File 01: Renewal

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Renewal - An instance of resuming an activity or state after an interruption.

Logan's point of view.

Date: October 5, 2080

Location: District 0, Zone 09 - Lower Level.

Time: Night.

After I get through my door to my living space, I quickly check to see if I was followed. To my best interest, I don't think I was. Giving a sigh of relief I close the door and use anything to lock my door quickly. I turn on the lights and decide to sit down in my chair. I throw my satchel onto the table and go to get something to drink from my fridge. Well... If I can call it a fridge anyway... It was a piece of junk I built together with a cooling unit to help keep drinks and stuff cold while I was away. Helps take the stress off when needing to cool down after intense chases like what I had tonight.

Logan: Haaaaaa~ Nothing beats a cold drink sponsored by some person in a dog suit!

Crushing the can I held, I crushed it and tossed it over my shoulder to have it go through a garbage can with a hoop on it. It had a scoreboard with a combo streak on it.

Scoreboard: Perfect shot! Your score now is: 300! NEW RECORD!

Logan: Huh, must be my lucky number tonight.

I hit a few buttons to bring up the lights in my living space so that I can see a little better. When going to the window, I could see a good view of Zone 09 from where I lived at. Even when everything looks like junk, I created my own living space all by myself. For me, my name is Logan Young. I'm a man who has been living in this hell on Earth since I was born. Or should I say hell on Ark since mankind has changed since what I know. As far as I know, I was raised by good people in Zone 09. Even though most tend to be out for themselves most of the time. But in a dire world like this, sometimes people must come together if they wish to survive.

Logan: Okay... Let's see what I was able to scavenge from those Neuron goofs. That shipment looked really important. They really tried to stop me if they didn't want this in the wrong hands. Hopefully I can crack... Whatever they have.

Getting a pair of supplies, I set them down on the table and open my black satchel. I remove my scarf, coat and hat so that I can focus better. Since I didn't have a thing to tie up my hair, it was only for my hat that kept the hair from going past my shoulders. My hat was red and white with a title to some game in the past as it must've been a series.

(A/n): Fun fact: As to the date, on March 5, 2020. I had gotten this hat as a gift from my parents. First time I ever wanted a baseball cap.

I had some beard forming on my face, but hardly noticeable. For my skin, it was white while my eyes had a green color to them. When opening my bag, I pull out two boxes with impressive gear marked IMPORTANT on them as I had seen before I got caught.

Logan: Okay, come the riches to the spoils. Time to open up and see what I got.

Getting my supplies out, I unrolled them to reveal that it was a set of equipment meant to break into various things. I learned a thing or two when growing up and breaking into places I'm not supposed to, but had to make a living somehow on staying alive. I began focusing on the boxes presented to me on how to crack these things open. Both take some time in trying to crack them as someone REALLY didn't want this stuff getting into the wrong hands.

Logan: Jeez, what could be so important that-

Just when I was about to say something, I was able to finally crack the security that one of the boxes held.

Logan: Well, I get to see now at least.

When opening the box, I could see a type of device that was in it. It looked like a gauntlet with a type of device that could connect to it.

The device had a complex look to it as it was expected of Neuron to have the best equipment in this time in history. I get some scanners to see what it's made up of and what it can do. When I get the data, I seem to be able to link up my data and configuration to it. Deciding to do that later, when trying the same method on the other box to open it, I was able to crack it faster due to how the boxes were the same. In it was a device called: IRIS. On the instructions, it read: Integrated Reality Imaging System. It was a type of device that seemed to augment my vision to view the world from a different perspective. Such as looking in video data, tracking trails, reconstructing scenes. The many ideas were infinite on this type of gear. Since the IRIS was an easy method to put on right away, I popped them in so that I can get used to the feeling.

Logan: Now... Let's try it out...

When activating IRIS, the area sent a pulse like field around me as some people popped up past walls as if I could see them. When switching them off, the field went down and the room was back to normal.

Logan: Huh. Talk about the easiest way of becoming Superman. Though Superman couldn't see video data and could actually see into the next room...

I then turned towards the other device that has caught my attention the most. I couldn't see why those officers wanted this kept in their possession as much as possible.

Logan: Well, the only way I'm going to ever learn what this is, I'm gonna have to follow every instruction as I can follow.

I looked to see what time it was as it was getting close to midnight.

Logan: I still have energy. Let's see what this puppy can do tonight.

I begin working on trying to set up the device to my specific parameters. It was hard trying to calibrate the device with what I could manage, but in the end, I was able to calibrate the necessary information it needed.

Logan: Okay... *yawns* Now all that's left is to test this thing out...

Just before I could I could try it out, a knock could be heard by my door, making me wonder who it was.

Logan: Now who's at my door at this time?

I put the device down and headed to the door. The knocking became persistent as it was louder this time.

Logan: I'm coming. I'm coming!

I began taking only a couple locks off my door and left some of them on.

Logan: Yeah, what do you- Huh?

When I opened the door, I found that there were three officers at my door as they didn't seem to be happy about something. But what was different, was that they had a gauntlet with a device on their left arms. Just like the one I had on the table.

Logan: Um... May I help you...?

Officer 1: We're wondering if you saw anyone suspicious around here?

Logan: Um... By suspicious? What do you mean? And what would this, SUSPICIOUS person look like?

One of the three gave a look of being serious.

Officer 2: One that is carrying equipment that they shouldn't even have.

I become nervous deep down and feel the need to know more who I am dealing with. When activating IRIS, I was able to gain some information about the three, one of which is for a birthday. The three officers I meet are named Jin Wong, Alicia Lopez and Akira Howard. Out of three of them, Akira's birthday catches my eye.

Jin Wong

Alicia Lopez

Akira Howard

Logan: (That birth date... If I'm not wrong...)

Jin tried to push his way in as my door locks were holding him back. My IRIS turned off when seeing this and looked at him.

Logan: Um... I never gave you permission to enter, Officer...

Jin: Sorry for the intrusion, but if we could just-

Logan: And my answer is no.

Jin: If you would just listen to what I have to say. We are-

Akira gets impatient and talks to Alicia. I could barely make out what they were talking about, but I could hear a little bit of what they were saying.

Akira: *whisper* The signal is coming from in there we can just bust this guy, Alicia.

Alicia: *whisper* Patience Akira. Jin will work his magic. Give him time...

When hearing that, I think back to the items I have on my table. When thinking about it, what if they had trackers on them in case something were to happen. Damn it... I got careless and didn't think about that in the slightest! Three officers of Neuron were on my doorstep and I could be sentenced for life if I get caught now! I had to think of something quick. Time wasn't on my side with what was happening.

Logan: If I can stop you right there sir...

I hold up a hand to stop Jin from talking so I can speak.

Logan: I currently have something on the kettle in my kitchen. I'm quite the fanatic of being there to stop anything from overheating. It's the good tea that only can be found if one is lucky enough around here.

Jin looked at me and felt I was telling the truth.

Jin: Well... Considering Zone 09 doesn't have that much stuff to go by... *sighs* Fine. But be quick about it.

Logan: *smiles* Thanks. I promise to be quick about it.

Once Jin backed away from the door, I was able to close it. But with not wanting to be suspicious I had to leave only the lock I had that kept them from getting in. From what I know so far about the IRIS system, they can only see people through walls. Not objects that are around them. So they could be keeping their eye on me in case I try anything funny at the moment. When I entered the kitchen, there was no kettle on my make-shift stove being heated with any tea. What was in there was my own kind of zip-line I made in case my home was to be discovered.

Logan: (Can't say I never thought I would have to use it. But I would be lying to myself really.)

