Chapter 14

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Rounding a corner several blocks away from the D.O.G. headquarters while screaming animals ran past her, Chloe spotted Octo up ahead. The greyhound was carrying something in his forepaws while he lumbered down the street with his four tentacles. His jacket and pants were covered in dust, a clear indictator that he was the one who blew a hole into the wall. Picking up a the lid of a nearby trash can, Chloe yowled, "Hey Octo! Fetch!" She then threw the lid like a frisbee.

Octo's ears perked up when he heard his name being called but he didn't turn around in time as the trash can lid struck him on the back of the head. Dropping what he had been carrying, he whirled around. His face wore an ugly scowl as he snarled, "Atlanta, you're crossing the line now!" Grabbing a street lamp with one of his tentacles, he ripped it out of the sidewalk and swung it at Chloe. The gray tabby jumped to avoid it but she wasn't fast enough as it caught her.

Crashing into the side of a building, Chloe barely had enough time to get out of the way as Octo closed the distance between them in a single bound. The gray tabby cat rolled to her left as the street lamp slammed into the pavement where she had been laying just seconds earlier. Getting to her paws, Chloe looked around at her surroundings. Seeing a hose attached to one building, she extended her arm out. Panting, she flicked her paw towards Octo.

Instantly, a sudden surge of ice cold water sprayed out of the hose and struck Octo, knocking him over. Growling, the greyhound grabbed the hose and tore it off the building. Bad mistake on his part as more water surged forward. He was soon drenched and laying on the ground exhausted.

Huffing, Chloe raised her paws above her head as a sphere of water formed over her head. She was about to finish the job when the White Warrior suddenly appeared...

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