Break-up|Maki Harukawa X (Student!) Reader

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(this is gonna be extremely ooc. Just because I don't really know what kind of person Maki is yet.)

Walking to your next class, on the other side of the school, you thought about what just happened. Sure, it happened about 5 minutes ago, but you were still stunned about it.
'"Why, (Y/n)? Why did you lie to me?" Your girlfriend, Maki Harukawa, looked at you with angry eyes. You told her you "went out to eat with a friend", were! She didn't believe you! "M-Maki, hold on-" She cut you off by slamming her locker. "Don't try and make up any excuses, (Y/n)! Kaede told me you were eating dinner with Angie!"
Angie. Right. You tried to explain to her that Angie had to talk about what happened in art that last week, because she was on vacation. And she figured, why not take you to dinner while your at it? So she did. Damn Akamatsu must've overheard us talking about dinner, and decided to tell Maki. But it was just a harmless dinner! "Maki! All we talked about was what happened in art last week! Nothing happened!" You pleaded to her. "(Y/n)..." she sighed, pausing mid-sentence. Then staring at you with intense eyes, she said,
"(Y/n). We're through." She turned away from you and walked off to her next class."
Damn. That hurt. Realizing you had two minutes to get to the other side of the school, you started to run. (SONIC FAST)
You sighed, sitting down in your seat right before the tardy bell rang. "Hi, (Y/n)!" Angie beamed at you. "How are you today?" She had a smug smile on her face. "How are you and Maki~?" She smirked and laughed. It's almost like she knew what just happened. "You know what Angie?" You got up and glared at her. "You knew didn't you? You wanted me and Maki to break up, didn't you?" You had the most bitter look in your eyes. Her on the other hand, had the most heartbroken, accused, depressed look in hers. She looked around at the class who was, of course, staring at the two of you.
"(Y/n), Angie swears, she didn't know what happened with you and Maki! Please, don't be mad...Angie's sorry if she messed everything up..." She looked to the ground. Her once smiling face turned into a dull, depressed one. "A-Angie...I'm sorry for lashing out at you. It's just...remember that one time you took me out to dinner, and we discussed what happened while you were gone?" She answered with a quiet, "Yeah." Damn. It took a lot to make Angie frown. Apparently it was something you could accomplish though. You coughed. "W-Well, Akamatsu saw us at dinner and thought I was cheating on Maki with you, and that I didn't love her anymore."
"And then she broke up with me."

W-Wellllll, that's kind of angst-y?? I don't know. I can't really write proper, grade A angst. (Or proper stories DAMN) but this is to celebrate the soon-to-be release of New Dangan Ronpa V3 in Japan. (It comes out January 12th) But, I'm not gonna go all the fuckin way to Japan to get a game that I can wait a few months for. Anywho, I'm SO excited aaaaaaaa
Also, if you're into Dangan Ronpa, comment your favorite Dangan Ronpa V3 character below! (Mine's Rantarou Amami *double winks*)

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