Making a movement of waiting for a kettle to quit heating, I had pretended to turn the skillet off when I turned it on. I reached for my lighter in my pocket as I let the gas escape from the skillet. When I brought the lighter close enough, I was careful enough that it created a flaming geyser coming from my skillet and caused a small explosion in my own stove. Though to be honest still surprised me to send me backwards. This allowed me to hit my zip-line to let it send a line to the other side of the building. I began to hear a loud banging as I switched on my IRIS to see Jin banging on the door.

Jin: *muffled* Hey! You okay in there?! What happened?!

I got up and took some soot to cover my face and clothes slightly and made my way to the door. When I opened it up, I popped my head out as I coughed into my hand.

Logan: Blasted stove! *cough* *cough* I built that thing last *cough* week, and it tries to blow up on me...! *cough*

Alicia got closer to assess anything wrong.

Alicia: You okay??

Logan: This happens *coughs* at times. Ugh... Think I got soot in my mouth though...

Akira took a step forward and gave an offer to me.

Akira: Want us to come in and see if we can help clean up?

When looking at Akira, I could tell it was a ploy to get inside my home to see if I was the intruder. If I did right now, they would see the device and crates I had opened up. I had to think of something quick.

Logan: Now why should I let my guests try and help?? Please, I've had dealt with this numerous times when growing up in Zone 09. So this isn't anything new. I'm really sorry, could you possibly just wait out here a little longer...? I'll try and get some better clothes on and clean up a little. Even though my home is junk anyway...

Jin: Uh... No, no... It's okay. I guess... We can wait a little longer...

Logan: Again... I apologize for the wait...

I closed the door again as I walked past my table, stretching my arms up to pop some joints and brought my arms down to carefully grab the device while grabbing my hat. I carried the device as if nothing was in my hands to the cops as I went to my room. When entering my room, it was a tad nicer than my other rooms. I grab a cloth to wipe my face and then take my shirt off. I tossed it to the bed along with the device I carried. Looking towards my window, I could see a picture frame that showed a family. Well, MY family before I was born... It was a picture of my mom and dad as my mother was pregnant with me in her. I picked up the picture frame and stared at it.

Logan: (Mother... Father...)

I stared at the picture a few more minutes as I opened the frame and took it out to place on the table. Once I got a new shirt on, that being a white color, I took some of my hair and bunched it up into a ponytail like before and put my hat on. I grabbed both the picture and the device and carried them with me again. When returning to the door, I opened it again, but met Akira's face when she turned to face the door. I could feel my cheeks flush at how close we were as I saw her blush too by surprise.

Logan: Aren't you a little too close to the door...?

Hearing what I said, Akira stepped back and composed herself.

Akira: Would you shut up. Now, is everything in order now?

Logan: Well, when changing, I thought I would share something with you three.

Jin and Alicia: Hmm??

I stuck the photo in my left hand through the door to show the three of my parents. They didn't know that and asked.

Jin: Okay... Who are these people?

Logan: Well... Those two are my parents...

Alicia and Akira looked at me and questioned.

Alicia: They around?

When being asked that, I shook my head.

Logan: Not really... Not for a long time...

Akira seemed to react when hearing this and wondered about something.

Akira: You... You lost your parents too...?

Logan: Well... Yeah honestly...

When taking the picture back, I looked at it. I sighed when having to keep looking at it and decide to put it away in my shirt for now.

Logan: Growing up here in Zone 09... Hasn't been easy for me... Hardly had anyone I can trust here except on a few occasions.

For a moment, I could see a look of empathy for me as if they could understand my pain. Understand what I've been through. But honestly, the stuff I experienced doesn't come close to what I've experienced. I don't even know these people, but their job is to arrest me. Thinking about everything I have, I should be ready to make my run to give these cops a challenge.

Jin: So, are we able to come inside now...? Nothing else?

Logan: Well... I would like you to come in... If I didn't have to start running.

Alicia: "Start running"?? What does that-

Before she could finish her sentence, I quickly closed the door and locked it as fast as I could. I heard surprised reactions from the three outside as Jin began to knock on the door hard.

Jin: *muffled* H-Hey! Open this door!

Alicia: *muffled* Oh god damn it!

Akira: *muffled* That's it! Blasters now!

Hearing that, I went to grab my coat and pulled it on as I ran to the kitchen. I heard blaster shots going off as my door flew off of the wall and heard pairs of feet right behind me. Since I was going to need two hands, I had to put the device in the lock on the gauntlet. The device began to do something weird as it began to morph and change shape while I ran. But I couldn't focus for now as I reached my zip-line and had to get a towel to get going. I was about to ride the line, when a hand reached at me and held me back. I looked to see it was Akira.

Akira: I knew it was you! And yet you played it like you were innocent and made us feel sorry for you! Was this your plan?! Make us feel sorry about your life as you catch us off guard with that fake story of your parents?!

I got angry as I looked at Akira with a glare. This seemed to surprise her with my gaze as I spoke to her.

Logan: That picture isn't fake, and neither is my life I explained about. I lost my parents due to the Pandemic everyone talks about. After that,-

Akira: The Pandemic?? But that would mean... That would mean you were born on that day.

Logan: What about it?? That's nothing special!

Seeing Alicia and Jin coming around the corner, I kicked Akira away from me. I pushed off from where I was as I began to ride the zip-line as it was in a slight diagonal downward to head to the nearest building. I watched as Alicia got to the window and saw me escaping. I would have waved, but I was using both hands to not fall.

Alicia: You have to be kidding me!

Jin: Must've thought of this plan in case anything happened...

Akira: I'm not letting this guy escape!

I watched as Akira began trying to give chase after me as I freaked out.

Jin: Akira! No!

Logan: No, no, no! This thing wasn't built to support multiple people!

When reaching halfway, the cable snapped as both of us began to fall towards the ground.


Akira: Aaaaaaaaugh!

Jin and Alicia: AKIRA!!

I could feel my heart beating a mile a minute. I felt my life flash before my eyes as I couldn't believe I was going to die. I looked to see that Akira was in a similar situation as me, but wished I could do something... That's when I heard an electronic voice to my left and saw the device had revealed to be a blue object twisting and turning. It soon began to speed up with what it was doing.

Device: Advent Protocol complete.

Logan: Huh??

I shook my left arm and accidentally swung my left arm down and sent the weird object in the direction we were going. It began to open up as something began trying to take shape and form into something.

Logan: The HELL is going on?!

Blue lines and a chain began to form around the being as it took the shape of a strange creature. It was a slim creature that was blue and white, but it had green lines for details. When I looked at the device I had on my arm, it sent a blue chain to connect to the beast itself. As if to keep it on a leash. I see an icon appear to my left as it looked like claws.

Device: Claw.

When the creature was fully made, it acted on its own and extended some claws out of the top of its wrists. It prepared itself as the creature slashed the air and made what seemed to look like a portal. From what I could tell, Akira and myself were falling towards the portal together.

Logan: Woah, woah, woah!!

Akira: What the hell?!

When going through the portal, it seemed the fabric of reality and space were being bended. The creature that was connected to me created another opening and all of us came out of the portal. Both myself and Akira hit the ground as we lied there for a moment or two. When I was able to get up first, I looked around as I saw the creature stand next to me as it stood on the ground with its own legs. Upon a closer inspection, I could see the words "Police" written on the armor it had.

Logan: What in the f*** are you??

I heard a soft growl coming from the creature I was connected to when I heard a gasp. I looked to see Akira begin to get up onto her feet.

Akira: How did YOU gain access to the Legion?!

I looked at the creature in blue while having a chain attached to myself and it. I looked towards Akira with confusion as I had questions about it.

