Chapter 15

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"Hey, I can handle this my-" Chloe started to shout but the White Warrior held up a paw, silencing her. The gray tabby, clearly unhappy, could only watch as the ninja canine crept over to a fallen Octo, sword drawn. Then the dog did the strangest thing. They put down their sword. At the same time, Octo was getting back on his feet. Chloe's jaw dropped all the way to the pavement. "He's gonna get himself killed..." she muttered under her breath. But then she witnessed something even stranger.

The White Warrior quietly extended their paw out towards Octo in a nonthreatening manner.

Eyes widening, Octo seemed just as surprised as Chloe was. The greyhound glanced over the White Warrior's head at the tabby cat with an astonished expression carved into his face. The feline could only shrug her shoulders. Looking back down at the canine standing before him, Octo slowly lowered himself to the ground so his regular paws could touch the pavement. Very quietly, he lifted one of his own forepaws and gently took hold of the White Warrior's.

Swishing her tail side to side, Chloe huffed before throwing the water sphere that had been circling above her head somewhere in the distance. The sound of car tires caught her attention. A moment later, some shiny black cars pulled up and agents of D.O.G. got out.

Octo was officially captured.

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