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Sorrel opened her eyes, and found herself in a cave. She seemed to be sleeping on a small rock ledge, and a blanket was dropped over her. The cave was spacious, but she could still see the other wall.

"Sleep well?" Asked a voice from the cave entrance. Sorrel suddenly sat up, and the man came fully into view. He held a lantern, and Sorrel stared, vaguely recognizing him.

"Who are you?" Asked Sorrel. Her confusion obviously showed on her face, and the man laughed. It was a kind laugh, and it seemed to flow easily and naturally.

"You honestly do not recognize me?" Asked the man. He had a strange accent, as though english was not his first language, and suddenly Sorrel placed him.

"Sarin?" She said, tilting her head. He burst out laughing.

"I knew you'd get there eventually." He brought  the lantern over and set it down near the ledge.

"How did you rescue me?" Asked Sorrel.

"Mmm. Now that is a long story. Quite a long one." Sarin stared off into the distance, but then seemed to return to reality.

"My Father got on my nerves again-Nothing important" He said, waving away the question Sorrel was about to ask. 

"I was going north, because I find the cool air relaxing. I found Feather, about six miles away from where you were-She's fine" He said, turning back to Sorrel. 

"She's nearby. Very loyal to you, she is. Good job giving her wings though. She seemed to enjoy them." He nodded his head, and turned around, beginning to pace in a very birdlike manner.

"She told me what happened, and I flew as fast as I could to the spot she had said. You were gone, but I tracked the footprints to there camp. You were unconscious, but still alive. I battled the four remaining soldiers and turned three of them into mice. The fourth I was forced to kill though. I then brought you here, and you've been here for about a Sun cycle." Sorrel nodded, as she finally cam more fully awake.

"Thank you." She said. Sarin shrugged. 

"Don't mention it. Honestly, I don't want my father to get a whole You and me story out. Its bad enough for him that I gave you the neckless." Sorrel's hand went to her throat, checking that it was still there.

"And if Cassia heard about this, it would become Sorin. That whole Ship thing that she's into." Sorrel said, smiling.

"Or Sarrol" Said Sarin, beginning to laugh again. "Those things never made any sense."

"Where are we?" Asked Sorrel.

"In a cave about two kilometers from where you were captured. One of my little Safe Houses I built out here." Replied Sarin.

"And what should be are next move?" 

"Well..." Sarin said. "I was thinking of teaching you more about Atomic Magic. How to use it more effetely. I have a feeling you will play a prevail part in this war." Sorrel nodded.

"What about the others?" She asked. 

"They will do just fine." Sarin said. He nodded his head and walked out of the cave. Sorrel sighed and pondered all that she had just found out. Not the least of it Sarin's relationship with the King. She leaned back on the ledge and waited. A few minutes later Sarin returned, this time carrying a basket of fruit, bread and some fish.

"Food?" Asked Sarin. He sat on a rock near the ledge where Sorrel was.

"Thanks." Sorrel said, finally realizing how hungry she was, and she took a hunk of bread. It was delicious. 

"Very Good" She said when she'd finished.

"Thanks." Sarin said. He was eating part of a cooked fish, and eating it slower then Sorrel. Sorrel ate some more food, before deciding to ask another question.

"What was your childhood like?" She asked. Sarin chewed his fish for a bit, swallowed, and then spoke.

"You mean, like me being a prince" He replied. Sorrel nodded. 

"Not as glamorous as most would believe." He sighed, looked down.

"I was born in the new eagle palace. There were two eggs, but the other one never hatched. I was alone. And then when I was two my mother died, leaving me alone with my father. She was a beautiful eagle, and after she died, my father became distant, and I didn't see him much. After that I was raised by a golden eagle. Summer.  She cared for me the best she could. Taught me so much, all that I know, really. She was an amazing magician, especially considering that Eagle's consider Golden's to be second class. I never really got to know my father until I was old. Ah, she was amazing. She knew stories of the past, old songs, old stories." He smiled

"Sing me a song, then" Sorrel said.

Sarin closed his eyes, and began to sing. His voice was soft and low, but warm.

Carry me away

On wings of gold.

Carry me across

The distant hills

The wind is picking up

Gliding me home

Where I want to be

Is not where I am

I am safe

Upon these winds

They take me

Like a little leaf

Yet soon I will be home.

"There were more lines, a few more in the middle, but I can't remember them." Sarin said, smiling.

"It was pretty anyway." Sorrel smiled. "What is the job, of the Eagle king?"

"He basically oversees the entire kingdom of eagles, and birds. Most other animals, as well. He used to rule over the humans as well, but no longer. The 'President' Does it now."

"And he doesn't do a good job." Muttered Sorrel. Sarin gave a interesting half smile. "They used to communicate with the eagles more. Summer told me about that."

"And so, What is the amulet of birds? It was important to the Eagles, right?" She asked, fingering the Celtic note." 

"Ah. The amulet. It is part of two. That story I have heard many times. That story is very powerful." And Sarin began to speak, the story of the amulet.


Please comment and vote if you liked it, and if you didn't, tell me how to improve!

The next chapter is short, but it will be interesting!

Sharing it a day early because of conflictations

Why is it Dedicated to NovaEraKitty?

A few chapters ago, she mentioned how much she liked Sarin as a character....

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