Logan: You mean to tell me that you can see this thing AND know what it is??

Akira: I'm the one asking questions right now! Get on your knees, you're under arrest!

Akira pulls out a piece of equipment as it morphed and twisted itself into a version of a gun right before my eyes. I raised my hands into the air, being afraid of getting shot due to the circumstances right now.

Logan: L-Listen... Can we just talk about what the flying hell that is Satan himself that we just came close to-

Before I could try and get closer, the ground in front of me was blasted off to keep me from getting closer to Akira.

Akira: Remove the Legatus, and get on your knees!

I backed up from the spot that was shot just now as I could tell if Akira REALLY wanted to shoot me. She could do that anytime right now if she wanted to, but killing a person in cold blood would not be good on a report. With nothing to protect me from getting shot, I didn't know what to do. That's when the "Legion", as Akira had mentioned before, began to walk past me and stand in the way. With it doing that, I felt like it was trying to protect me right now.

Akira: Command your Legion to get out of the way!

Logan: Do you think I did that on purpose?! I never seen or even HAD anything like this happen in my life! You think I can just control it with a snap?!

Firing some shots at me, I got down to the ground to raise my arms up. This was to try and make any attempt to protect myself from getting hit. But what should have hit me never came.

Logan: I don't feel pain... But why?

More blaster fire began to sound off as I saw movement. Movement that came from the Legion. I looked up and saw it had extended it's claws and intercepted any shot meant for me. It was clawing the air as it stopped any attack meant to be towards me.

Logan: (I-It's protecting me...? But why...? I only just gained access to it, or rather met it and yet... It's protecting me...)

The Legion kept blocking shots for me as Akira was getting agitated and stopped.

Akira: Augh... This is pointless. If you got to do something, you got to use your head...

Akira placed her weapon back in the holster and brought her left arm up to show me that she had the same object too. The object she called: "The Legatus".

Akira: You think that Legion is the only one we have? You are sorely mistaken.

The object began to spin as she flung it forward. When it separated, the same blue glow began to create a being that was just like the Legion, or "Claw Legion" as it would be, to form something different. It did not have legs like mine did. For it was able to float off of the ground and had crossbows on its wrists.

Legatus: Arrow.

Arrow Legion

I stared in shock as the Legion I saw finished forming together, letting out a cry of its own as it flew back to Akira and floated behind her.

Logan: There's... More than one Legion...???

Akira: Stop asking questions. I'll put you under arrest and see you sent to jail for life!

Akira got into a stance as she was serious about fighting. Talking my way out seemed impossible at this point due to the circumstances given to me.

Logan: Fine. But if I win, I want some answers of my own!

I got into a stance as I could see Alicia and Jin running out of the entrance to the building. They seemed shocked about my access to the device.

Jin: Damn... This is not good...

Alicia: How the hell did he get himself synced with a Legion?!

Jin: Probably had the right equipment to input the necessary data. Oh man... Command isn't going to like this...

Alicia looked at the Legion I was controlling and pondered something to Jin. With me having to focus on Akira at the moment, I couldn't hear clearly what they were talking about. I looked at Akira one last time to prepare myself as I heard a soft sound coming from my Legion. I looked at it as if it was trying to tell me softly that everything was going to be okay. I didn't know why, but I seemed to be able to trust it.

Logan: *whispers* Alright... Not like my life hangs on this... does considering the circumstances...

Akira pulled her arm back and flung it forward to send the Arrow Legion towards my direction. The Arrow Legion began to fire arrows into the air and some in my direction.

Logan: Legion!

Acting on my command, it slashed at the arrows coming in closest from the front before it switched to the arrows falling from the sky. A stray arrow gets through as it lands on the pavement in front of me before disappearing. I looked towards Akira with amazement written on my face.

Logan: This is so unreal! To think technology has advanced this far. No, way PAST my expectations even!

Akira: Stop getting so excited about this damn it! Get serious!!

Akira brought her arm back and threw it forward to have the Arrow Legion begin firing a series of shots in my direction. I saw the Claw Legion get in front of me and brought its arms up to begin slicing the arrows out of the air. Guess with its speed and quick reflexes, it was able to counter the projectiles meant to hit us. I looked towards Akira from a distance and talked to her with a raised finger.

Logan: Um, if I may add my own input here, I do not think we are getting anywhere with this fight. Your Legion can't shoot me, and I obviously can't get closer without getting shot... Sooooo...

I heard someone clearing their throat as I looked to see Alicia and Jin walking towards me as they brought up their own Legatus' to prove their point. That made me quickly lower my hand as I sweat from my situation.

Logan: Oh... Right... Three against one... That's...quite bad for me actually... Allergic even...

Alicia: And you're a crook that stole from the law.

Jin: Just seeing you gain access to our gear like this is trouble enough. Stand down now or we do this the hard way.

I saw Alicia and Jin prepare their Legatus and toss out their own Legions.

Legatus: Beast/Arm.

Beast Legion

Arm Legion

Once their Legion's were summoned, one took the form of a dog-like creature and one that could be used as armor. With the odds being against my favor, I was at a clear disadvantage.

Logan: Okay, I know I was already in a fight, but I'm still trying to learn how to work this thing!

Akira: And give you the chance to gain the upper hand? I don't think so.

I looked at the three as both myself and my Legion backed up from them advancing toward us.

Logan: (I'm outnumbered...! There's no way I'm going to get out this time...! I... I just don't want to be trapped anymore... I just wanted a better life!)

I heard a roar sound off as I looked to see my Legion as it had a claw out. It turned towards the area behind us as it slashed at the space. What it did was create another portal like it did before as it went through. When seeing the chain being pulled into it, one thought came to my head.

Logan: Awwwwww shit...

When the chain reached the limit, I soon got pulled towards the portal.

Logan: Goddamnitpieceofshit! - God damn it piece of shit!

Once I was through, the last thing I saw was the Arm Legion almost tried to grab my leg, but couldn't due to the portal closing up after I got in. I looked to see I was in the blue area once again as I waited to see what was on the other side of the portal.

Logan: I hope where you're taking us is somewhere better than back there! Because I've had enough shit hitting the fan todaaaaaay!!

I cried out as I was talking to my Legion while we zoomed ahead to our destination.

Location: District 3, Zone 33 - Harmony Square.

A few moments later, the Legion opened another portal and went through it. When flying out of the portal, I landed on my face as I groaned in pain from the sudden landing.

Logan: Ugh... Talk about your abrupt landings... Ugh... Wish I was given more of a warning...

I get up slowly and begin to brush off my clothing.

Logan: Jeez, talk about my night... First I get a freaking device, and then I get chased by more cops to learn that they've had these "Legions"... And now I got one of my own... Speaking of which...

I looked around to see where my Legion went as I saw it had automatically went back to being attached to my arm. I saw a meter on it as it was close to empty, but had begun to recharge again.

Logan: So... They're powerful, but have limitations too... A good compensation really... But...

Looking around me, it didn't seem to look like I was in Zone 09 anymore. I felt I was somewhere different.

Logan: Where did I pop out at??

I began to walk, as I could see light that helped illuminate my way.

Logan: Where did that stupid Legion drop me- H-Huh?!

Before my eyes, I was in another District all together! I wasn't in the contaminated area of Zone 09 right now, the Legion transported me miles away from one area to the next in seconds flat! Everywhere I looked, people were walking around here and there. Vehicles driving all over the place and something that filled my nose and caused my stomach to growl in hunger.

Logan: I-I'm out... I-I can't believe it... Ha... Haha! I'm OUT!! Oh my god! I-I never thought I would, but I did! Ha ha!! Woo Hoo!! I... I... Haaaa... Huh...

