Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

"Denali!" Obi-wan shouted as he lunged at Zendara, his blue-bladed lightsaber swinging. Zendara's red lightsabers blocked his blue one, clashing. Denali gasped for breath, her hands gently touching the new bruises forming on her neck where Zendara had attempted to strangle her to death.

"I was so close, but then you and your stupid Jedi master stepped in! My master and I's plan was finally being put into motion. We were finally going to get rid of this skum, but then you got in the way!" Zendara shouted and jumped at Obi-Wan again. He dodged her first attack, back-flipping over her blade. But he failed to miss the second. He shouted in pain as the red lightsaber sliced oepn his shoulder, making a deep cut. He fell to his knees, his right hand on his new injury.

He knew he was done for. A thirteen-year-old padawan against a nineteen-year-old sith assasin, the odds weren't exactly in his favor. But then he saw the frightened look on Denali's face as she sat there in her bed, her eyes wide with shock and fear as she tried to stand up and run. He needed her, Denali knew that she needed him if she wanted to survive. He couldn't just sit back and let her die as well.

Zendara chuckled as she looked down at the small, pathetic Jedi youngling that had tried to come to her victim's rescue. She held her lightsabers up above her head, ready to strike down the padawan. Her eyes were red, her pupils the color of crimson. The hate she had developed for the daughter of Master Denaro after all the years they had spent together was bubbling to the surface. The whole time she had faked to care about Denali, the entire time she had pretended to love her like a sister was finally going to pay off.

Zendara was a Sith.

And she was proud of it.

"It looks like I will be disposing you faster than I thought I would, Jedi youngling. Too bad your master isn't here to watch you die as well." she said in a mocking voice as she brought her blades down, plummeting through the air.

"No!" Denali shouted as she stood up on her bed, her palms extended towards Zendara's back. Denali squeezed her eyes shut and felt the Force rush through her, the un-seen power escaping through her hands. Obi-Wan ducked down as Zendara flew right over him, her face slamming against the wall as the rush of power from Denali caused her to smack against the white metal. She landed with a loud FLOP onto the ground, knocked out.

"Nice one." Obi-Wan said with a smirk to Denali as he got to his feet. He bent down to pick up Zendara's two red-bladed lightsabers. But they both zoomed through the air and into Denali's hands. She smirked back at him as she twirled them around in her hands.

"You take care of her, and I'll take care of these." she said as she hopped down from her bed. She landed on her feet, but staggered for a second as she tried to get the blood flowing back to her legs. Spending over a week in bed wasn't a good thing when it came to physical health. She began to fall forward.

"Woah, careful there. We don't want you getting anymore injuries. You've gotten enough for today." Obi-Wan said as he caught her, his hands around her waist. She gave him a thankful smile and tried to hide her blushing cheeks as he helped her stand up straight. Her heart was beating rapidly in her chest, the reason was a mystery to her.

'Relax, girl. You can't start growing attached to him. It's forbidden by the Jedi Order.' she thought to herself as Obi-Wan gave her another smile. She looked at the lightsabers in her hands, trying to draw attention back to the situation at hand and not to her as he stared at her.

"We should probably contact your master and tell him what has happened." she said quickly as she set the two lightsabers on the chair beside her bed. Obi-Wan nodded and quickly tied the Sith's hands together with a piece of rope he had gotten off of his utility belt. Denali sat down on the side of her bed, trying to comprehend it all.

Her dreams had been right, Zendara really was a monster. She had pretended to care about Denali and her brother for all these years. The betrayal felt like a knife to the back as Denali tried to keep herself from crying. She wouldn't cry. She refused to cry infront of Obi-Wan. What would he think of her if he saw her tearing up because someone had tried to kill her?

'Stop caring about what he thinks! He's just a boy, and plus you aren't suppost to care in the first place anyway. Get your head out of the clouds.' Denali thought to herself as she extended her hand and picked up the two Sith lightsabers. They were skinny and light, not very hard to hold. No wonder Zendara had chosen to keep them hidden in her boots, it was the best spot to hide them.

"Obi-Wan, your shoulder..." Denali said as she stood up. Obi-Wan looked at his left shoulder and saw that blood was beginning to soak his white Jedi robes, making the injury look worse than it truly was. Denali stood up and ripped a long strip of cloth off of the hem of her shirt, since there were no cloths or bandages to be found.

"It's not bad, I'll be fine." Obi-Wan said as he finished up tying the rope around Zendara's wrists. She moaned, her eyes began to flutter open. But Denali quickly waved her hand infront of her old friend's face, causing Zendara to fall back asleep.

