10 | Red Roses

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"Hey, pick up that one"

"No, no, that is not good, I will bring you another one" An enthusiastic six year old Shivaay ran from one end of the garden to another to give Annika a perfect flower.

Annika who was sitting on the ground in the middle of bunch of flowers, looked lazily here and there. "See, is this one good?" Shivaay asked while panting, showing her white daises.

"No, no, not this one, I don't like this one" Annika frowned and shook her head seeing at that the flower. Shivaau who was considerate enough to look for another flower for her, nodded his head.

"What about this one?" Shivaay presented Red Rose in front of her and her eyes lit up. It was what she wanted. Annika jumped on Shivaay making him stumble a bit but he caught her on time. The next second Annika had kissed his cheek with a huge smile on her face.

"Mama says that, one should thank the person who helps us" Shivaay had a huge blush forming on his cheeks,his face turning redder each second.

"Can you be my prince?"

"Will you be my princess then?"

I have to admit, they are so very cute (:

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