The Transformation

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Time is an interesting thing, isn't it? It flows, moving like water, yet at the same time it is perfectly still like Ice. Maybe a glacier would be the best explanation of how it moves and flows, but on the other hand, It sweeps away everything before it. Or maybe it is stationary and were the ones moving through it. There are just too many possibilities to consider, too many ideas too think about. The cycles of the earth move, like Spring to Summer, Summer to fall and back to winter. But life still persists.


"It looked like she's dead." Sorrel knelt over the injured reindeer, bleeding out on the arctic tuft. 

"No. I won't let that be... She raised her hand and slowly began to heal her.


"Its time you found a mate!" The king stood over Sarin, who looked pained.

"Nobody speaks to me! I'm not ready yet!"

"You have to be! What are you, a dove?"

"Goodbye, Father." Sarin stalked out of the room, and sighed. His father didn't understand him. Nobody seemed too, these days. At least springtime was coming again. A memory of that first day when he had given Sorrel the amulet made him smile. His father had been over the roof mad about that, but it had turned out fine. Anger swelled through him, and he took off, flying north once again.


"Wood, Alena is here to see you" Sorrel looked up from her papers. 

"I'll be there in a moment." Sorrel said, and she stood up, straightening her desk. She looked around, at the tent that was now her home. A small, battered desk, her bed pad, and of course, Astra and Magnesium now smaller cage. Although then Sorrel remembered she needed to take them all out today. She must add that to the list. She stepped outside the tent, and breathed in the fresh forest air. 

Her long, brown hair was braided in a single, long braid. In the last year, she'd grew several inches. Springtime was coming once again, and Sorrel was needed to help plan the next attack. The seemingly random rebels had joined into one group, which was split into three divisions. Sorrel led the Atomic Division, which put stress on her like she'd never realized. Cassia and Mike had tried there best to help, but Sorrel felt like she just wasn't meant for being a leader of such a large group. Almost 200 people were in her division, the smallest of the three groups. The battle division had over a thousand. Not many people seemed to posses the talent for it. It required creativity, knowledge. Adults seemed to be less able then children.

Sorrel sighed. She walked into the woods surrounding the camp, and then when she deep enough in the woods, she focused on herself. Blood, Heart, Mind... Down to the smallest cell, really. And then she was a beautiful eagle, with sprawling brown wings, a white head, and green eyes. Sorrel lifted into the air, and met Alena on the top of a tree. 

"Pleased to see you again." The eagle said, bowing her head. Sorrel nodded. Alena went through her reports, explaining some of the eagles plans. Sorrel focused on it, nodding. She liked Alena. Alena always made sure that Sorrel was Ok. And for that, Sorrel respected her. The talk ended, and Alena flew off, her wings glittering in the sun. Sorrel fluttered down into camp, hopping to find Cassia. As the year had gone on, Cassia had become the best with Physical Science. She could do complex chemistry easily. Mike had become focused on Earth Science, and made rocks. He could even move them. Sorrel had become obsessed with Life Science. She could turn into many animals, and they had become to respect her. Sorrel found Mike's tent, which was decorated with gems.

"Mike?" Asked Sorrel.

"Here." Mike came out of his tent.

"I need some advice." Sorrel said, and told Mike her plan.

"Do it. I believe in you." Mike said.

"Thank you, Sorrel."

"Be safe." Mike said as she left.

Sorrel took a few days to get her stuff ready. Tents, Winter coats both for her and Feather, food for both of them as well. Everything was needed, even though it was just the two of them. As she stepped out of her tent one last time, Astra spoke behind her.

"Sorrel? Why are you leaving?"

"I have too. Its for the best." The bird looked sad, but nodded. 

"Mike will take care of you, alright? I love you guys." She smiled, and turned away before her tears could fall. As she put the saddle bags on Feather, and tightened the straps, Cassia entered the stable behind her.

"Hey Cassia." Sorrel said, rubbing Feather's feathers. The reindeer had been healed from fatal wounds, and while she was healing, Sorrel had given her long, sprawling wings.

"Sorrel... Are you leaving?" Sorrel nodded. Her hair was braided, with a silver circle resting in her hair.

"Yes Cassia. I'm leaving for a while."

"But... Who will be in charge." Cassia said. Sorrel bowed, and took off the silver circle on her hair.

"Cassia Alpa, Leader of the Atomic Division." Sorrel said, and placed the circle on the Cassia's hair. Sorrel got onto Feather, and they ran out of the stable-tent and up into the air. Sorrel took one last look at the camp behind her, and then they were gone. She knew that Mike would tell Cassia about Sorrel's plan, and tell her why, and so Sorrel left. She flew past waterfalls, as she headed North. The wind whistled past her face, and the cold air feeling incredible on her face.

A new horizon awaited her, if her plan came to conclusion.


Welcome back to Atomic Magic! I'm sorry for my month absence from the world of Sorrel and Sarin,  but I'm back now! (Hopefully my writing has improved from the dreadful writing it was before!)

Please Comment and vote if you enjoyed! Also if theres anything I need to improve on!

Thank so much to @NovaEraKittyfor helping me get over my writers block!

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