22 | The Movie

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"You know right, we don't have to do this?"

"No, I want to. I want to prove it to you that I'm not scared of shitty movies that people claim to be scary"

"Now, don't blame me if I didn't stop you from watching" Annika rolled her eyes and sat down on the couch, she grabbed a tub full of popcorn and set it on her lap.

Shivaat followed her steps, sitting down next to her and he turned the television on. He put on the movie they were about to watch. "You sure?"

"I feel like you are the one who is more scared at this moment" Shivaay ignored her comment and started the movie.

For the next fifteen minutes, there was utter silence around them. He would steal a glance at her every now and then but there was no line of worry on her face nor she was scared.

Halfway through the movie, He took a deep breath in, his eyes turning heavy, he felt drowsy. But Annika was still wide awake, watching the movie without making a noise. It felt weird to him but he shrugged it off. It had to be nothing, right?

Shivaay fell asleep with his head resting against the armrest of the couch, he was deep in slumber. After some minutes, he heard something, loud from outside. He woke up with a jolt.

Rubbing his eyes, he found Annika nowhere in his eyesight. Where did she go? With hesitation, he got up from the couch only to be slapped into the darkness again.

I wrote a drabble after so long! Do let me know if you wanna read any particular drabble!

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