01. shirley temples

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"WIPE THAT FROWN off your face, Josette, you'll get wrinkles." Her mother said as the pair walked into King's Cross Station.

Josie couldn't believe how composed her mother was, her father had died less than three months ago for Merlin's sake. After almost five years of battling Cancer, Joseph Vaughn took his last breath in the Wizarding World. Although he was born a muggle, his money helped his wife climb towards the top of the ministry, as well as her older sister Juliet.

Neither of them seemed to mourn her father's death which made her furious. This would be her first time getting on the Hogwarts Express without her father bidding her goodbye, how would she not wear a frown at the thought?

"You do realize this is my first time here without Dad, right? Do you expect me to have the brightest smile, mother?" Josette said trying to calm herself down. Ever since her father died and was left with her mother, she had been a raging ball of emotions. She no longer had her rock to steady her.

Reyna Gage-Vaughn took ahold of her daughter's wrist tightly, stopping her from continuing her path towards the train. "You listen here, Josette, you will not disgrace my or your father's name by lashing out every chance you get. I did not name you after one of my ancestors for you to turn out like this! Your father died, but it was expected considering how long he fought against the wicked disease. Learn from your sister and me and move on."

Tears threatened to pour out of Josie's eyes, not because of sadness but rather anger. She might have hated Hogwarts and school in general, but she rather stays in the castle than with her mother year-round. "It's hard not to grieve the only person who ever truly loved me for who I am, so no, mother - I will not be moving on anytime soon."

     "Oh, Josette, I can't wait to see you fail miserably in the real world. Everything I've done has been for your benefit, yet you always pin the blame on me, you make it seem like I'm the monster." Reyna exclaimed softly trying not to draw attention to the pair. After all, her reputation is what mattered most in this world.

     Josette had had enough of her mother, it took everything in her not to storm away without saying goodbye, but she would never have heard the end of it if she were to. "I have to board the train mother, see you next summer, unfortunately," Josie said collecting the belongings she had dropped.

     "Next summer? Your sister is coming home with her fiancé for Christmas and I expect you to be there. You've come home every holiday since your first year, so I expect you to board that train when the time comes." Her mother said strictly.

     The last thing Josie would be doing was dressing up to meet her sister's fiancé, she didn't need another constant reminder of how great her sister was. "I had someone to go home to during the past holidays, but now that he's gone I don't see the point."

     Before Reyna could reply a woman, who Josette presumed was an acquaintance of her mother's, came strutting towards the pair. "Reyna how lovely it is to see you! It's been ages."

      Her mother quickly put on a fake smile to greet the woman. "Why yes, almost a year. Let us catch up with a drink of tea or some sort, let me just bid my daughter goodbye." She finished motioning towards Josette.

     It was obvious the woman was high up in the ministry considering her mother would want to talk to her, her mother didn't have friends only business partners.

     "Now, Josette, don't make a fool of your family name. I expect to see you during the holidays, or shall I repeat myself?" She finished giving her a stern look.

     "Heard you the first time, Mother." She murmured. "See you during the holidays." She said bidding her mother a final goodbye. Josie had only said her last statement to get her mother off her back, there was no absolute way she'd be spending her break in that hell hole. Spending the two weeks in her dorm all alone sounded much more pleasing.

     As she neared the train, a groan escaped her mouth. By the looks of it, it seemed as if most of the compartments would be full. Athena always offered her a seat, but Josie preferred spending the ride alone lost in thought, it was her time to mentally prepare herself for the upcoming year, and she was positive this year wouldn't be the same. One day during an argument with her mother, shortly after her father's death, Josie realized she had always tried to be the perfect daughter, but it was never enough. So why should she continue to try? Josette planned on doing everything her mother forbid, and she didn't plan on backing out.

      She carefully placed her bags and her Owl, Inez, along with the rest of the student's luggage. She hated that she had to leave her animal in the hands of a stranger, but last time she tried sneaking it in it cost her house points, and Josie was always determined to win as many points as possible. Slytherin had always won the cup, well until Harry Potter came to Hogwarts, but that didn't stop her from doing all she could.

     Climbing onto the train, she began looking for an empty compartment. The more she searched, the less likely she thought she'd find one, but it seemed as if Merlin finally began listening to her wishes. She stumbled across a compartment with no one inside, she let out a sigh of relief considering she wouldn't have to endure anybody's voices. The train ride was long, too long in her opinion, so she began making herself comfortable.

     Once the train began to move, Josette took it as a sign to rest her eyes. She had spent a car ride with her mother, so she believed she deserved the time of peace and quiet. But it seemed as if the universe decided to hate her once again as a big thump woke her from her short rest. As she opened her eyes she found George Weasley on the floor, along with Fred and Lee Jordan at the entrance of the compartment.

     "Oh, hell no!" George exclaimed lifting himself from the floor. "You said you found somewhere reasonable to sit, I'm not sitting with her."

      Josette's eyes had to widen a bit more observing George clearly for the first time. He had cut off most of his hair compared to their sixth year and he seemed to grow a few more inches, definitely over six feet she was sure. As much as it pained her to admit, George Weasley was quite fit, but she'd never admitted it to anyone. Josie soon realized she had been staring for a bit too long, and quickly racked her brain for something to say.

     "For once we agree on something, Weasley, you aren't sitting here. I'm sure there are some other students who will welcome you, three musketeers." Josie replied signaling them to leave.

     "Trust us we rather be sitting somewhere else as well, but the only other place is with Adrian Pucey and he's worse than you," Fred said as he began placing their carry on's on the shelf above. "It's not like we're going to bother you anyways."

     "Your presence bothers me, and I highly doubt you can keep quiet for seven to eight hours." She replied.

