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Third person view.

In the distant future, mankind has been pushed to the brink of where Earth has become uninhabitable. The last of humankind now resides on a floating continent in the sky called: The Ark. The cause of this is due to mysterious forces known as chimera and the Red Matter they bring in their wake. These mysterious forces appear through gates and take any human they can get through the portals to their world called: The Astral Plane. To combat these forces, a special task force named Neuron was made to fight back against any attack. But to fight fire with fire against the chimera's, Neuron has created special combatants to handle the enemy up close and personal. With the use of special technology, they are able to extract chimera's from the Astral Plane and harness their unique capabilities. These captured chimera are then called: -REDACTED-.

Our story takes place after the events of July 7, 2078. Samuel Howard had saved the world from sudden doom of the hands of -REDACTED-, a malicious tainted plan concocted by -REDACTED-, former commander of Neuron. -REDACTED- was created by the use of clones of Samuel's sister to create -REDACTED- by -REDACTED- to create such a being. -REDACTED- had planned of having his new life form, -REDACTED-, be the being to absorb all of humankind into it and rule over. Had it not been for Akira Howard, Samuel's sister, acting as a conduit for restraining the unstoppable beast, the fight would never end. At the cost, the current Akira had to be sacrificed due to being part of -REDACTED-. But from one of the -REDACTED- that were part of Samuel's arsenal, memories belonging to Akira were present, though events of what happened during the attack against -REDACTED- were never placed in. Keeping any information that could scar Akira for life.

With the help of other members of Neuron, such as Jin, Alicia, Olive, Brenda, Marie, and all Neuron officers, peace was able to be restored. But like the wind, peace is always fleeting when a new threat rises from the unknown.

Date: October 5, 2080

Location: District 0, Zone 09 - Lower Level.

Time: Night.

In District 0 of Zone 09, is an abandoned area due to a mass contamination due to the Pandemic. A special case of where Red Matter had heavily left the place and its people with little hope of being the same again. Though life still goes on, little thoughts are ever placed on them due to the mass contamination and risk of being exposed. At a loading bay with a building labeled "Neuron", two loaders were talking to themselves.

Loader 1: And then I said, "That's not the cream you're looking for, that's something else!"

Loader 2: Pfft hahaha! You're sick and disgusting.

Loader 1: Yet you enjoy those jokes.

While the two men were laughing, a crate was being loaded into a building and set down inside. The two loaders checked the details of the cargo.

Loader 2: That's everything?

Loader 1: Yup. We should be able to head out.

Loader 2: Finally. I can get home...

Loader 1: And do the freaky with the wife eh~?

Loader 2: Hey! Leave my personal life out of this!

As the door shutters were closing, a crate was being lifted on the inside as a figure could be seen in the shadows.

???: Alright. Time to make another run through this place. Let's see what they have tonight.

Getting out of the crate, the mysterious intruder sneaks around the loading bay as has a crowbar at the ready. They jab the bar into the box and begin to pry it open. It was only pieces of metal that didn't catch their eye.

???: A miss... Augh... Come on... Let there be something worth my time here.

The intruder began to open more crates as he got to their fifth one for the night.

???: Come on... Give me something good!

Opening the crate, two boxes labeled "Important" were printed on the outside. The intruder got a closer look to see the boxes as it was actual Neuron gear, but didn't disclose what the items were inside.

???: If these words don't explain the boxes for themselves, I think I may have hit pay dirt here.

Taking the two boxes, they loaded them up into a satchel and stood up to stretch.

???: Okay. Time to get-

A light is lit up behind him as a Neuron guard was making his rounds for the night and caught sight of the intruder. The intruder was a male with brown hair that was tied into a ponytail while wearing a red and white cap. He wore clothing that consisted of a grey trench coat and grey pants with matching boots. The t-shirt was black while the person who landed had a black hat and scarf around his face and had a black satchel.

Masked Man: Oh shit...

Neuron Officer 1: Freeze! Hands on your-

The officer sees the crate that was opened and got serious. He pulled out an object as it formed into a baton.

Neuron Officer 1: By order of the law, you are under arrest! Get on your knees!

The masked man thinks for a moment and shakes his head.

Masked Man: I would... If I wasn't escaping.

The officer got closer to the masked man as a hand was placed onto the individual. Moving in a quick fashion, the masked man takes the officer's hand and twists it to then throw them into a crate.

Masked Man: See ya.

The masked man began to run as he went further into the building. While he kept running, some other officers in the building saw the intruder running at them.

Neuron Officer 2: Freeze!

Neuron Officer 3: Stop where you are!!

Not listening to the two, the masked man charged toward them faster and just plowed into both officers with his shoulder.

Masked Man: Not gonna make this easy for you assholes. Not feeling the mood to get put to prison really.

The masked man continued to run as he went upstairs. On his trail, a Neuron officer was behind him to try and catch up to the intruder. When getting to a railing of the building, the intruder bursts out a window and flips frontward in the air to land on his feet. He looked up and shouted up to where his pursuer was.

Masked Man: Just try to catch me! I'll make you look stupid to even try attempting!

Neuron Officer: Ugh! I'll get you!

The Neuron officer had begun to jump down from the railing and prepared drop. When seeing the officer attempt to chase after him still, our masked man began to run.

Masked Man: Gonna have to be quick to catch me! Later Neuron idiot! Ha ha!

The officer lands on their feet and stands back up.

Neuron Officer: Stop!

The officer begins to chase after the perpetrator on foot. The masked man turns around the corner and notices a dumpster and quickly vaults into it and hides with the garbage. The officer comes around the corner and begins running past the dumpster the masked man was in.

Neuron Officer: When I get that trash bag, he won't see the day of light again!

When the officer leaves the area the masked man was, he pops his head out of the dumpster and takes a banana peel that was rotting away off his head.

Masked Man: I don't know whether to be offended or think of that comment about what that officer said. I know I'm trash, regardless of being in a dumpster or not.

The masked man chuckled at his own joke as he hopped out of the bin and dusted himself off.

Masked Man: Oh well. With this little... Um... Whatever it is... I think I have a chance to get out of this place. Though I'm going to need to look more into this thing. Seemed important enough if it made that officer chase after me. Let's see what I've found.

The masked man began to run somewhere as the dead of night began to get darker. But what awaited the male, would change his life... Forever.

Prologue. End.

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