In The Dark Of Night

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Deathbringer was stressed.

Of course, everyone thinks; So what? You are guarding a soon to be Queen, stress is part of the job.

For some people that might be the case, but not for him. Guarding her was just second nature, it took no effort on his part. No, he wasn't stressed because of his job, he was stressed because he could feel that something bad was going to happen, and he didn't know what that was, nor how to stop it.

His feet took him to her room, the last place he aught to be, decency considered, yet the place he felt he should be. If he was with her no harm would come to her.

Quietly, he opened the door and slipped inside.

He walked over where she lay, swathed in sheets, eyes closed, lipss lightly parted, a few tendrils of sandy hair curling against her cheek.

He watched her. Just watched her, didn't move, didn't speak, he just watched her.

She shifted slightly, throwing her head to the side, a frown creasing her forehead. The blankets slipped down to rest unevenly at her waist. Carefully, he pulled them back up, tucking a stay strand of hair behind her ear as he did so.

As his fingers brushed her cheek, the frown disappeared, and she smiled, the kind of smile she only smiled when deeply asleep.

He moved back, stepping out on to her balcony and leaning against the railing, staring out at the ocean.


Deathbringer straitened, alert, turning around and peering back into Glory's room.

Her door was opening.

He tensed.

A shadowy figure slipped inside.

They crept up to her bed and knelt down.

Deathbringer slipped a long silver knife out of his sleeve.

The figure began to speak, chanting in a low voice.

"Saktha torak l'thar, genna dihivarana. Saktha torak l'thar, genna dihivarana"

A glowing light appeared, silvery, strange.


Deathbringer shook his head. How could it be? Witch craft was banned.

But there is no doubting what I saw. That was sorcery. Dark magic. A curse.

Swiftly and silently, he slid across the room.

It was over before you could blink.

The mysterious Sorcerer lay unconscious at Deathbringers feet.

Now, Deathbringer thought, with a spark of glee.

Now I shall question you. No one messes with Glory and gets away with it.

He cracked his knuckles.

This was going to be painful, and fun.

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