I looked around my area and could see all the possibilities around me, but I had no clue what to do first. I was in an area I was unfamiliar with as I was used to the slums of Zone 09. With the new experience of seeing a new District with my own eyes, I had no clue where to go or a home to call my own here. I was completely lost of what I could do now I had every possibility.

Logan: (Well... I'm not going to get anywhere by standing still... Time to see what I've been missing out on.)

Beginning to walk around, I saw all kinds of people with better clothes than me. I saw giant screens that advertised products of foods or store named brands. A car was on display as it was a winning prize for a winner lucky enough to get it. It baffled my mind how vastly different Zone 09 was to this place. I was left speechless as I tried to make heads and tails of the new zone I was in.

Logan: (Jeez... With so many things to do first... I don't know where to start... I can't buy anything because I don't have money, and I still have this thing...)

I look at the Legatus as it was one of the things having a tracker on me.

Logan: (I'll get put to jail if I'm caught... But seeing this place... I don't want to leave this...)

I heard a female scream as I raced to head over to where it came from. I decided to cover up the Legatus so I didn't draw attention with it on. When I got over to where I heard the noise, I could see a group of thugs beating up a guy my age that had short black hair, red shirt and blue jeans. I also saw a female who was trying to get out of the hands of the other thugs. She had brown hair that reached to her neck along with a purple shirt and some pants that were blue. Turning on the IRIS system, I could read their names as Marinette Desilvia for the girl and Jack Hall for the male.

Marinette: Stop it! You're hurting him!

Jack: *coughs* Bastards...

Thugs: Yeah! Get him! Beat him up!

I watched as some people stood to the side and just watched the fight unfold and did nothing. Looking at the two that were being attacked, I couldn't stay on the side for long as this kept going. I began to push through the crowd and get to the center of it.

Logan: Hey! Cut it out!

I was being ignored as the thugs still went to beat Jack up as it pissed me off at getting ignored. If words wouldn't get through, I still had another way, but I hated the method regardless. I approached one of the thugs beating Jack up and tapped his shoulder.

Thug 1: What do you-

As the thug turned around to face me, I let loose a left hook that landed on his nose and broke it. Blood began to run from it as the other thug beating up Jack finally stopped hitting him.

Thug 2: Hey! You looking for trouble too, asshole?!

With hearing their ally talking to someone they gathered their attention to their partner and then to me as they let Marinette go and walk to where their friend was. With Marinette out of their grasp, she ran to where Jack was and began talking to him. For me, I was stuck with the trash in this zone.

Thug 3: Who the f*** do you think you are?! Do you have a death wish or something?!

Logan: No. But what I want to know is, why do you start violence in such a peaceful zone such as this?

The thugs looked at me and began to laugh while hearing my question to them. The fourth thug came up to me and then began to poke me on the chest rather roughly.

Thug 4: Because we don't CARE what others think and do what we want. If you don't want to get hurt, I suggest you drop everything you have and just go.

With being put into where I was being mugged, trying to end this peacefully will get me nowhere.

Logan: I'm not going anywhere until this matter is resolved. Stop this now.

Thug 4: Then let me tell you something then. F*** off. You trash looking' piece of shit.

I glared at the thug when he said that to me. When the thug tried to poke my chest again, I grabbed his wrist and twisted it. He let out a sound of pain as I swung my leg at him to trip him up. He watched me as I looked at him with the same glare while he was falling.

Logan: I tried to end this peacefully... So now you can rot in hell.

When he lands on his back I spun a few times as I fell down to deliver an elbow drop to his gut and made him yell in pain.

Thug 4: Gah!!

Seeing their friend take a hard hit, the two thugs standing began charging towards me with intent to fight me in a two on one fight.

Logan: Big mistake.

Getting ready, I got into a stance and blocked or dodged each strike they would send at me. I would dodge a left uppercut or leg thrust towards where I was. I would block to the side a straight punch to my head while ducking a roundhouse kick to my head. Timing my move carefully, I redirected a punch that was meant for me and sent it to his partner. The punch hit his friend in the face as the thug looked shocked and surprised.

Thug 2: Hey! Watch it!

Thug 3: Not my fault! F***ing Chicken Howard did that! Keeps dodging like the chicken shit he is!

I smirked at seeing them argue with each other. In my time in the slums of Zone 09, there was local trouble where people would lie, cheat and steal from each other. That meant I had to grow up and survive under the strict rules Zone 09 had as there were no cops to even help arrive at scenes most of the time. I looked to see Marinette and Jack watching me fight as the crowd of people had some devices out to record the scene.

Logan: Last chance. I'm trying to stop this conflict now.

Thug 2: Pacifist shit! We'll teach you!

Thug 3: We'll wipe that smirk of yours off.

Both thugs, still able to fight brought out knives and began to charge at me. I was dodging left and right to not get stabbed or cut by the two. My right shoulder gets cut when I wasn't fast enough to dodge the strike. A few more cuts get placed onto my jacket or shirt as I tried to work with the new environment of Zone 33.

Logan: Tch...

Thug 2: Got you now you bastard!

When both thugs began to make a motion towards me I undid my jacket and got into a new stance.

Logan: (Come on... Keep yourself calm...! They're no better than the ones from Zone 09...)

I waited to time my counter just right, as I moved my arms to wrap my coat around each of the thugs' arms. With my coat keeping them together, they had no idea what was going to happen next.

Thug 3: The hell?!

Thug 2: Get this off!

Logan: Sorry, but I'm ending this.

Pulling on my coat that had them tied to it down, I had them hit the back of their hands hard enough to force them to let their knives go. Then I proceeded to pull them to a small wall nearby as I jumped to be on top and then jump off slightly to lift their arms in the air. Finally, when I landed on the ground behind them, I pulled on my coat and caused them to fall backwards hard and fast. Hitting the ground by the back of their heads, the impact left cracks on the floor that knocked them out and unable to fight. I took some deep breaths to calm my beating heart. I began to pull my coat off the two thugs as I began to put it back on. When I heard a noise of someone charging from behind me, I used my better judgement and lifted up my left fist to backhand the last thug in the face. The hit forced him to go down finally as he writhed in pain from the pain added to his broken nose.

Logan: If that doesn't teach them to learn their place, I don't know what...

I looked over to where Jack and Marinette as I crouched down to check on them.

Logan: You two okay?

Marinette nods her head as Jack chuckled while groaning in pain.

Jack: Damn f***ers... Tried to rob my girlfriend's purse while two distracted us from the front... When they got caught, they resorted to much more... "Personal" methods, I should say...

Marinette: No one was trying to help us. With how badly things were going, I thought...

I looked at them and raised a hand. Hearing this wasn't new to me as couples faced this also in Zone 09. So I was glad that these two were okay.

Logan: Hey... It's okay. They've been dealt with and the police should come around soon enough.

Marinette: *tilts her head* Huh?? I thought you were the police?

I looked at Marinette and chuckled to myself.

Logan: Well... I'm not a cop really... Just a new face in this zone. Let's say... I just moved into the neighborhood.

Jack looked at me as he began to chuckle and then laugh.

Jack: New face or not... That was some damn f***in' moves you did... *coughs* Damn... Everything hurts...

Logan: Want to head somewhere where we can talk in private? I'm sure you would want to get your boyfriend to safety.

Marinette nods her head as I begin to help Jack to his feet and support his weight.

Marinette: We can head over to where Larger Burger is? We can hang out there, while treating Jack's wounds.

Jack looked at Marinette about that idea and felt slightly annoyed.