     George watched as Lee slipped in right next to Fred, only leaving a seat next to Josette. "You two are mad thinking I'm going to sit next to her for hours! I rather sit on the hallway floors."

     "Well, George, no one is stopping you," Lee said pointing towards the hallway outside.

     George quickly flipped him off before turning towards the Slytherin. "Can't you go sit with your friends? We get you're some anti-social git, but that doesn't have to affect us."

     "Last time I checked, I was here first, in fact, I was about to enter a deep sleep until you three showed up. And sitting next to Adrian is torture, so how 'bout you lot find someone else to bother." Josie suggested.

     "Surely we can let the past go for a couple of hours, don't you think?" Fred said looking in between the pair.

     "No." They both replied at the same time.

     "Well then, you two can find somewhere else to sit because the trolley is about to come and I'm not moving," Lee said while pulling out a couple of sickles to buy sweets.

     George sent one last pleading look to the Gryffindors, but soon realized they wouldn't budge. He then reluctantly took a seat next to Josette, staying as far away as he could.

     Although Josette was furious about the boys invading her space, she grew too tired to argue further. She decided to ignore their presence and lay her head once again, but that didn't last long considering a cloud of smoke soon erupted within their compartment. Josette began sneezing due to the scent in the air. "What the fuck did you do!" She exclaimed pulling out her wand. "Alohomora." She cast, opening the door releasing the smoke out of the compartment.

     "My fault, sorry," Fred said sheepishly. "Probably shouldn't be testing items in a tight space."

     "You think, what even was that?" She questioned.

     "It's basically just smoke that causes people to sneeze, it's more useful than it sounds," George explained, but quickly went back to giving her the cold shoulder, not that she even cared for the matter.

     "I'm going to shut my eyes once more, if you three do something else to wake me up I will kick you out," Josette said looking at all three boys directly.

     "Oh, don't be boring," Fred whined. "How was your summer?" He questioned.

     "She was probably sipping Shirley temples in the Bahamas, or was it Hawaii?" George said sarcastically. It was no secret how wealthy the Vaughn family was, Josette once suggested they buy a small island, but unfortunately her parents declined the offer.

     "I was actually grieving my dead father, but thanks for asking." She replied in a blunt tone. Josie was secretly breaking inside due to the mention of her father, but the last thing she would ever do is cry in front of the three Gryffindors.

     All three boys became silent to the point where you could hear a pin drop, at least her statement had got them to keep quiet for once.

     "Sorry for your loss, Josette, I heard he was a great man," Fred said breaking the silence.

     "Yes, he was." She replied in a low whisper. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to sleep."

     This time none of the three threatened to wake her.


       The Slytherin common room was decorated with green and black balloons welcoming the first years. The house had received quite a few students, more than last year. Adrian, the prefect for the year, lazily pointed where they'd be staying for the next seven years, and his welcoming speech wasn't that great as well.

     Josie was given the Head Girl position, but she refused to welcome any of the first years on the train or in the castle. If she were being honest she'd probably scare them away, so it was best she didn't do the greeting part. Although she hated most of the responsibilities that came with the job, she didn't mind bossing everybody around for the year. Plus, if she didn't get the position she would have heard a long speech about her sister getting the Head Girl position her seventh year.

     "Shouldn't you be showing the first years around?" Leo asked approaching the Slytherin.

     "Yes I should, but I'm not," Josette replied weaving her way towards the girl's dormitory.

     "I heard about your father, Josie," Leo said causing the girl to stop in her tracks. "I know you aren't one to talk about your feelings, but I'm always here, along with Athena."

     "Thanks, Leo." She said forming a small smile on her lips. She waved him goodbye before continuing her path towards her room. She shared it with Athena and Astra, and she was sure they were already inside setting up their drawers and beds.

     As soon as she walked in she was greeted by their loud voices, both girls were very energetic there was no doubt, but the difference between the two was Astra was only loud around her friends. "Josie, you're here!" Athena exclaimed noticing the blonde at the entrance. "Didn't see you on the train, got worried for a bit."

     "I got stuck with the Weasley twins and Lee Jordan, I'm not sure how we're all still alive. They kept testing products for their new 'shop'" She said with air quotations. "I'm sure George was about to poison me in my sleep until Fred stopped him."

     "You shared a compartment with them? I find that very hard to believe, how did that even happen!" Astra exclaimed out of confusion. George and Josette had an ongoing rivalry that never seemed to stop, and he had yet to shove a win in her face.

     "I'm not entirely sure now that I look back at it, luck just wasn't on my side." She replied walking over where her Owl was caged. She quickly let her out allowing for her wings to spread. "I overheard them saying they were going to open up a shop, a bit mad don't you think?"

      "Well they won't become Aurors with the grades they have, so business seems to be the only route they have," Athena said with a shrug. "Apparently they're actually very smart with coming up with products, but they don't put the same effort into their studies."

     "I'm not sure if sneezing dust is considered smart, but if they say so," Josette said laying down on her bed. She had tried her best to sleep on the train, but it was almost impossible with the boys.

    "What do you all think about the new Defense against the Dark Arts Professor?" Athena questioned the pair.

     "Seems like a bitch to me," Josette said with a scoff. "I've seen her once or twice at my mother's banquet and she's always wearing a hideous pink dress and talks like a mid-evil witch."

     "I'm pretty sure she is," Astra said with a small chuckle. "I heard she was sorted into Slytherin during her years at Hogwarts, but there's no way I'd befriend her."

      "That makes two of us, she reminds me of my mother, so that's automatically a bad sign," Josette stated.

      "Worse or around the same?" Athena questioned.

      "Considering we have to spend the school year with her, I'm going to say worse."

hihihi! new chapter
because i got bored in
class, gif by remuslupout

what's your hybrid house?

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