Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

She stood in the doorway of the waiting room, her heart beating nervously. Obi-Wan stayed inside the hall, not wanting to cause any chaos, but to be there if she needed to be protected in case things went South. She waited, hoping that they wouldn't notice her. She wanted to leave, she didn't want to stay any longer with the people she had assumed were her family. But now they were filth, trash, garbage that hadn't been there for her. Not even Danik was worthy enough to be called her brother any longer.

She took a step forward into the room. Her hands were slightly shaking, but it wasn't a big deal to her. She took another step. The Rancor Slayers were still occupied within their deep conversations. Another step. Still, nothing changed. She cleared her throat, but it was as if she wasn't even there. Obi-Wan watched with anticipation from the doorway.

Denali could feel herself getting angry. She walked over to Danik and tapped his shoulder.

"In a minute." he said as he swatted her hand away. He continued to talk to the Rancor Slayer across from him, who was Zeffan. She huffed, her hands balled up in fists at her sides. She wanted to punch him, to deck him right across his ugly face, maybe even break his nose. She could just imagine the flow of red liquid pouring from the two fat holes in his face that were just above his mouth. But she knew that wasn't the Jedi way. It wouldn't have been right for her to do that and she was aware of that fact.

"Fine, whatever. And by the way, I'll be joining the Jedi on Corosaunt. I may never see you again in your lifetime. So this is good-bye." Denali said. Danik kept talking, as if he hadn't even heard her in the first place. Her anger was starting to get the best of her, so she tried to calm herself down. Instead of causing him physical pain, she gently wrapped her arms around his waist, hugging him for the last time. That caught his attention.

"Denali? What are you doing?" he asked her.

"I'm hugging you before I go off and become a Jedi." she said simply as she let go of his waist. Apparently he hadn't heard her before, because this time he reacted differently.

"What?!" he shouted in shock. Denali nodded, keeping her ground as she felt the anger rising inside of her brother. Obi-Wan put his hand on the hilt of his lightsaber, ready to jump to action if needed as he hid in the hall.

"Yes, Danik. You probably haven't heard, but Zendara was a Sith in disguise. She never loved us, she only let us join the group so she could get to me." Denali told him, letting out all of the facts at once.

"How would you know?" Danik asked, his voice layered in anger. Denali took a step back, shocked by her brother's hateful tone towards her. Everyone in the room was watching them, some people weren't even Rancor Slayers. Gerg stood up from his seat and planted his feet beside Danik.

"Denali, tell me it isn't true. Don't lie to us." Gerg demanded.

"I'm not lying! Why would I lie to you guys?" Denali asked them. Suddenly something happened that Denali would never forget for the rest of her life. Something that would make her weap even many years later every time she would think of her brother. Right after she said those words.....

...Danik punched her right in the jaw.

She fell to the ground, landing hard on her back. She felt the air leave her lungs, her mouth bleeding where Danik had made contact with her face. Obi-Wan quickly raced over to her, standing between her and her crazy brother as if he were a human shield. He put his hands forward, making sure that Danik and Gerg stayed where they were standing and didn't approach the injured girl on the floor.

"Danik....what had you done?" Gerg asked his best friend as he looked over Obi-Wan's shoulder at the strugglng little girl on the ground. She tried to get to her knees, her arms shaking, but she fell back onto the tiled-floor. Gerg tried to step towards her. He wanted to help her, but Obi-Wan quickly put his hand on his shoulder.

"Don't. Touch. Her." he said, his voice sounded scary and threatening. Gerg nodded and stepped back, understanding that he shouldn't get on the Jedi's bad-side. Danik just stood there, glaring at the figure on the floor as the white tiles became stained with red. Obi-Wan quickly turned around, helping Denali to her feet.

"Come on, let's leave. Qui-Gon will know what to do." Obi-Wan said as he slung her arm over his good shoulder, letting her put her weight on him as they walked. Denali looked at him, tears in her eyes. Then she closed them, her head hanging in shame.

"He hurt only true family hurt me..." she muttered beneith her breath. Obi-Wan could feel his heart shattering. Here was a girl who had gotten sick with a life-threatening disease, nearly died in her sleep every night for the past week because her nightmares were so awful, and had been attacked by a sith, nearly strangled to death. Plus, not only had it been a Sith, but one of her best friends non the less. She had been through alot, and had been so strong through all of it, knowing that she still had her brother. But then there Danik goes, hurting her when all she was doing was telling him the truth and bidding him farewell.

Obi-Wan's blood boiled at the thought of that skum-bag physically abusing her like that, right infront of him. He could still hear the sound of her jaw popping as Danik's fist made contact with her cheek. He could feel the hairs in the back of his neck tingled, the sound echoing through his mind. He continued to help her through the halls, towards the hangar of the medical center where their ship was docked.

Denali cried silently the rest of the way there, letting Obi-Wan half-carry her down across the hall. She reached out with the Force, her senses became sharper. She could hear her tears splashing onto the tiles as she walked, she could feel Obi-Wan's heart beat pick up it's pace as the seconds went by, and she could smell the nervous sweat that had begun to settle on her back before she had fought with Danik.

"We're almost there." Obi-Wan tried to reassure her. But her mind wasn't at ease by his words. She could feel her cheek beginning to swell, pain rushing to it once more. She couldn't believe her brother, her Danik, had done that to her. After all those times he had said that they had eachother when no one else cared about them. After all those nights she would cry herself to sleep because she felt so sorry for Danik that he had to put up with her, to raise her.

But now he didn't care. Now he thought she was a liar. Now he had taken the Devil's side over hers.

Now she was alone.

'I'm alone....' she thought to herself.

'No, you're have me. And Master Jinn. You're going to be fine.' She could hear Obi-Wan say to her within her mind. She looked over at him and he gave her a small smile.

'You're going to be an excellent master someday.' She thought to him with a smirk on her face as they entered the hangar. He smirked right back.

'I think that may possibly be the first compliment you've ever paid me.'

'I'm not paying you anything, Kenobi. Just be thankful I didn't say anything to offend you like I usually do.' She thought to him, causing them both to chuckle at that grim moment.

* * * * * * * * * * 

Wow.... What was I thinking when I wrote this chapter? Goodness... Let me know what you thought about Danik and everything that occured between him and his sister. Don't forget to vote and follow if you've enjoyed the series so far!! You guys are awesome!!!!


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