Jack: And what do you supposed I do when we get there...?

Marinette looked at Jack and giggled to herself.

Marinette: To treat our new friend to some food and give you only ice for your head.

Jack was shocked by hearing Marinette say that.

Jack: WHAT?! That's not fair!

Marinette: Don't care. You got yourself hurt, and our friend here risked his life to help us. It's the least we can do.

I looked at the two and chuckled to myself.

Logan: (Oh boy... Talk about a f***ing headache these two can make...)

With the decision being made final, Jack was weeping softly while I followed Marinette to where she wanted to go. After we arrived at Larger Burger, she told me I could order anything I wanted. For me, I couldn't take advantage of their kindness to me and only ordered a few items that can hold me off for now. Just eating a juicy burger for once made me melt inside due to all the food I've eaten in Zone 09 up till now. Eating actual food for once that I didn't have to scrounge up for myself never tasted any better than this.

Marinette: So, you never told us your name, Mystery Man,

When looking at Marinette, I knew exactly what she was talking about and put a finger up to give me a minute to swallow my food.

Logan: Sorry, in the heat of things and the long night I've had, I'm almost spent... The name is Logan, Logan Young.

Jack: Logan, huh? Neat name for a guy that was able to crack some skulls open.

I chuckled as these are the only friends I've made for now in the new zone I came to.

Logan: Well, I've had some trouble in my old zone before coming here. Meaning I was able to learn a few things of how to protect myself in close-quarters battles.

Marinette: Still, that quite something for someone that's not a cop.

Jack: Yeah. You really saved our bacons back there.

I shook my head and just smiled.

Logan: No really. There's no need to thank me for doing that. I don't really like fighting at most unless it's needed.

I was about to raise my right arm to scratch my head as I felt a sharp pain in my arm. When looking at it, I could see the cut I was given earlier. I began to remove my coat slightly to see my right arm. The cut I was given was a moderate one as I was losing blood slowly and felt it going down my arm.

Logan: Damn...

Marinette: Oh my... You okay??

I looked at Marinette and waved a hand as I reached for the napkins.

Logan: Y-Yeah... Not the first cut I've had, but not this bad before honestly...

Jack: Looks pretty bad to me actually. Here.

I heard some ripping as I saw Jack coming over to use a piece of his clothing to cover up my bleeding arm. I saw him begin to tie the cloth around my arm and applied pressure to make it stop losing blood.

Jack: You good dude?

Logan: Uh... I guess. Hurts slightly, but nothing I can't handle.

Jack: Good. Don't want you having to deal with that on your own after you moved here.

Marinette: Yeah. Got to make someone new here feel welcomed after all.

Just hearing those words made me feel like I was someone normal already. Though I didn't know how I would keep this act up if I get exposed.

Logan: (My new friends here and I already lied to their faces... Great job achieving that me...)

After I put my coat on, I gave a sigh and rubbed my forehead at my predicament as it caught Marinette's attention.

Marinette: You okay, Logan...?

I looked at her and gave a slight nod.

Logan: Y-Yeah... I guess you could say... I'm homesick or something...

Jack: Got anyone you can call and talk too?

I became quiet at that notion and shook my head.

Logan: No... I... I don't have anyone I can call...

Marinette and Jack looked at me as they were shocked that there was no one I could contact and talk to.

Marinette: Oh... Well...

Jack: Guess we'll have to fill in those shoes then, right?

I looked at Jack while Marinette looked confused for a second before understanding Jack's thinking.

Marinette: Jack is right, somewhat. Since you're all alone, we'll have to make your stay here more enjoyable for you.

I looked at Marinette and Jack for their kindness as it helped lift my sorrows for my situation.

Logan: Heh... Thanks you two...

Jack: Anything for someone that can kick four people's asses at once. You're like Chuck Norris or something.

Logan: And last time I believe, I can't scale a mountain called "Mt. Everest" in 15 minutes.

Marinette: Why not??

I chuckled when I gave my joke.

Logan: Because I can't build a snowman in 14 minutes and climb it in one minute.

All three of us began to laugh softly at that funny fact I had read about in an old magazine one time. I felt like just being around these two can help me cope with what I was missing out on all this time. But things changed when alarms began to blare out in the building.

Logan: H-Hey... What the hell is going on??

I was about to get up when I saw civilians outside running for their lives when I saw some weird monsters appear also and chase after them.

Logan: Oh shit...

Jack: What??

Looking outside, I could see one of the monsters that was chasing after a civilian begin to head towards where we were in the building.

Logan: Get up.

Marinette: Huh??

Logan: Both of you, get up and head to the back. Now!

When Jack takes a look to see what I was looking at, he went wide eyed at what he was looking at.

Jack: Holy shit...

When the creature broke the glass, jumped in and began running to get to where we were.

Logan: F***ing move!!

Getting Jack and Marinette to follow me, we head towards the kitchen of Larger Burger. When I was the last one through, I looked towards where a stove was and called out to Jack.

Logan: Jack! Help me move this thing!

Jack: On it!

Getting over to my side, we began to push the stove quickly to get the door sealed off to buy us some time.

Marinette: Okay, what the HELL was that?!

Logan: Something unpleasant really. From what I know when these things show up, Neuron usually come in and try to handle the situation. This kind of thing is their jurisdiction when shit like this hits the fan.

Loud sounds of the door being hit could be heard as the humanoid monster was beginning to break through.

Logan: Shit. We can't stay here for long.

I look at Jack and Marinette to see if they can help.

Logan: You two live in this zone, right?

Jack: Yeah.

Logan: When stuff like this happened, where would you go??

Marinette: The safety shelter for in case buildings come down... Don't you know that...?

I nod my head as I thought back to Zone 09 that had trouble like this. Due to the zone being abandoned, there was nothing like that there. It was trying to find the safest place we could find until it was over.

Logan: Never mind that, let's just get going. We need to get a head start on this thing before it breaks through!

Jack and Marinette: Right!

Heading out of the kitchen, we exit through the back of Larger Burger as I begin to follow Marinette and Jack to where we need to go. Ducking down behind some cars, we peeked over the car and could see citizens running or cowering all over the place.

Jack: This is nuts.

Marinette: And to think it was peaceful only five minutes ago...

Logan: Focus. We're not out of danger yet. Until we do, we have to focus and stay together.

Jack and Marinette both nod their heads and begin to follow me. Jack and Marinette told me the directions of where the nearest shelter is. I led the way in trying to sneak us around and guide us through the area as safe the area allowed us. We only stopped and took cover if it was to hide and avoid being seen. When getting into sight of a strange looking building, Marinette poked her head over and gasped.

Marinette: That's the place!

Logan: Great.

I looked around and could see no monster was in sight. At least, as far as we are aware of.

Jack: If we run right now, we can reach the shelter.

I looked at Jack as that was the stupidest idea I have ever heard.

Logan: Jack, be rational about this. That's too far to run there. If we do, we could be risking being seen and chased.

Marinette: We have to try Logan... Things are really getting bad. We could get hurt...

I cursed under my breath as I tried to weigh our odds. But before I could confirm what I was thinking, Jack and Marinette began to go to where the shelter was.

Logan: (Damn it! Why can't people listen to reason here?!)

I began to chase after both of them in order to catch up, when I see a red portal begin to open up from above where we were.

Logan: Huh?! What's that?!

Coming out of the portal, a big monster began to fall from it. The size of the creature itself was enough to scare me shitless as I began to book it.

Logan: Jack! Marinette! Get down!!

