02. puking pastilles

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     "A LITTLE RUSTY there, Vaughn," Adrian called out as the Beater missed yet another target shot.

     Josette rolled her eyes ignoring the team captain, which in her opinion didn't even deserve the spot, but most of the team was made up of sexist males who even gave the girls on the team a hard time.

     She wouldn't admit she was rusty, but it had been quite a while since she stepped into the Quidditch pitch. The Triwizard Tournament had postponed the Quidditch season the previous year and she had only played a couple of hours throughout the break. She had debated quitting the team altogether until Athena begged her not to. They already had a shortage of girls due to Adrian and it was no doubt Josie was one of the best beaters Hogwarts had had in a while (plus she needed something to let her anger out on.)

     "Who's the captain for each team this year?" Leo questioned nearing a frustrated Josette. Athena, Astra, and Leo had noticed the amount of stress she was carrying, so they were trying their best to help her raging emotions.

     Josie took a deep breath before turning towards the group. "I heard Potter almost got expelled, so I'm not even sure if he is playing, but Angelina is a possibility for Gryffindor. Hufflepuff is undecided since no one wants to take Cedric's old spot because. . . well you all know. Lastly, I'm sure Davies still holds the title for Ravenclaw captain." She replied with all the information she could think of. "I'm just glad Wood isn't here and hopefully Adrian gets injured."

     "That makes two of us," Astra said glaring towards the captain who wore a proud - but annoying grin on his face. "You know, we've been praying for his downfall, yet it hasn't happened. What's up with that? I'm sure we aren't the only ones who want him gone."

     "Trust me, we aren't," Athena replied.

     "He's basically Snape's favorite student, how do you think he stole the position from Marcus Flint." Said Josette.

     "Well, Snape has to like you at least a bit considering you got the Head Girl position, I'm positive he was the one who recommended you to Dumbledore," Astra replied.

     Josette let out a groan. "Don't even remind me about being Head Girl, turns out there's more responsibility than I thought. Roger Davies got Head Boy and he hasn't stopped complaining that I didn't help him out on the train the first day. Adding onto that, he keeps nagging that I have to attend the meetings, can you believe him?" She exclaimed.

     "That's part of the job, Josie," Leo said trying to hold in his laughter.

     "He's just a kiss-ass, basically Adrian as a Ravenclaw. He's trying to become the best Head Boy ever to exist, but apparently, I'm preventing him from doing so." Josette said as she played with her red-polished nails. Along with the red lip she wore constantly, her red nails were a way of showcasing the witch's feelings.

     "Isn't Umbridge supposed to attend the meetings as well, Faye overheard someone say she thinks the prefects are slacking at their job," Astra said remembering what one of her friends, from Ravenclaw, had said.

     At the mention of the professor, Josette developed a headache. She had attended her class earlier that day and almost fell asleep (she was about to, but her annoying voice prevented her from doing so.) The students were forbidden to use magic in the class which defeated the whole purpose of "defense". She was close to inviting her to play Quidditch so she could knock her out, but she rather not spend another minute with the lady.

     "Oi, you four!" Adrian called out grabbing the group's attention. "Are you going to sit and chat for the rest of the practice? If so, I have people lined up to take your spot, especially your spot, Astra." Adrian said directing his attention towards Malfoy.

     Josette found herself rolling her eyes before hopping on her broom. "You'd lose every game without us, Adrian, but go ahead."

     Adrian knew she was right, but his pride would never admit it. "Practice has extended an extra hour since Vaughn over here can't keep her mouth shut." He announced causing the whole team to let out a groan.

     Josie didn't let his actions affect her, after all, they needed the extra practice to get back in shape. They had just received a new chaser, so they needed all the time they could to get him comfortable within the team.

     As the team began to practice and scrimmage a few times, Josette felt a smile form on her lips, she had almost forgotten the joy of riding a broom. Everything seemed to be going well considering their new chaser, Blaise Zabini, immediately played well with Athena and Adrian. The three had managed to score a few points on their keeper, Miles Bletchley. Unfortunately for the team, their practice was interrupted by the screams of Angelina Johnson.

     "Guess we know who's Quidditch captain now," Josette whispered towards Leo.

