08 | Drive Me Crazy

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Annika scribbled in her notebook, jerking the pen for several times she threw it right in front of her as she found it useless for not working properly. Noting that the classroom was empty, she knew throwing pen would cause no harm to her.

She heard a male voice wincing in pain. Her eyes suddenly widened. She would get into some serious trouble if it was some professor, crossing her fore fingers she looked up to look who would have been there.

Her heart would rip off her shirt and soon come out of ribcage as she still gathered courage to look up. Annika probably knew if it was some teacher, she would have been standing in the principal's room till now.

Annika looked up and sighed as her eyes came across to a guy standing some distance away from her facing his back to her. He turned around with his index finger still on his forehead trying to soothe the pain that had hit him a minute ago.

"Hey" Annika whispered out as he turned to face her. Annika gulped down hard. She bit her lower lip as she got up with books in her hand.

"Hey" he spoke out a little louder than her and she felt herself drowning into his eyes. Tearing her gaze apart, she continued to walk towards him. "Annika right?" She froze on her place and slightly nodded and she looked at his dimples appearing on both his cheeks. Annika looked at him dreamily.

"How did you know my name?"

"Ahh - it's because you play basketball very well" Annika's lips curled up into a smile as she thought herself being recognised by him. Shivaay Singh Oberoi.

Being the son of one of the board of director of the college, Annika knew who he was. She had seen him play basketball at the court before. Probably from the time she had been crushing over him since a long time from now.

Annika's eyes fell onto his beautiful masculine face. Annika looked into his greenish-blue eyes deeply, her eyes travelled to his long, narrow nose and then down to his lips which were red and juicy, she was all ready to pounce over him and steal a kiss.

"Annika" she looked at him, waving his hands infront of her. She looked down, embarassed. He chuckled at her and took a step ahead. "Iamsosorry" Annika ran past him only to get collided with one of the benches.

She looked at her scattered books and pages all over the floor, taking a deep breath in, she kneeled down to pick them up. She felt his hot breath very near to her neck, driving her crazy. She slowed down, keeping her left hand onto her heaving chest was all she could manage to do.

"Sorry" she got up quickly with everything in her hands and he pressed his lips together forming them into a thin line. Shivaay shook his head and blinked his eyes waiting for her to say something back to him. But instead she turned away and ran out of his sight.

Baffled he stared down on the floor, trying to figure out what the girl was? A thunder? No, something else, something powerful which pulled him towards her. Smiling he, pulled his shirt off. He had come there to change himself when he was attacked with her pen.

He got down to pick up his undone shirt and pants when he saw a notebook lying under one of the tables.

Dusting it off he looked at the name scribbled on the first page. Annika. He read it out. She had already smitten him in her first meet. He smiled and held it close to his chest and moved out of the classroom.


Annika banged her hand hard onto the canteen table. "Damn, how could I?"

"Annika, relax, there's nothing to worry"

"Excuse me? You heard me right? I said I lost the book which had damn everything" Rashi rolled her eyes, throwing her a i-don't-care look.

"What if someone spread it all over the campus about my freaking everything ? What if it went to some professor? What if it's with some really wrong people? What if-"

"Annika bass, it's okay, relax" Rashi screamed a bit to bring her friend down a little. "It's not okay Rashi, nothing is okay"

"It's my fault" Annika kept her head down onto the table, trying hard not to cry. Frustrated, she grabbed her bag and got up.

"Where you going?"

"Somewhere to cool my mind" gritting her teeth, Annika walked past Rashi as she sighed heavily. Sometimes she was impossible to handle.


Annika dribbled the ball, her eyes focused onto the basket, she played empty, none near her. Her only therapy when she was angry. She found peace whenever she played basketball.

Annika jumped a bit to throw the ball into the basket when she felt a tug onto her left shoulder. The ball fell down involuntarily on the ground again. The hands dribbling the ball faster towards the other end of court, towards the the other side of the basket.

Annika looked to see Shivaay, what was he probably doing here? She would not care now, she only wanted to snatch that ball off his hands right away.

"Shivaay" he looked back at her, smirking widely as he saw her running towards him. His hands still continued to dribble the ball.

Annika took a sharp turn as he made its way towards the other side, still trying to save it from her attack. Rolling around him, she held out her hand and took it away from him before he knew, she aimed it towards the basket.

Annika felt his hands slide down her bare arms. She gasped, the ball long forgetten, she closed her eyes tight at his touch. Throwing her head back, he swiftly grabbed her waist and turned her towards him.

Shivaay smiled as he looked at her. Leaving her, he took the ball which now rested on the ground. Throwing it into the basket, shivaay looked back to see her standing with crossed arms near to her chest. He had gotten himself into some real trouble, he thought and scratched his neck.

"I win" Annika frowned at that.

"You cheated"



"Well even if I did, no one saw, Annika proof" Annika twisted her lips and stomped her foot angrily on the ground as she marched away from him.

"Annika" she stopped in her track. She felt his tone change, more tension and heaviness in it. She saw him running towards her, his hair falling to and fro as he continued to run.

An urge to run her fingers through his hair evoked inside her tiny brain. "Don't you want to take what belongs to you?" Annika frowned, confused she saw him disappear from her sight.

He came back with a book in his hand, Annika gulped down. Shivaay forwarded the book towards her, with shaky hands she took it back quickly. Embarrassed she looked down.

"Did you open it?" She stood there in silence, he didn't speak, when she looked up, he nodded. She faced palm herself. Turning to run away, she cursed herself.

"Hey Annika" this time she stood rooted on her spot, still embarassed. "The sketches were beautiful" Annika shivered as his sensual tone hit her ears. Goosebumps all over her body.

Shivaay breathed in sharply, he could feel her getting little shaky, holding onto her body firm, he nuzzled into her hair, taking in her scent. "I loved each and every one of your sketch"

"Shivaay, I - "

"Shhh, it's alright Annika" Shivaay locked his arms around waist making Annika's heart flutter.

Shivaay grinned as she threw back her head into his chest, enjoying his warmth. "I should have said you earlier but I like you shivaay"

"And I do too" Annika clutched her stomach as she felt lots of butterflies exploding in her stomach.

"Shivaay" baffled by the foreign voice, they both got apart. Shivaay looked at his teammate approaching towards him.

"Coach called you up" shivaay quickly nodded and he looked at karan's eye looking at Annika suspiciously. "Did he at last say you?" Annika blinked her eyes.


"We should get going Karan" gritting his teeth, shivaay smiled at Annika as he pushed Karan away. "Read the last page of your book" Annika quickly nodded.

She looked at shivaay, punching Karan's shoulder in a playful manner, giggling, she opened her book.

'Will you go on a date with me?'

Clutching the book closer to her heart, Annika hummed silently as she walked back inside the campus . The sketches of him still intact in that book, she loved the book even more now.


This was an one shot I wrote an year ago which was on my other one shot book and is now unpublished (:

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