When I got close enough to both of them I took them both by the arms and pulled them with me to safety. When the monster landed, it sent a shockwave going past us. The force of it propelled us in the direction we were going as all three of us rolled against the ground. I slowly got up as smaller creatures began to pour out of smaller portals nearby.

(A/N): (Please note, any pictures I try to bring up about enemy details does NOT mean characters from the show are present at this moment. This is to describe the type of monster I am bringing in and an actual representation of their height to a human. I say this to avoid any confusion for anyone if showing pictures of any main characters in the game are seen unless it is written they have arrived. Note that looking for specific pictures is hard due to the weird setup Wattpad has as it takes certain pictures compatible to use. I aim as close to the best picture I can put up to make the story the best it can be.)

Logan: Sh-Shit...! Jack! Marinette! Get up! We're being surrounded!

As Jack and Marinette were getting up, they looked at me in a curious way.

Jack: You hit your head??

Marinette: I don't know what almost fell on us, but we have to keep going.

Logan: Wh-What?!

I looked between both my friends and the monsters I could see and began to think to myself.

Logan: (What is going on?! Can they not see these things?! I can see them clear as day, but why?!)

While I was thinking, I saw some of the smaller monsters look towards our way and began moving at quick speeds. One was heading towards Jack as I quickly pushed him out of the way and raised my guard to protect myself as the creature approached.

Jack: Hey! What the hell is-?!

When the creature got close enough, I got knocked away and sent into a slide on my back a few meters away from it.

Logan: Gah!

Marinette: Logan!

Jack: What just happened?!

I got up slowly as I could see the many monsters surrounding us.

Logan: (D-Damn...! There's too many of them!)

Seeing that the monsters knew I could see them, they began to focus their attention on me as being a threat to them. One by one, each rushed up to me in landing a blow and running away before I could try and hit them back. My eyes couldn't keep track of them in the slightest as one second they would be there and the next behind me in slashing my back.

Logan: Augh!

Jack and Marinette could only watch as I was getting hit by the second and couldn't do anything to help me. Their eyes were only focused on me as I believed I was the only one seeing these things. I looked towards them as I was worried for their safety.

Logan: What are you two doing?! Get to safety damn it!

Jack: And leave your ass behind?!

Logan: You obviously can't see what is going on around here! If you stay here, these things will begin focusing on you! GET OUT OF HERE!!

The more I got assaulted, the more my coat got torn up. The next hit I took, it sent me flying as the last bit of my coat torn up and revealed the Legatus on my arm. I landed on my stomach as I coughed in pain. When seeing the situation was getting too serious, Jack took Marinette's hand and began taking her to the shelter. Just knowing they were going to be safe seemed to fill me with ease. But after the monsters were done with me, they began chasing after Jack and Marinette. One of them got behind Jack and made a slash at his back as he screamed in pain.

Jack: Guah!!

Jack fell to the ground as claw marks could be seen on his back. Marinette screamed at seeing this happen while Jack writhed in pain.

Logan: J-JACK!!

I watched as the fast monsters surrounded Marinette and Jack as one would zoom past one of them and cause little damage. Playing with their food as if they were prey.

Logan: Jack! Marinette!

I slowly got up as I was able to get to my feet. I slowly began to move forward slowly as I was desperately trying to get to both of them. Getting in my way was the big monster from before as it let out a roar. It began to raise it's arms into the air as it prepared to slam down on me.

Logan: (No... This can't be how I die... I can't die here... I can't let Jack and Marinette die here...)

Feeling the monster was about to slam his arms down on me, I raised my arms in my small attempt in protecting myself. What I didn't expect to happen, was the Legatus began to spin and open up like before. It revealed the Claw Legion as it was summoned while the chain connected itself to the Legion. The Legion jumped up and went for the head of the monster with both its claws, causing the monster before me to lose it's balance and slam the ground next to me instead. The Legion came back to me and got in between us as if trying to get in the way.

Logan: (There it goes again...! I didn't do anything and yet...)

I heard a regular roar as it was the Legion in front of me. I felt it was trying to snap me out of my senses as I wasn't paying attention. Since the monster was stunned right now, I tried on focusing on saving Jack and Marinette.

Logan: Jack! Marinette! I'm coming!

I began to use what strength to run and head towards both of them. With what I remember about how I saw Akira move her Legatus and Legion, it all had to do with arm motion. So testing it out, I thrust my left arm forward as it sent the Claw Legion to go after the group of fast enemies. The Legion let a roar out as when one got close to it, the Claw Legion would extend a claw out and block an attack. Getting into a comfortable stance, the Legion delivered a counterattack against it.

Logan: Yeah! Give it to them! Keep holding those off and buy us some time!

As I got closer, the Claw Legion got in the way of another monster and sent it flying to protect me. I got close to Jack and Marinette as I could see damage had been done to them.

Jack: L-Logan...?

Marinette: Wh-What's happening...?

Logan: Getting you out of here. That's what. I'm going to handle these f***ers and then meet up with you two later.

Jack looked at me while I gave a serious look at him and shook my head to not try my patience.

Jack: Okay... But you better not die on us.

Jack took Marinette's arm and began to take her away while I focused my attention ahead of me.

Logan: I don't know what's happening, but I'm not about to go down easy...

Looking at my Legion, I gave it a nod as we both looked towards the group of small enemies ahead of us. My hands trembled at having to do something like this, but if I didn't, I would die here and not see the day of tomorrow. Steeling my nerves, I began to yell as my Legion roared while extending its claws out of its wrists. The monsters in front of us began to charge towards us while both of us met them halfway. The Claw Legion began getting to work on taking on the fast monsters. I watched carefully and began to see a pattern in their movements and was able to adapt to their attacks. The Claw Legion would cross its arms and then begin swiping in an area around it to attack from all sides. When an enemy got behind me, I turned around and grabbed hold of the chain and began to bring my Legion around to charge into it. Claws were impaled into the being as it dissipated into nothing. Once all the small enemies were taken care of, I placed my hands on my knees and began to pant.

Logan: I-Is that *pants* all they got...?

Hearing a rumble, I remembered there was one last enemy I forgot. It was the big guy that almost crushed me earlier. Feeling exhausted, I fought to stay on my feet.

Logan: (Damn... I don't know how much I have left of being able to keep moving... This sucks...)

Just as I was thinking that, a spotlight began to shine down towards where I was as I looked up and covered my eyes from the bright light. The light casting down upon me belonged to that of a helicopter.

???: Target sighted. Preparing for drop.

Hearing the voice over the intercom. I saw someone jump out of the aircraft and towards where we were. In my state of being blinded somewhat, I saw the person swing their left arm towards where they were going as a new Legion was formed. From my only sight, I could see it was almost like my Claw Legion, but it wielded twin swords instead. The Legion grabbed hold of the chain to hover in the air while the newcomer swung down and entered a slight to get between me and the monster.

???: I think you handled enough. Time to let the professionals handle this.

When the lights turned off, I was able to see the person clearly. The person standing before me was a young man, probably my age. Had short brown hair like mine but with a different hairstyle, and clothes that belonged to the police force. What was different was that he was from Neuron and had a Legion of his own too. Using the IRIS mode, I scanned for his name, as his name popped up to be Samuel Howard.

(A/N): (Note that this is a continuation from the game of Astral Chain, so I am using what I did from what I did in the game. Such as the first name I gave to the Male Protagonist.)

Logan: H-Hey... I'm not out of this battle yet... I was handling this quite fine before you came.

Samuel: And before I got here, reports of you stealing Neuron tech and running from the law were the first things you did tonight.

Logan: Tch... Your friends tip you off about me?

Samuel: More of getting a report from my friends AND my sister on how you escaped from them. Then getting reports about a person on social media with your characteristics being here fighting some thugs. Is that the answer you're looking for?

