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trigger warning: cannibalism and mention of rape and of attempted rape

peter and michelle sat in a dark room, hands bound by rope to old, rickety wooden chairs. their feet were kept in place by small metal arches that were impacted into the floor boards. a dim and flickering light bulb was the only source of lighting they had, but it was enough.

"we always end up like this, don't we?" peter chuckled, leaning his head back. his fingers tapped against themselves, for that was the only entertainment.

michelle shook her head. "it's what we do best. now where is he damn scumbag that put us in these ropes?" she replied.

as if on cue, the door swung open, revealing a large flash of light before it disappeared, leaving them alone in the dimness once more. heavy footsteps neared them and soon a face was emitted from the darkness.

the man had crooked, yellow teeth, a white scraggly-looking beard that appeared to have not been kempt in years, and large, bloodshot eyes. he wore blue overalls over a dirty white t-shirt and big brown shoes that looked too big for his feet.

he sneered down at the two teenage agents with a wicked smile.

"looky what we have here! fresh meat for me to feast on," he laughed manically, throwing his head back. michelle glared at him.

"what are you going to do to us?" she asked, trying to sound as innocent as possible. the man raised a finger, dragging it down her face.

"first, i'm going to cut you up into little pieces. then, i'm going to slow-roast you over a fire, charring your flesh and muscle to a perfect degree before serving you to my family, them believing its fancy chicken." he replied, voice raspy from talking so much. 

peter actually felt the tiniest bit scared. after all, he didn't do well in hostage situations after... well- you know. so, michelle usually had to take over the bigger parts of a hostage mission, usually doing all the speaking. 

"we'll do anything, please!" she mock-pleaded, forcing fake tears to cloud her eyes. peter followed suit, a single teardrop rolling down his pale face, splattering on his clothes. while michelle begged the man to let them go, peter squinted his eyes and tried to locate their belongings.

after a few seconds he finally saw them, heaped into a pile, hid mask placed on top. peter mentally cursed; he didn't have his mask on!

"but before i cut you all up, the boy looks quite pretty," the man said, drawing all attention back to him. he stalked over and undid the ropes on peter's arms and unclasped his feet, dragging him out of the chair. michelle looked on in horror as her best friend was being manhandled by this creep.

"stop!" she begged, pulling on her restraints. she didn't pull too hard, knowing her super-strength would snap them like a twig. but if he even started doing things to peter, she sure as hell would break out and beat his ass.

surprisingly, peter struggled against the man's strength, even though he could easily defeat him in a second. but when his eyes rolled back into his head and he fell limp, well... lets just say michelle smashed the chair on top of the man's head, knocking him out cold.


a nine year old peter sat in his bedroom at the orphanage, playing with the new toy trains he got for his birthday last week. there was a soft knock on the door , followed by a creak of the hard wood being pushed open against its hinges. peter looked up to see his best friend, malcolm (who was thirteen at the time) coming in, a smile on his tanned face.

"hey, petey-boy," he said happily, plopping down on the twin bed. peter grinned up at his friend.

"hi malcom! wanna play trains?"  he asked hopefully. malcolm grunted.

"i'd love to, but how about we do something else?" he suggested. peter tilted his head to the side.

"like what?" he asked, his innocence shining through. malcolm smiled.

"it's called: try and be the quietest while we have fun! to demonstrate, you get on the bed on your hands and knees," he said with a smirk. peter, being the young boy he was, was quick to comply, excited for this new game. "now, i'm gonna take off your clothes and i'll take off mine, okay?"

-flashback over-

when peter came too, he was outside, laid on the grass in a field. he sat up with a groan, looking around, he noticed michelle sitting next to him, head rested on her knees.

"m-michelle?" he choked out, voice hoarse. michelle immediately shot up, wide awake.

"god, peter!" she gasped, putting a hand to his forehead. "you scared me to death!" peter frowned.

"i'm sorry..." he mumbled, looking over at the setting sun. "it just brought back memories-"

"it's okay, i'm not mad... 'was able to take him down and tied him up. SHIELD should be arriving any minute. now, go back to sleep. you need to rest."

peter blinked slowly and nodded, laying his had in michelle's lap.

and soon, he was out like a light.

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