Battlefield|Raku Ichijou x (Thanatophobia!) Reader

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(The fear of death or talking about death.)

Raku's POV
(Y/n). Ever since I started dating them, my life's been a lot different.
Me and Chitoge accepted that we'd never become lovers, and just leave it at being friends. Same with Onodera, Tsugumi, and Marika.
I'm not saying dating (Y/n) is bad! I mean, they're beautiful, their voice sounds like the ocean, calling out to me...they're just so amazing!
But...unfortunately, dating does come with hardships. They have Thanatophobia, which makes things kinda hard.
Especially since the Shūei clan, my clan, are Yakuza.
We have to deal with death all the time...and having a significant other who's afraid of death...its just my luck after all.
But when they get scared...I get scared. Their skin turns white as a sheet, they get really stiff, and their once shining (e/c) eyes, get dark, and heavy.
Even if I, or someone from the clan mentions something about it, they freeze.
That's when I have to take them to the spot where we met, sit them down, and pet their head...saying everything's ok...

Yeeeeeaaaaa I got over writers was really short, which was faaaantastic~ so that's great. I just kinda got over it by playing fire emblem fates for 3 days straight. But, unfortunately, I'm gonna be SUPER busy with marching band, so that's dumb. But I'll try to make stories as best and fast as I can!~)

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