Mistakes|Umi Sonoda x Reader

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     Leaving the store you just came out of, you opened the door and started your car. You buckled your seatbelt, turn on the radio, and turned on the heaters. It was 21 degrees outside and you'd be insane not to have that damn heater on.
     Suddenly, just as you were pulling out of the parking spot, a girl with dark blue hair and orange eyes opened your door and sat in the passenger's seat.
     "Hi! It's been forever since I've seen you!" The girl smiled at you, acting as if you were old friends.
     "Who are you...?" You asked the girl, who seemed to have a better memory than you.
     "Hey! Hey! Remember this?" She stuck out her tongue and rolled her eyes. Was she insulting you? What did you ever do to her?
     "Sorry," you said, "Did we meet? Were we friends?" You tried to ask with the least bitchy tone possible. You didn't want to sound like a brat to a girl you've never met. She might be crazy anyways.
     "You don't remember me?" She asked. That must've really upset her. Then her expression suddenly changed. "Wait." She stared at you.
             "You are (random name), right...?"
     You weren't (random name), you were (Y/n)! And you were going to tell her without upsetting her. You weren't that type of person.
     "No." You said with a straight face. "I'm (Y/n)." As soon as you said your name, her face turned the brightest shade of red.
     "I-I-I'm so s-sorry! I-I'll leave n-now...!" She opened the door and started to leave the car.
     "Wait!" You said, startling her and yourself. "You shouldn't remember this as a mistake...remember it as a...fateful meeting..." You looked around and found a box of tissues on the ground. Taking the pen out of your pocket, you wrote your number on the paper and gave it to the girl.
      "You should call me sometime. Maybe we could hang out." You smiled sweetly. The girl had a stronger shade of red on her face. Way stronger than when she accidentally got into your car...but for a different reason.
                She was already in love with you.

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