." He smiled giving a slight bow to the king with his fists joined.

"What do you mean, wise minister?" The king furrowed his eyes not capturing the statement. "Your highness." He smiled as he straightened himself.

"The future queen must be trained like a king. She must have the knowledge of a wise man and as she moves her swords, she must slither like a reptile and fight like a warrior. She must be known through her infamous wars. Her strong gaze must cause shivers in the spines of her enemies." He spoke with every word emphasised and power struck.

"She must be the prominent queen of the Baekja dynasty." He raised his voice. Other ministers concurred with him.

"What about her marriage, your highness?" The junior right minister spoke out to the king. The king looked back at the prime minister who still kept his smile.

"She shall not marry." He gave the answer.

"But how is that possible, minister Hyungwoo?" Queen Mother asked from confusion and horror. "Every girl will have an urge to marry and have children. She is no exception." She asked with a concerned and thought filled mind.

"Your majesty, she will be trained to not give in for any man. The incoming proposals shall be given to the queen's sisters, friends and the noble court females." He said.

"Then who will ascend the throne after her passage?" The Queen asked from realising that they must be scheming a plan install their members on the throne.

"One male out of the children from the queen's sisters must be tied for this reign." He said in a serious tone to the king.

"Seems acceptable." The King agreed with the notion and soon did the council.
But the Queen and Queen Mother pitied on the small being not able to make its decisions.

No woman can make her decisions, it's either their father or brother who make decisions. They are treated as gifts of exchange.

Yet the the baby did not fall in that trap instead her life was already decided by her father and his ministers.


Another chapter. Hope you like it. 😊

Have a great day ahead!!!!

With Love,

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