Chapter 16

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"Violet, I'm home!" Chloe called as she opened the door. She was a little upset from the events of the day. Firstly, she almost died in an explosion. Secondly, the White Warrior had shown her up. Sure, Octo was now behind bars but she always believed that it would be her that captured him. Placing down the keys to her car and her bag on the counter, Chloe just then noticed how quiet the house was. "Violet?" the tabby cat called again, heading towards the dining room. She stopped in her tracks.

Violet was sitting at the dining room table. Her right foreleg was in a cast while bandages were wrapped around her forehead. The White Warrior was there too, holding an ice pack up against the side of her wounded head. Snarling, Chloe quickly intervened, "What are you doing in my house?!"

"Chloe, wait-" Violet began to speak but it was too late as Chloe made the ice in the pack melt before opening her fist. The melted ice made the bag explode, drenching the White Warrior. Both Violet and the ninja dog seemed surprised. It was long enough for Chloe to tackle the D.O.G. agent to the ground. The pair rolled into the hallway.

"You just had to show up and ruin everything for me, didn't you?!" Chloe hissed as she pinned the White Warrior to the wooden floor. Kicking away the canine's knife, the gray tabby cat looked down to see his brilliant sky blue eyes. In the process of tackling the dog, Chloe guessed his sunglasses had accidently fallen off. And she could've sworn she had seen them before somewhere. She just couldn't remember where.

Just then, Violet came into the hallway exclaiming, "Chloe, stop. Listen to me, the White Warrior is not the enemy here." Confused, Chloe had looked up at the border collie for a brief second. When she looked back down, she discovered that the White Warrior had mysteriously disappeared from her grasp.

Quietly coming over to Chloe and placing her left paw on her shoulder, Violet whispered, "There's something I need to tell you."

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