     The hour that Adrian had extended seemed to interfere with Gryffindor's tryouts, but knowing the Slytherin team they wouldn't leave until the hour was up. Even if Angelina called McGonagall to complain.

     "We have tryouts, Pucey, it's our turn on the field." She argued as Adrian, along with a couple of other members of the team, flew down towards the group of Gryffindors.

     "If you have a word to say, say it to, Vaughn. She's the reason we're out here an extra hour." He replied pinning the blame on her.

     Josette was taken aback by the childish behavior he was acting upon. He sounded like a first-year snitching on others. "You're the one who extended the practice, Adrian, therefore I have nothing to do with this."

     "Either way, we have tryouts." George, who stood right next to Angelina, spoke up. "Just leave."

     Josie let out a scoff, she was stubborn beyond belief and wasn't going to let him tell her what to do. "We'll leave when our extra hour is up, Weasley."

     "Don't tell me two other Weasleys are going to try out. Do you really believe you're going to make it, Weaslette?" Draco said from the back of the group.

     Josette and Astra might have hated most Gryffindors, but they both hated Malfoy much more. "Malfoy do us all a favor and stay out of this," Josette said turning towards the boy.

     "You're only allowed to play against Hufflepuff, I wouldn't be saying much," Astra said following Josette.

     George, who was surprised that Josette defended her sister, soon wore a confused face. Never would he have thought she'd go against one of her own teammates.

     "Now I see why they call them snakes, they don't even support each other,"  Fred whispered towards his brother.

     "That's enough!" Angeline exclaimed, tired of all the commotion going on. "Give us the pitch, so we don't have to interact any longer."

     A smirk grew on Josette's lips. "Like I told Weasley, Johnson," She started before hopping on her broom. "You can have it as soon as our hour is up."


Josette was five seconds away from giving up her spot as Head Girl. Although Roger and she were supposed to host the meetings with the other prefects, Dolores had stepped in and conducted the whole thing herself. She began lecturing the group about discipline and not letting anyone off the hook. If they were to catch any students out past curfew they were instructed to immediately send them to her office, but Josie knew she wouldn't bother following her rules. She wasn't even sure if she'd stay out past eleven to search the halls.

Roger, on the other hand, wrote all the information being given on two separate sheets. He knew she wouldn't bother writing anything down, so he decided to do the task for her. She felt a small amount of pity for the Ravenclaw, but then again aren't Ravenclaw supposed to be smart? He should have known better than to think she'd read over the notes.

"Ms.Vaughn, is there anything that you'd like to say? Mr.Davies has given many great tips for the fellow prefects, do you have anything to share by any chance?" Dolores spoke up noticing she hadn't uttered a single word throughout the meeting.

Josette, whose head had been laid on the table out of boredom, quickly sat up at the mention of her name. "Um well. . . do good in school and house spirit?" She shrugged causing several students to let out a small laugh.

Dolores was not impressed by the witch's reply. "You have been given a very high position, Ms.Vaughn. I'm sure many students would love the shot at being Head Girl, so take your position a bit more serious."

It took everything in Josette not to roll her eyes. As long as word didn't reach her mother, she could've cared less about the position being stripped from her grasp. But, for the sake of not hearing Dolores's wretched voice, she nodded signaling she understood.

     "Very well then, prefects will patrol the halls till eleven o'clock and Ms.Vaughn and Mr.Davies till midnight. Do I make myself clear?" The Professor finished.

     Josette internally groaned as she finished her statement. She had tons of homework to do, but instead, she'd be on the lookout for a bunch of hormonal teenagers. To make matters worse, Roger suggested they search the halls together. He didn't seem to trust her enough to send students towards Dolores.

     Prefects from each house quickly made their way out of the room as quickly as they could. A small chuckle escaped Josie's mouth as she saw Hermione slap Ron across the head.

"What's so funny?" Roger questioned.

"Oh, nothing." She replied shortly.

Roger wasn't convinced but decided to let the topic go. "I believe we should patrol the east side of the castle, most students are found there at night," Roger suggested.

