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it had been a few weeks since the avengers had come to SHIELD headquarters and witnessed the two agents preform. peter and michelle had been training non-stop for their next mission- take out the vulture, or better known as adrian toomes.

the two teenagers had taken an extensive training course for this mission, run by agent maria hill herself. the entirety of the course was her marveling at the two's talents.

it was now the day for the start of the mission, and peter was in his private quarters, getting changed into appropriate clothing. he pulled on a pair of thin yet heat conserving black pants, black combat boots, a black dry-fit long sleeve shirt, a black utility vest and finally his mask. he hid multiple weapons hidden across his body in plain sight.

once he was fully dressed and ready, peter exited his room to head to the canteen where he and michelle would eat their last real meal for a while. he saw her waiting outside the double doors dressed in almost identical clothing to his.

"ready, parker?" she teased as he neared her. peter rolled his brown doe eyes before chucking.

"let's eat. i'm fucking starving," he replied. michelle nodded and the two pushed open the doors, making the room fall silent like always does. but this time it was different. murmurs of gossip floated around as everyone knew these two agents were heading out on a mission.

peter and michelle collected their food, sitting down at their designated table. peter slipped his mask off but kept his head down so no one could actually see him. eating their meals quickly, the two agents shared small talk about their upcoming mission, but mostly remained silent.

suddenly, an alarm went off in the canteen, three loud beeps and two flashes of green. fury's voice came through the loud speaker, slightly frightening everyone.

"good morning, agents. will everyone please report to the send off platform to give a rightful send-away to agent x and agent jones." once fury finished his message, static played for a brief second before going silent. peter slipped his mask  on, swinging his legs over the side of the bench. 

him and michelle quickly stood and walked out of the canteen, setting their trays on the designated rack before stepping out the doors. they walked side by side down the long hallway, taking appropriate turns and walking up staircases. 

before the duo knew it, they were on the send-off pad, a helicopter hovering above them. they stood in the center as their fellow agents and coworkers filed around to wish them good luck. fury stood tall fifty feet away, a microphone in hand.

"let's all give a warm send off to these two agents, that they will have safe travels and make it out with merely a scratch. good luck, agents, and goodbye."

peter and michelle nodded to each other before grabbing onto the rope dangling from the helicopter, pulling themselves into the hovering air craft. as they went farther and farther from SHIELD headquarters, the outside of the helicopter turned reflexive, making it appear as though they were in a cloud.

the two agents relaxed back into the seats, knowing the whatever they were instore with was going to be hell.

um... i'm sorry? I kinda forgot about this chapter oOps

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