Chapter 4: Assassin leveling up

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((Note: That video will show you how my OC fights. He will use Kali Knife style as his way of fighting. Before you ask, Daggers are knives. Let's do this!))


Khiry & Mordred decided to find a field so they can grind. They walked outside & pass the forest, seeing an open field.

Khiry: Wow.

Mordred: So, do you know how to use that dagger?

Khiry then turns his attentions to Mordred.

Khiry: Honestly, no.

Mordred: Well, you need to know how to & fast.

Before Khiry could said a word, He turn around to find a few enemies coming from the grass in a normal pace. A couple of them came from the grass as Khiry saw strange ballon enemies. Without hesitation, Khiry drew his dagger & stab the ballon, popping it as the result.

Khiry: EXP +2

Mordred: EXP +2

Mordred: Huh. It looks like I can get experience for every enemy he defeated.

Mordred sees how Khiry is fighting & she is impressed. Not only he knows how to use the dagger, but also how to fight with it. She then heard slashes from a sword as she turns her attention to the left, & saw a young boy who has short black hair that falls flat on his head and kind blue eyes previously looking cold and distant. She sees him wielding one of the legendary weapons: The Sword along with a party of adventurers. She sees him pop two balloons fast as she is concern about his sword skills.

Mordred: I wonder....

As Khiry popped the last ballon, he took a sigh of relief that it is over.

Khiry: EXP +2. Level Up! Khiry Level: 2

Mordred: EXP +2. Level Up! Mordred Level: 2

Khiry: Wow, Mordred & I leveled up. This might be easy than I thought.

Mordred then walked towards Khiry.

Mordred: Hey, Khiry.

Khiry: Yeah?

Mordred: Is that guy your friend?

Mordred points to the hero as Khiry looks at him.

Khiry: No. To be honest, I haven't seen him before.

Mordred: Oh, I see. Well, seeing him started using that sword, I just can't let my sword skill be rusty.

Khiry: I thought your sword skill won't get rusty at all.

Mordred: It won't, but I can't wait to face him at his best.

Khiry looks at Mordred filled with confidence as an image of an girl/boy wearing a skirt, white cape, wielding a lance as he/she extended his/her hand to him. He came back to see Mordred staring at him.

((Note: This is his rider outfit. Sure he has a sword, but his saber outfit is a bit more girlish.))

Mordred: Are you ok? You were standing there.

Khiry: I am fine.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Ren Akami

Khiry POV

The sun is start to set as Mordred & I took a break early. I laid down in the grass admiring the great orange sky. I sit up then look at Mordred.

Me: Hey, Mordred. What do you like?

Mordred: What do I like? Does driving count?

I was stunned at the answer she gave me.

Modred: What's with that look? I'm good at driving, you know.

Me: Now, I'm curious on that.

I hold up the scrap from the ballon enemy.

Me: I have lots of these scraps, but it kinda boost my attack power.

Mordred: Yet it doesn't look like it could help much.

Me: True, so what do I do with them?

Mordred: You can sell them anyplace for 1 copper.

Me: How did you know about that?

Mordred: A girl with wavy semi-long crimson hair is talking with a boy that is wearing chain mail & has a Shield on his arm.

Me: EH?! That's Naofumi! My pen pal friend!

Mordred: That guy?

Khiry: Yes! He is big trouble!

I then stand up, but for some reason, I couldn't warn him of the trouble he is going to be in. Mordred then stand up.

Mordred: Why?

Me: That crimson hair whore is going to lie to the king & the other three heroes that Naofumi has tried to do something to her.

Mordred: So, why don't you stop them?

Me: I was given orders by the queen not to interfere. Otherwise, ill be force to be by the Spear hero's side, or worse.

Mordred: I see.

Mordred then slam her fist into her palm, causing her to summon her armor.

Mordred: How about I check it out?

Me: You will?

Mordred: Yep. You can go back to Trifas city & sell the monster scrap.

Me: But where though? Hey, Mordred. Put your helmet back on.

Mordred: Yup.

Mordred makes her suit equip her helmet back on. She then proceed to walk to Melromarc. While that happens, A 1☆ Assassin symbol appeared on my map & it close by trifas city.

Me: An Assassin?

I turn to the direction this 1☆ Assassin is at.

Me: I wonder...

Mordred POV

I started walking into the kingdom of Melromarc as I decided to find his friend. As she was walking, she is about to pass a pub, until she hears a voice. She turns around to the pub, open the door, & peak with her head as she sees Naofumi & Malty.

Mordred(Mind): So that's Naofumi with the princess Khiry claimed. But why would she be out here instead of in her room?

Naofumi then bring out his map.

Naofumi: The meadow we fought in was over here, right?

Crimson hair female: Yes. Tomorrow, we'll be heading to Lafan Village, which lies beyond this map. Past Lafan Village lies a dungeon for rookie adventures.

Naofumi: A dungeon?

Crimson hair female: We won't make much money there, but it's the perfect spot for you to level up.

Naofumi: Oh, I see.

Crimson hair female: Now that I have new equipment, it should be walk in the park with you defending me.

Naofumi: Thanks. Very informative.

Mordred(Mind): My god. I know you got new armor, but what good will it do if he doesn't have high armor?

Crimson hair female: By the way, Sir Hero, aren't you going to drink your wine?

Naofumi: Nah, I'm not into booze.

Crimson hair female: Really? This is pretty good, you know.

She then drink the wine as the temptation of her performing a seductive move on Naofumi that made me be disgusted.

Crimson hair female: I'd love to drink with you.

She then slide her glass to clink his, causing to blush, but he did snap out of it.

Naofumi:S-Sorry. I really don't like it.

Crimson hair female: Is that so? That's too bad. That's a hero for you, I suppose.

Naofumi: What do you mean?

Crimson hair female: This country is a matriarchy. No man would ever turn down a drink offered by a woman.

Naofumi: Really? I'm not very good at picking up on this stuff.

Crimson hair female: Don't worry about it.

Naofumi: I'm glad we got to discuss our plans moving forward. I'd like to turn in early tonight.Is that okay?

Crimson hair female: Of course. I'll head up after I drink some more... Although I feel so lonely drinking alone.

Naofumi: H-Hey, Myne? Thanks for joining me, a shield hero who can't fight at all. I turned you down tonight, but I'll make it up to you someday.

Myne then smiled at Naofumi.

Myne: It's totally fine. Good night, Sir Hero.

Naofumi: Night.

Naofumi then head upstairs. I then close the door & completely felt some type of sympathy of Naofumi. I decided to head back to Trifas city & tell Khiry what I saw.

Khiry POV

I have been walking about 2 hours to find this Assassin location. During my time going through the forest, I then came across a flight of stairs. I then sweatdrop to see those stairs. I then climb the first flight of stairs. As I climb the second, I look at the map & saw the Assassin is right on top of me. I saw no one in front of me. I look to my left & see a Japanese swordman standing there with his eyes close. As I stared at him, I have noticed the Assassin symbol & it made me realize that he is the Assassin.

Me: 1☆ Assassin...

The man open his eyes & look at me.

Me: Sasaki Kojirō.


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