"Where did you learn all this stuff?" Obi-Wan asked as Denali began to tie the ripped piece of cloth around his bleeding shoulder. She focused on her work.

"I watched your master try to pull that whole 'Jedi Mind-Trick' thingy on Zendy earlier. But it hadn't worked for him, I'm surprised my attempt had succeded." Denali said as she continued to nurse Obi-Wan's wound.

"What what about the Force-Push you did?" he asked her. She shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know. It just came naturally." she told him. Obi-Wan didn't ask any further questions as he watched her hands move, tying the strip of cloth tightly around the upper area of his arm to stop the rapid flow of blood. It was a few mintues before Obi-Wan spoke again.

"You seem like you know what you're doing." he said to her as she began to finish up with his arm. She smirked, not looking at him, as she kept her eyes on her work.

"And you seem like you're enjoying the fact that I'm tending to your injuries." she said. She watched as Obi-Wan's cheeks began to turn red. Just because Obi-Wan couldn't sense her emotions didn't mean that she couldn't sense his.

"What do you mean by 'injuries'? Don't I have only one?" he asked her. She shook her head.

"You've got a nasty cut right above your eye as well." she said. He quickly put his hand on his forehead and she began to giggle.

"I was just kidding." she said with a smirk as she wiped the blood from his arm on her white clothes. Obi-Wan looked at his arm, shocked that she had done such a good job with tending to his wound. Another groan escaped from Zendara's lips and Denali quickly waved her hand again. The Sith was silent once more.

"You are very strong with the Force." Obi-Wan noticed. Denali smirked and rolled her eyes.

"You learn alot when a Jedi Master is in your room, watching you constantly.....waiting to see if you'll die within the next few mintues." Denali said sadly as she looked at the floor. Obi-Wan put his hand on her arm.

"But you're not going to die, you're going to come with us. Remember?" he asked her. She gave him a small smile as she headed towards the door. Obi-Wan noticed that her face had returned to what he assumed was her normal shade of color. It was no longer white, like he had first seen it. He could tell just by looking at her bare arms that her skin was smooth, soft even.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" she suddenly asked, pulling him out of his thoughts. He blinked a few times and shook his head.

"Nothing, no reason." he said quickly. "I'll stay here with the Sith and you can go find a doctor to contact Master Jinn for us-"

"What happened?" Qui-Gon said as he entered the room. Denali smirked at Obi-Wan.

"Well that was easy." she said with a smile.

"Obi-Wan, are you alright?" Qui-Gon quickly asked him as he looked at his padawan's shoulder. "Did one of the nurses come and fix you up?"

"No, Denali helped with my injury after she knocked out Zendara." Obi-Wan said simply. Qui-Gon looked at the sleeping and binded twi'lek in the corner of the room. He scowled and crossed his arms.

"I had a bad feeling about this one from the start." he muttered under his breath as he pulled a transmitter out of his pocket. Denali used the Force and picked up the two red-bladed lightsabers from the chair. She extended them to him.

"Here, Master Jinn. I have a feeling you'll want to look at these." she said as he took them in his hands. He ignited one, careful not to hit Denali or Obi-Wan in the process, then turned the lightsaber off.

"A Sith, just as I feared." he said as he turned on the transmitter. He scanned the lightsabers and the little device beeped in his hands. A blue screen popped up from the transmitter as information based on the lightsabers were listed. Qui-Gon silently read the words, scowling every once and a while.

'What is he reading?' Denali thought.

'I have no idea.' A voice suddenly said back to her within her mind.

'Who is this?' she thought.

'Who do you think?' She looked over at Obi-Wan, who was looking right back at her, a smirk on his face. She glared at him.

'Don't freak me out like that.'

'But where's the fun in that?'

"Children, I think it would be best if we left here as soon as possible. I've contacted the Council on Corosaunt and informed them of the situation. They want to meet Denali as soon as possible." Qui-Gon said as he put his transmitter away. They nodded as he picked up Zendara and followed him out of the room.

'What's the Council like?'

'It's filled with a bunch of the greatest Jedi that have ever lived. And you get to meet them.'

'This just keeps getting better and better.' Denali thought back to Obi-Wan, sarcasm thickly covered her words.

* * * * * * * * * * 

Did any of you think that Zendara would be a sith apprentice?? Let me know if you were surprised or saw it coming in the comments section and don't forget to vote and follow! I love you all! You rock! Thank you so much for reading!!!


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