The Amulet

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A long long time ago, when the humans were small and outnumbered, and the only houses were far up north. Acair was green, with raging rivers and waterfalls. Forests stretched across the east and west, and in the middle, there was this huge tree. The Light-shimmer. That was the eagle's home. There palace. The eagles lived there, and there court was there as well. 

Every year, the humans came to the eagles, and gave us tributes of fish, fruit. We taught them some of our magic. Not all. We taught them how to form rain clouds, and how to get the best of there crops. We were all equals, although some proved better at magic then others. The Bald Eagles were the best, and then the Golden, and then the Owls, and then the falcons. On and on down to the smallest hummingbird could do it.

On the top of the King's head was a beautiful circlet made of gold. It made him stronger then most, both magically and physically. The Queen had an amulet, which made her more powerfully magical, and also made her senses perfectly alert. She was incredible, and when they worked together, they were invincible. Then humans began to come from the lands to the east. We didn't mind them, at first. They were kind, but then more came. The built along the East Coast, and created cities and cities.

They spread, and burned down the forests. The eagle's were forced to flee Light-shimmer, and in the struggle between humans and eagles, the queen was killed. The king decided that to face this new threat, he should take the amulet. But it was cursed, as only a female could wear it.And it drove him insane, and so the leadership passed to his son. They built a new palace, closer to the east and north. Those who were still loyal to the eagles fled the cities, and they moved to the east.

The son decided that the amulet was no longer safe, and so he took both the circlet and the amulet and flew north, hiding them both. One was on top of a mountain-top, the other inside a hollow tree. The east side continued to grow stronger, and more deadly. King Zanier decided it was time to act, and found the circlet. But he refused for anyone to find the amulet, because of what had happened before.

"And that's what happened." Sarin said. "Or at least how I heard it."

"So then I found it, and realized that as long as I was not intending to keep it, I could wear it without incident. So I brought it to you. That amulet is old, full of power."

Sorrel looked shocked at this news. "I never knew. Why did you give it to me?"

Sarin stared at her. "You were the right person to have it."

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