Sacrifice|Mami Tomoe x (Female) Reader

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"(Y/n)! There's a witch nearby!" Your best friend and "partner in crime", Mami yelled to you.
"Got it Mami!" You summoned your battle uniform, (//I don't really know what to call it.) and your weapon.
"Did you find out where it was?" You ran over to her.
"Near this abandoned building." She pointed.
"Right. Where's Sayaka and Madoka?" You looked around for the new recruits.
"I told them to stay back. I mean, they're still not sure if they want to be magical girls yet. I don't want them to get hurt." She beamed with pride.
You kissed her cheek. "You're such a good role model. No wonder they asked you what their wishes should be."
Her cheeks turned bright pink.
"Aw!~ You look so adorable when you're flustered!" This time, you were the one who was beaming.
"A-Alright (Y/n). No time for funny business," she wagged her pointer finger while covering her face with her other hand. "We have to go fight that witch."
"But what about after we fight the witch?~ Hm?~" You smirked.
"*sigh* We'll see...~" Her cheeks were painted pink once more.
~Time skip~
"You ready?" She asked.
"'Never been more ready in my life!" You responded.
"Ok," she pulled out her white and gold rifle.
"Trio Finale!~"
She killed the witch and got the grief seed.
"Another days work..." she sighed.
"And what about it, hm?~ We killed the witch, after all..." You signaled to her.
"More like I killed the witch. You just flew around staring at me, trying to make me feel flustered." She huffed.
"Aw...c'mon Mami...cheer up. You know you love me..." Winking, you nudged her with your elbow and made kissy noises.
While she stood there, angry, and flustered, Mami noticed the hissing behind you.
A wave of shock and anxiety hit her as another witch was headed straight for you. She didn't like her actions to be reckless, but this was for you, so she had to take the chance.
Your POV
"(Y/n)! Move!" Mami screamed. Feeling a sharp pain in your hip caused by Mami, you staggered backwards.
"A-Ah...! Mami! What the hell-!" Your face immediately turned white as a sheet.
S-She...sacrificed herself for me...
You fell to your knees. "M...Mami...Why..." Tears started gushing out of your eyes. You picked up her head. Brushing her golden locks, swirling your pointer finger through her curls, and looking into her once beautiful, shining, full of life eyes.
Why? Why did she do this for you?
You were so heartbroken that you didn't even care about the blood dripping onto your clothes.
~Time skip~
"(Y/n), don't!" Sayaka screamed.
"You have so much to live for!" Kyoko shouted.
Your soul gem turned black.
"DO YOU HONESTLY THINK," you hollered, and rose in size, "THAT MAMI DIDN'T HAVE ANYTHING TO LIVE FOR?!" You attacked your group.
"That's not what we're saying (Y/n)!" Homura said.
"(Y/n)..." Madoka whispered.
That's what got you. Madoka was the closest to you, excluding Mami.
Madoka walked up to you.
"Madoka, no!" Homura tried to grab her hand, but she forcefully refused.
"I want to help her." She stared intently at the group of girls. "After all, she's my best friend!" She beamed. Then she looked at you.
She started talking about Mami. "This isn't what she would've wanted, (Y/n). She would've wanted you to have a happy life without her, always thinking of her when there were hard times to go through. She didn't want you to mourn over her death, but be happy she's in a better place. Do you understand, (Y/n)?"
Her death finally got to you. After she died, you didn't mention her death, didn't mourn, or do anything for that matter. You just kept it all inside.
Tears started rushing out again, like she had just gotten killed again right before your eyes.
"It's ok, (Y/n). Let it all out." Madoka whispered.
You poofed from your witch form and fell, unconsciously, from where your witch form once stood.
Homura, flew up and caught you, so you wouldn't get hurt. She brought her down to Madoka, Sayaka, and Kyoko.
"She'll be in a coma for a while, but, other than that, she'll be fine." Homura said.
"Aw. Poor girl," Kyoko said. "She's unconscious, but she's crying."
"Mami's death must've hit her hard." Sayaka looked at you.
" did." Madoka brushed her finger against your cheek. "But, like Homura said, she'll be fine." She looked at Homura, Sayaka, and Kyoko again. "She has us after all!~"

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