I looked at Samuel as I was curious about the name Howard now. I did remember that Akira had "Howard" as a last name, but I didn't know she had a brother.

Logan: You two are siblings??

Samuel: Yeah. And getting a good look at you, you would've been dead meat since you don't have training with Legions like I do.

Logan: Oh yeah?? How so?

I watched as the monster in front of us began to roar. Samuel chuckled as he cracked his neck and began to approach the creature.

Samuel: Just watch and learn.

I couldn't believe what I was watching. That guy was walking straight towards that big f***er.

Logan: You are out of your mind!!

Samuel: Not really.

Bringing it's left arm up, Samuel prepared himself as the beast was about to slam down on him. Flashes of light could be seen as I heard the Legatus call out the name of Legion.

Legatus: Axe.

Axe Legion

Popping out into the open, a strange like shield began to form with a Legion that was different from what I could glimpse from before. It countered against the attack of the monster and knocked it off balance as it stabbed the ground. It began to pulse for a few seconds before it exploded. What I noticed different about Samuel as he had static-like blue hair that glowed.

Samuel: Let me show you just what I can do.

Bringing his left arm back, it brought the Legion back as it disappeared and began to change once more.

Legatus: Beast.

Appearing behind Samuel, a dog-like creature took the Axe Legion's place as it's master got on and charged towards their enemy.

Logan: (Multiple... He can control multiple Legions?! But wait, that's the same dog that Alicia had!)

When the monster had recovered, it began to charge up a punch and threw it towards Samuel's direction. But the attack didn't land as the Beast Legion dodged to the side at the last second with quick reflexes before charging up to do a backflip attack.

Legatus: Arm.

The Beast Legion soon disappears again as it changed into the Arm Legion as it charged forward to the enemy and began to unleash a barrage of punches at it. The Arm Legion was like the same one that Jin had. Charging up an attack the Legion knocked it up into the air as Samuel wasn't done yet.

Samuel: Come on guys! Keep the heat going!

Samuel switches Legion's again as it transformed into another familiar Legion I saw tonight.

Legatus: Arrow.

I couldn't believe my eyes at this point. Up to four Legions that I can confirm Samuel has with my own eyes as the Legion began sending a barrage of shots to the creature. The Arrow Legion that Akira had used against me was shooting at the monster right now. Feeling enraged the monster rolled up into a ball and began to charge towards Samuel as he put his Legion away and press a few buttons.

Samuel: Alright... Let's finish this buddy.

Getting into a stance, Samuel begins to charge towards the creature. He intended to meet it head on.

Logan: You are INSANE!!

Samuel: Not insane!

When the two meet up, Samuel activated his Legatus and summoned his Legion once more.

Samuel: Just skilled!

Legatus: Sword.

Sword Legion

Calling his Legion out, this was the fifth new Legion I saw Samuel summon in one fight as it made a counter. Once picking up speed, the Sword Legion quickly circled around the monster and trapped it in chains and stopped next to Samuel.

Samuel: Take this!

Thrusting at the creature, Samuel and the Sword Legion were in perfect sync as if they were the same person. They began to slice and attack the monster until both of them sent it into the air.

Samuel: Legion! Now!

Samuel jumped back and sent his Legion to pierce the chest of the being and grab hold of something. Once the Legatus lit up, the Legion got pulled back as it had extracted something from the chest before it disappeared into nothing. I was in complete shock at seeing one man take down something three times his height and didn't even sweat. Samuel turned his attention towards me and began to approach me.

Samuel: So, you have either two options. Fight, or come quietly.

I looked at him and at his Legatus. Just seeing what he can do to one giant enemy sent shivers down my spine by how calm he was against it. Before I could answer though, my Claw Legion let out a roar and got into a stance.

Logan: Hey! You saw what he did! You don't have a slim chance against this thing!

Samuel looked at us weirdly as he pointed towards my Legion.

Samuel: Feisty one your Legion is. A claw type too. Though, I heard this is the first of its manufacturing.

I waved him off as I tried to keep my Legion stable.

Logan: Yeah, whatever. Jeez, this guy just acts on his own accord.

Samuel got a thought in his head as he began to speak to me.

Samuel: Hey. What's your name?

I looked at him and just thought I comply for now.

Logan: Logan, Logan Young.

Samuel: Logan huh? Say. Your Legion seems to be restless.

Logan: Yeah, well. For some reason, he's been acting out on my thoughts as if to protect me. Don't even know how to summon it for one. So it decides to come out and attack what would be lethal to me.

Samuel: I see.

Getting another thought into his head, Samuel proposed an idea to me.

Samuel: What if you and I battled right now?

I froze up and heard my Claw Legion let out a roar.

Logan: Fight you?? No nonononono. That's the LAST thing I want to think about. I saw what you can do. Trust me, I HAVE no chance of winning.

Samuel: Not even if I gave the slimmest chance that I could try and put a good word in for you?

Hearing that caught my attention greatly as I turned and looked at the guy.

Logan: Wait... What the hell kind of game are you playing here?

Samuel: *holds up his hands* No no. No games. Being quite serious.

I raised an eyebrow as my Legion stepped forward and brought out it's claws.

Samuel: If you and your Legion are able to land one hit on me or my Legion, you're free to go.

I felt I was going crazy at the thought of just being let go by this guy when Samuel can just take me down in a second with the skills he has. But Samuel held his hand up as he was still needing to explain something.

Samuel: But if you get defeated, you're coming with me to be detained at Neuron.

I felt my blood grow cold and pale at the condition if I lost. I would be brought in and be arrested there. Plus, with running from the police and stealing their shit... I don't know how long I will be sentenced to prison...

Samuel: Well? Got a deal?

I could feel my heart beat at the risk I would have to take as my Legion roared and clanged his claws together.

Samuel: Guess your Legion wants to test his skills. But will you step to the challenge?

I looked at Samuel and then at my Legion, by which had no fear or repercussion for what could happen to me. So seeing I wouldn't be able to run with what Samuel can do, my only option was to fight.

Logan: If there's a chance I can get out of this, I trust my Legion with my life!

I got into a stance as I felt a slight spark course though my body, but didn't know why. Samuel smiled as he got into a stance and began to randomize his Legatus.

Samuel: Give it everything you got.

Logan and Samuel: LEGION!!

My Claw Legion began to charge forward as Samuel's Legion materialized and charged towards us.

Legatus: Sword.

Clashing against each other, the Sword and Claw Legion were making sparks from their blades rubbing against each other. Both Legions began to swing their weapons to attack, causing the sounds of weapons clanging against each other.

Logan: (Speed and reflexes... Pretty about the same in being balanced. But for how long...?)

I could see the change in Samuel's hair again as it was blue once more.

Logan: (His hair is blue again... Only lighting up like that when his Legion is out. But why??)

I was distracted for a moment as I felt a pain in my chest for a moment. It indicated my Legion had taken damage in his chest and I could feel that.

Logan: (Damage on the Legion... Also means damage to me... Gotta keep that in mind...)

I moved my arm to command my Legion to move out of the way of the next attack as we tried to counter it. But when we tried, the Legion Samuel had begun to change to being the Axe Legion.

Legatus: Axe.

The attack lands against the protective shell like dome the Legion created as I looked at Samuel.

Samuel: I said "my" Legion. I didn't say it had to be specific.

Logan: Tch... Cocky little...

When the Claw Legion tried to slam it's claws against the dome, the Axe Legion pushed up and countered against my Legion. When driving the big sword it had into the ground, I saw the Legion create something as it began to flash faster slowly. When I noticed what it was, I panicked.

