Chapter 5: Assassin fight/trap

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((Note: I have this idea that would kill two birds with one stone, facing Sasaki & meeting Astoflo. I hope this works. Anyway, let's do this!))


Khiry is standing face to face with Sasaki as the samurai, who mastered the Ganryu-style at a young age, is smiling.

Khiry: Are you... Saski Kojirō?

Sasaki: Yes. Yes, I am. So, you're the new Assassin.

Khiry: Yes. 

Sasaki: Alright. How about a fight?

Khiry: Eh? A fight?

Sasaki then gets in his stance as Khiry look at him.

Khiry(Mind): Can I beat him?

Khiry then charged as they both clash. Sasaki slashes him, but he blocked the attack. Sasaki tried again, only for Khiry to dodged & backed away. Sasaki smiled.

Khiry(Mind): Unbelievable. We're even in power & speed. I need to break his defense then.

Khiry equipped his second dagger, Eros, & charged at the nameless samurai as they blocked each other's attack. Sasaki jumps & tried to attack, but Khiry clashes their attacks, causing a sound to hear by an individual in the forest. They then back away as Khiry is catching his breath.

Sasaki: Oh, well done. I should have taken your head seven times, & yet it remains attached. What is the fighting style you are using?

Khiry: I wish I knew. However, I will applaud you. Your Ganryu-style is impressive. Although, it is trickery.

Sasaki: Of course. Neither has the edge in both strength & spirit. That leaves me only my wiles to beat you. I need to adjust to your martial arts. However, that simply won't do.

Khiry: Why?

Sasaki: I may be a servant just like you, but I have devoted my life to the sword. If I cannot convince you to your all for this fight. 

Khiry: How are you planning on doing that?

Sasaki then gets back into his stance.

Sasaki: Secret Technique:

Khiry was slashed three times only for it to be a mirage of the attack, causing Khiry to froze up.

Khiry(Mind): What the...

Three attacks were heading towards Khiry & out of instinct, he jumps out of the way & land on the blade carefully. Both of them look at each other, surprised at the feat of dodging Sasaki's own Noble Phantasm.

((Note Sasaki's Noble Phantasm is called Swallow Reversal Tsubame Gaeshi.))

Sasaki: You dodge it.

Khiry jump off of his blade as he put it back in the scabbard.

Khiry: I acted out of instinct.

Sasaki: What causes you to react like that?

I then thought about the reason as the memories of Naofumi.

Khiry: My friend, Naofumi. He will be in trouble. That's why...

Khiry pulls out my dagger & show it to him.

Khiry: As the new Assassin Hero, I vow to get stronger & hurt those who have wrong him.

Sasaki then smiled at the words. The second Khiry smiled, his dagger actually scans Sasaki Kojirō. This surprised both of them as they stared at the back jewel. A notification popped up on Khiry's screen. "1/35 Assassin Servant Collected."

Khiry: "1 out of 35 Assassin Servant Collected?"

Khiry then sees the Assassin tab to see Sasaki Kojirō & under it is two bars: Ascension bar & NP bar.

Khiry: "Ascension bar?" "NP bar?" What are those?

((Note: Now we got that out of the way, let's continue.))

Sasaki: Ascension bar is considering an expansion on the level of the other servants. The more you fight either as yourself or others, the easier to reach the max level for us. As for the other bar, that is called "Noble Phantasm." It is considered a powerful move.

Khiry: Like... an Ultimate move?

Sasaki: Yes. Every servant has one Noble Phantasm. The one I did was my Noble Phantasm.

Khiry: Cool.

Khiry then see a message: Beating &/or Scanning other servants can grant you a boost in experience. 1star = 5x, 2star = 10x, 3star =15x, 4star = 20x, 5star = 25x.

Level Up! Khiry Level: 5

Level Up! Mordred Level: 5

Upgrade Passive Skill. Presence Concealment: D. This allows you to go undetected while spying or ambush a target. The time required: 35 minutes for no fighting.

New Active Skill. Eye of the Mind (False). Grants you one automatic Evasion.

Khiry: "Active Skill," huh?

Sasaki: Right. You will earn a set of Active Skills throughout the Ascensions. However, there is a problem.

Khiry: You mean I can't use more than one skill?

Sasaki: Not that. If you have more than one servant who maxed out the Ascension, all their skills will be unlocked, but the placement stays the same.

Unlocking Skills will let him use them. However, the skills will stay in their respective category.

Khiry: Oh.

Congratulation. You have unlocked your Noble Phantasm. Congratulation, You can customize your Noble Phantasm.

Khiry: Customize?!

Khiry gasped with excitement.

Sasaki: I see you have discovered your Noble Phantasm.

Khiry: Sweet. 

Sasaki: Well, that is all I can teach you?

Khiry: You were training me this whole time?!

Sasaki: It work, didn't it?

Khiry: .....I see. Thank you for your time.

Sasaki: No problem. Now go. Get stronger, & save your friend.

Khiry: Yes!

Khiry then ran down the step as Sasaki looked at him & smiled. After that he ran through the forest, he went through the bushes, only to bump in someone, causing the clash to break as they both fall back.

Khiry: Sorry.

Khiry started to get up at the same time the person gets up. As both of them stands up, they then look at each other & gasp, then point at each other. Khiry sees the same pink-haired girl from his vision.

Khiry & Pink haired girl: You!

Pink haired girl: You're that guy I saw in a dream.

Khiry: Huh?

Khiry(Mind): Did she dream that too?

Pink haired girl: Hey, you & I are on the same right?

Khiry: Uh...

Pink haired girl: So like, you know! Knowing each other's real names would make things smoother!

Khiry: Uh, ok.

Astolfo: Right, I'll go first! Name's Astolfo. I'm one of Charlemagne's paladins. Now I'm a Rider-class. A pleasure to meet you.

Khiry then pictures the actual Astolfo from his history book.

Khiry: Oh.

While Astolfo is talking to Khiry, Something big started to slither to him.

Khiry: My name is Khiry. I'm a new servant. My class is on Assassin.

Astolfo: Assassin, huh? You look young. Hey, can I be your partner?

Khiry: Huh? Uh...

Astolfo: Seeing that you & I appeared in a dream, it is destined that-- Huh?

Astolfo stopped talking, causing Khiry to look over his own shoulder to see a huge king cobra over their head. As it started to open his mouth, Khiry & Astolfo moved out the way as the cobra tried to bite them, but missed & pull a huge log. The snake went back up & squeezed the log enough to break into pieces. 

Khiry & Astolfo: Ahhhhhh!

Khiry & Astolfo was holding each other as The cobra opens his mouth to drop the pieces.

Astolfo: Oh, boy... Let those afar off listen; those who are near can see. I am--

Khiry tackles Astolfo to the ground as the cobra tries to eat him.

Khiry: Are you crazy?! You shouldn't give snakes ANY opportunity to strike, even the smallest window open...

Astolfo tackles Khiry this time, causing the cobra to miss again.

Khiry: Like that.

Astolfo: I see.

Astolfo got up off of Khiry & summon his lance from thin air as Khiry look at his lance & recognize it.

Khiry: That lance...

Astolfo: If that's what you want, that's what you'll get. Trap of Argalia!

Astolfo & the cobra strike each other, only for Astolfo to be faster than the cobra as the cobra's bottom, along with his stomach are gone as he then smirks, leaving Khiry astounded with no words. The cobra lay their dead.

Khiry: Woah...

Astolfo: You see, this lance returns what it strikes to its spiritual form. Awesome, huh?

Khiry then sees the potential in Astolfo & decided to add him to his team.


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