"How 'bout we split up," Josette replied trying to get away from the Ravenclaw. "We'll be more likely to catch a student if we do so." She lied. Josie had little to no interest in finding students, in fact, she was hoping she could sneak off to her common room before anyone noticed her presence missing.

Roger wasn't very keen on the idea of them splitting up, but he knew she wouldn't take no for an answer. "Very well then, you patrol the area near the dungeons since you know the area, and I'll patrol near the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw areas."

A smirk grew on her lips, his suggestion was basically a sign for her to sneak off her duties.
"That's the first intellectual thing you've said all day, Davies."

Roger simply rolled his eyes before heading towards Ravenclaw tower.

A deep sigh was released by Josie. It was around ten o'clock meaning all students should have been in bed now. Although she wanted to quickly go to the dungeons where Slytherin's common room laid, she decided to go the long way in case Dolores happened to be around.

The halls were empty, which Josette quite enjoyed. School itself was something she wasn't very fond of, but she had to admit the castle was breathtaking. The high ceilings and glass paintings were absolutely memorizing if you looked close enough. Months were spent making sure every single detail was in tack, and even though the castle was hundreds of years old, it still had a touch.

She continued to admire the portraits, and even saying hello to a few, as she continued her journey. Even though she grew up in the Wizarding World, Josette still found the living paintings quite odd, but none the less most were polite - others not so much.

Josette was taken out of thought by a loud 'thump' not far from where she stood. She hadn't exactly thought she'd encounter a student at this time, what git would be dumb enough to be roaming the halls while the prefects were patrolling.

But, it seemed to all make sense when she saw a flash of ginger hair trying not to get caught. She knew the Weasley twins weren't the brightest, but she didn't think they were absolutely daft!

"You two can come out, you've already been caught." She called out, but neither one responded to her statement. "I'm not going to turn you in, you might get on my nerves, but Dolores has taken your top spot, George."

"Now, now, Vaughn. I believe that is simply impossible! Surely my dear brother still holds the top spot in the 'People I want to Kill' list." Fred said coming out from behind where the pair hid.

"Hilarious," Josette replied sarcastically. "What are you even doing here? This is the Slytherin dungeons in case you weren't familiar. Your common room is on the other side of the castle, do you need a babysitter to guide you?" Josette joked.

"We don't need a babysitter." George spat.

As he followed his twin towards Josette, she noticed the briefcase he held on to. It had a huge 'W' plastered on the front, with orange and purple coloring across. Josette quickly began connecting the dots as to why they were in the dungeons.

"Are you two going to play a prank inside the Slytherin common room! You're absolutely mad thinking I'm going to let you, plus how were you intending to get in without the password?" She questioned.

"Blackmailed one of the first years," George replied casually.

"Threatened to tell his professor he had been using Puking Pastilles to get out of class." Fred finished.

     Josette stood there dumbstruck. She couldn't believe they had managed to devise the plan, she was quite impressed - of course, she'd never tell them that.

     "Considering it's half past ten and I'm absolutely tired I won't report you two," Josette said causing both twins to let out a sigh of relief. "but I'm taking away five points from Gryffindor, each."

     "You can't do that!" George challenged, making his way closer towards the Slytherin.

     Josette looked up proudly towards George pointing towards the Head Girl badge the laid on her robe. "Technically I can, Weasley. You see, Head Girl has the privilege of doing so."

     George looked down towards Josette with eyes full of rage. "You need a reason to do so, Vaughn."

     "I can think of many actually, would you like me to list them?" She replied, too which Fred excitedly said yes - just to get on his brother's nerve. "You're out past curfew, you were about to prank another house, you're selling pastries that help students get out of class - the list is basically endless."

     George didn't know what to respond considering everything she stated was the truth. If she were to report their products they'd lose all their customers, along with the money to open up their own shop. Harry's tournament money was a huge help, but the extra from students was crucial.

"C'mon, Fred, let's go," George said pushing past Josette.

"But the show was just about to start!" Fred whined in annoyance.

my updating schedule is
literally EVERYWHERE.
it's 12am and my computer
is not functioning. . . again!
so i had to write this on my
phone :// anyways hope you
enjoyed <33

who would your ideal love
triangle be with, and who'd
be the winner?

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