Logan: Shit! Get out of there!

But it was too late as my Legion got blown up and took damage from that boom the Axe Legion placed. I looked at Samuel as he called his Legion back and switched it to being the Arrow Legion.

Legatus: Arrow.

I saw the Arrow Legion hovering close to Samuel as it was charging up a shot towards my Claw Legion as it was trying to recover from the blast it took moments before.

Logan: Nonononono! Come on! Snap out of it!

Before I could do anything to help save my Legion, it took a blast to the chest multiple times as I could feel the pain course through me also.

Logan: Augh...!

I breathed as I could feel the same pain my Legion was going through. Trying to help snap my Legion out of its current state.

Legatus: Beast.

Before I knew it, I saw the Beast Legion rushing towards my Claw Legion as it jumped up and began to spin vertically like a saw blade and began to attack my Legion multiple times.

Claw Legion: *roars in pain*

Logan: Legion...!

When the Beast Legion was done, Samuel had switched his Legion out for the Arm Legion.

Legatus: Arm.

Logan: S-Shit...!

Before my Legion could move, the Arm Legion began to pummel the Claw Legion into the ground. I could feel the stinging pain course through me from every punch I felt as it annoyed me.

Samuel: Come on. You can do better than that.

Hearing this guy taunt me and thinking he's some hotshot pissed me off. I began to breathe as I brought up my Legatus.

Logan: Legion...! You have to get up...!

I looked at my Legion as it was unresponsive to my command. I could feel the physical strain it was feeling for we were connected as one mind and body. I tried to make any command I could as I saw the Arm Legion lifting the Claw Legion into the air.

Logan: Come on...! Snap out of it...!

I began to panic somewhat as I grit my teeth while the Arm Legion charged up it's punch to launch at my Claw Legion.


I felt a pulse go through me as the Claw Legion reacted to my voice to let out a pulse of energy to get free from the Arm Legion. My Legion then kicked off from his enemy and slashed the open space to create a portal in the air. My Legion pulled my chain to bring me along for a ride as we tried to turn this around. A few more pulses began to go through me as I felt like a change was happening to me. Exiting the portal, we were behind the Arm Legion as we attacked it from behind as it moved away to avoid getting hit. My Legion keeps pushing on the attack as the Arm Legion grabs both of the arms on my Legion.

Samuel: Fancy moves your Legion has. But not like what mine can do.

I raised an eyebrow at this as Samuel's Arm Legion gets pulled back and does something I didn't expect to see. Samuel has been taken in by the Arm Legion and is wearing it like armor!

Samuel (Arm Legion combo): Unless you can combine your power with your Legion, you won't get as strong as I can.

I grit my teeth as I saw the Arm Legion combined with Samuel charge towards where I was with my Legion. I felt a hand push me away as the Claw Legion was the one responsible for doing it. The Claw Legion prepares itself as it takes on digs its feet into the ground and is being pushed back by the Arm Legion. The Legion roars as it tries to gain some traction into the ground and stop the Arm Legion's charge. I run with the two to keep up as to keep track of the battle.

Logan: Legion! Toss him up!

The Claw Legion roars and finally gets some traction into the ground.

Samuel (Arm Legion combo): What?!

The Claw Legion grips tightly to the enemy Legion to begin our counter attack. My Legion begins to spin the Arm Legion around as to pick up speed as to gain momentum. When prompted to go up, the Claw Legion tosses the Arm Legion into the air.

Samuel (Arm Legion combo): Augh!!

Thinking like one, I was charging towards my Legion as it grabs my hand. It spins around once more to toss me up the same way it did for the Arm Legion. It disappears to not have the chain get pulled from the tension as I was shooting up towards Samuel quickly.

Samuel (Arm Legion combo): Try this for size!!

Crossing his arms, the Arm Legion began to fire down bolts of energy as I felt each slice or pierce my skin. I grunt with each one hitting me as to keep my focus. My clothes were beginning to tear and break from the damage I've taken tonight. My hat got knocked off due to the barrage of hits I've taken as my hair was blowing in the breeze freely.

Logan: You think I'm going down from a simple move like that?! Have a taste of this!!

Samuel (Arm Legion combo): Huh??

Bringing my left arm across, I felt one more pulse go off before I felt energized by a mysterious force. I could hear a sound of surprise coming from Samuel as he could see something I couldn't.

Samuel (Arm Legion combo): That's not...possible.

I felt a surge of energy course through me as I swung my left arm out and summoned the Claw Legion to charge towards Samuel. The Claw Legion prompts it's claws to prepare to attack as the arms crossed in front of Samuel and the body of the Arm Legion to guard from the attack. The claws go through the arms of the Legion and could be seen just inches away from the body.

Samuel (Arm Legion combo): I-It pierced through my Legion's arms?!

Losing the momentum I gained when rising up I began to lose the surging feeling I felt a few seconds ago. Out of nowhere a couple of arrow-like attacks zoomed past in front of me and gained my attention.

Logan: What?!

When looking towards where they came from, I could see it was Akira on a nearby roof with her Arrow Legion charging up a shot.

Akira: FIRE!

Seeing the energy arrow being shot towards me, I didn't have time to react to it as I felt it crash into me.


I began to fall downward after the strike hit me as I gazed up to the sky and saw my Legion using the Arm Legion to launch towards me. But my eyes close up and that's the last thing I remember.

Third person view.

After the arrow from Akira connected to Logan, the blast tore away his coat and left some of his shirt intact. The Claw Legion sensed Logan beginning to fall as it roared out. The Legion plants its feet against Samuel's Arm Legion and launches straight towards Logan in a free fall.

Samuel (Arm Legion combo): Huh??

The Claw Legion zooms down in a quick pace to reach its user to prevent any harm coming to Logan. When it does, the Legion flips over to hold onto Logan as both of them crash down to the ground. Akira looked from a distance on the rooftop and saw what happened.

Akira: (This is weird... They haven't been with each other that long, yet that Legion focused on protecting the fugitive. Why...?)

The Claw Legion disappears and Logan lies on the ground but could be seen being able to breathe still. The Arm Legion floats down as it disappears to release Samuel from their combo. Akira had met up with her brother in running up to where he was.

Akira: We got him. Now all that's left is to take him in and-

Samuel: He's like us...

Akira looked at her brother and tilted her head.

Akira: What's that supposed to mean?

Samuel looks towards Akira with a look.

Samuel: Did you not see what happened??

Akira: I didn't get here on time like you did. After I heard that our thief appeared into this area. Alicia, Jin and myself tried to get here as fast as we could, but then a chimera attack shot down our helicopter. I tried to get here as fast as I could while trying to keep people safe while I split from Alicia and Jin to help somewhere else. I arrived when I saw your Arm Legion blocked from being stabbed directly.

Samuel looked at his sister and then at Logan with a gaze of being surprised. Akira looked at her brother and was curious about something.

Akira: What?? He hurt your pride or something.

Samuel: *looks at Akira* No. That isn't it... He... His hard changed color... Just like us.

Akira froze up and looked at Logan and then at her brother.

Akira: No. You can't mean...

Samuel: Akira... I wouldn't be making this up if I wanted...

Akira looked at Samuel in shock of what her brother was talking about and looked at Logan.

Akira: (This guy?? Great... Just what I wanted to hear...)

Hearing a helicopter, Akira and Samuel each take Logan's arms and help carry him onto the aircraft. A call comes in over the radio as Samuel answers it.

Radio: Come in. Howard? Are you okay?

Samuel: I am Olive. Though, when we give our report about the fugitive we caught... You'll never believe it...

File 1. End.

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