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Peril spun in one spot, arms spread wide, eyes closed.

She breathed deeply, letting the wind blow through her hair and smelling the salty air.

"Are you ready to go?" Peril's heart skipped a beat and she opened her eyes, smiling as Clay rode up to her on a large mare, leading another horse by the reins.

"Oh yes!" peril said, seating herself with the ease and grace of one who had been riding for years. She felt alive and full of confidence, here, with Clay, on the back of a horse, in the wilderness. This was where she was men't to be.

"Where are we headed to?" Peril asked excitedly.

"Well, I thought we could ride into the more forested area, then to the ocean and . . . eat?"

"Sounds great!" Peril said.

"Race you?" she asked

"Er . . ."

"Come on!"

When she was little and feeling rebellious, she would sneak away from her room and steal one of Scarlet's horses, then she would ride bare back, hair long a free, through the meadows, pretending she was a Celtic warrior woman. Of course, when she got back, Scarlet would throw a fit and soon another scar would adorn Peril's skin.

But now, she was free of Scarlet, she was free to ride when she liked, and she was with Clay.

That, was how she hoped it to be like forever.

"What took you so long?" Peril asked, laughing as Clay galloped up to her, his horse panting.

They both dismounted and Peril rubbed her hand through Clay's horses mane.

"I didn't know you were so good with horses" Clay said with a smile. Peril beamed.

"Well I come from a tribe of Celtic horse people, so I guess it's in my blood. You aren't bad yourself you know"

They smiled at each other for a few moments more, Then Clay said;

"Well, do you want to eat?"

"Yes" Peril blushed, suddenly shy.

Clay reached into his saddle bag and pulled out a large lumpy cloth, in which peril soon discovered, was their food.

They laid it all out on the beach, Clay's smile growing big and happy.

They talked quietly, laughing and eating salmon, bread, cheese, oysters and pineapple.

"This is nice" Peril said, after they had fallen silent.

"Yes," Clay smiled at her warmly.

He took her hand.

"I am so glad you are one of my friends Peril" He said.

"Oh" Peril said, her heart sinking.

Clay didn't seem to realize her sadness. He used his knife to slice off another piece of cheese, placed it on a slice of bread, and bit into it happily.

Oh Clay. Peril thought sadly.

Will I always just be your friend?

 Clay, why don't you love ME?

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