Looking East

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Carmen Jon paced around his office, looking at the view from the New Kroy sky. Reports of the west side had been growing stronger. Apparently some hocus-pocus group lead by a schoolgirl was growing stronger. He would not-could not allow it. The rebels must be  squashed, along with  the entire East side. They had grown too bold, and they didn't seem to listen to Him. Was he not the leader of this country! Acair would bow to him! A small nagging thought pierced his head. But he could take care of the eagles. 

"Dlano. Come in" He pressed the button. 

"Yes, Master." Dlano's voice came from the desk.

"Deal with the eagles. Kill them, or else."

Yes, Master." Dlano said. Carmen settled into his chair. He would kill the eagles. And if the papers were correct at identifying her name, he would kill Sorrel Wood.


As the early morning light shined down upon the clearing, Sorrel woke up and ruffled her feathers. The night had been long, but not hard. As she was waking up, Sorrel looked around the clearing. Feather had flown hard and fast, and they hadn't stopped until they reached the edge of the Night Mountains.  After this, it was a few days until they reached the Northern mountains, and the start of her plan. 

Sorrel smiled as she looked at Feather, lying in a patch of grass. The scene was so picture perfect. The mountains right near them, the sunrise. Sorrel spread her wings and fluttered down to where Feather was sleeping and woke her. The beautiful reindeer lifted her head, and Sorrel transformed back into a human. She patted feather's head, and collected the bags from where they had left them.

While Feather grazed on the sweet grass, Sorrel wrote in her journal. It felt right to keep one, even though it wasn't very big and she didn't write much. As she flipped through the pages, She smiled sadly. Magnesium and Astra would be taken care of by Mike well enough. Sorrel just hopped he could fill in for her Life Science abilities. Cassia wasn't interested at all, it seemed. She picked up her pen and stared at the rising sun. She wanted to put it into words, but no words could explain it. Instead she drew a picture of the scene, which was just so adorable that it had to be drawn. Sorrel smiled as she looked down at her own terrible rough sketch.

"Hmm. I'll work on that." Sorrel muttered, and put her journal back, rummaging around for supplies.

"Come here, Feather." Sorrel said, and found Feather's blanket. She draped the brown cloth over Feather's back and knelt, rummaging for more items.  Her saddle went on next, along with the saddle bags full of food. Sorrel got out a carrot for Feather, and a apple for herself. It wasn't much, but soon they would have even less.  Feather nuzzled her and Sorrel gave her the carrot. Sorrel lead Feather to a stream of clear, fresh mountain water. Sorrel then lead her to a nice open field of grass, and patted her, making sure everything was alright for the long trip ahead.

"Up for another day of flying?" Sorrel asked. 

"Anything....Lady." Feather responded. Not as clear as true birds, but Sorrel was getting better. Then again, Feather did have wings. Sorrel mounted her, using a tree stump to gain hight. Feather galloped off, spreading her wings. A little bit rough as they gained hight, but they soon stedied. They passed through clouds into the clear blue sky. The two of them flew as a team. Not as separate entities, but as one.  As they flew north, Sorrel looked to the east, and her eyes widened. A huge chunk of metal lay at the horizon. Twisted steel and copper. Smoke clouded the cities, which were large and ugly. Not at all like her country home. The metal shot up in spirals and dips. The eastern cities. Home of Carmen Jon. For now, but not much longer.


Mike Sat next to Cassia, planning the next attack. Tiredness had fallen on all of them, and Carmen was beginning to battle back harder and harder. A few members of there devision had been killed in a skirmish only two days ago, but the rest of the enemies had been turned into rabbits. With teaching classes every few days and managing the entire devision, things had been exhausting. Mike could see now why Sorrel had always looked so weighed down before, and why she had done as she said. It would provide a perfect opportunity for there attack.

"We should place a legion of Battle Devision at the southern outpost" Scott said. He was the leader of Battle Division, and he was strong, large and muscular. He certainly scared Mike, and probably Cassia as well. 

"No. Place them more Eastward. Jon seemed to be going for a more direct approach." Anna Corman said, the Leader of Defense.

The debate went back and forth, with Cassia eventually siding with the leader of Defense Division. She was a pretty woman with fiery red hair and green eyes. She always seemed to be smiling, and helped out Cassia and Mike whenever they needed. Mike sighed, thinking about the plans.


Hey guys! Sorry about the fact that this chapter has three different characters XD. The info in there was too small to have an individual chapter, so I ended up just putting up alongside the main storyline. Also, Would you guys prefer me to follow all three of the main storylines right now (Sarin, Sorrel and Mike) Or just focus on Sorrel?

Also, Try spelling locations backwards... xD 

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