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It was almost time for the Christmas break. Dumbledore had awarded three hundred points to Slytherin, and they were leading the house Trophy. Snowball fights ensured, even though the victims lay lifeless on the Hospital beds. It was a bittersweet time for those who had known them, Gryffindors going to visit Mello and the Hufflepuffs going to visit Matt. Sayu, in particular visited them many times.

Ryuzaki had been discharged the next day and had pounced upon the sweets in the kitchen. Beyond had been led away, Ryuzaki didn't ask. He knew he would get an answer, but he also knew that he couldn't change his fate. So, it was better this way.

Near had made an unexpected friend in Misa. She had come to see him as a younger brother, a member of family. Her own family had been killed by Death Eaters, and therefore she was ready to swear loyalty to whoever would bring them down. They played many games, and even though Misa lost in the competitive ones, Near actually didn't mind because he had someone to play with.

He was, after all, eleven.

Light had taken to keeping an eye on Ryuzaki whenever possible, as if afraid that he would jump into the mouths of a Basilisk otherwise. Ryuzaki had grown distant, often wandering off Merlin knows where, which upset the other teen.

In actuality, Ryuzaki was busy organising forces for the retrieval of Horcruxes. However, Voldemort made this near impossible, killing Aurors haphazardly. He suspected Lucius Malfoy of giving him Ministry information, but no matter what he said, Fudge wouldn't budge. He was frustrated, because he was being pushed into a corner and didn't like that fact.

It was a snowy morning, when Ryuzaki, irritated with the entire world, kicked the snow, essentially getting some on his robes. Light had fallen asleep at the library and jerked up when the light hit his face. It was the day when people would return to their homes. He had chosen to stay, convincing his father that it was important. Sayu was going to return, and he promised to tell her if Matt and Mello made any improvement.

Stifling a yawn, he got up, stuffing the book back into the shelf and ran a hand through his hair. He got out of the place, deciding to take a walk in the courtyard. He saw Ryuzaki who looked like all the burden of the world was on his shoulders. Which, considering his position was probably true. Snow was falling but it wasn't a blizzard. Just those small dust-sized pieces of white.

"Ryuzaki?" he called, wondering what would have caused him to step out into the open.

The man in question turned around slowly, eyes locating Light.

He smiled a mystical smile. Light fought to keep his attention on the conversation. He hadn't grown used to this strange feeling over the past month, and he didn't know whether he would get used to it at all.

There was something about Ryuzaki, which was alluring.

"Ah, Light-kun, what a pleasant day it is, isn't it?" the detective called out breezily.

Light laughed and stepped into the open as well, pulling his hood up to not get snow in his hair.

"I cannot disagree with that fact," he said, when he reached him, "What mysteries of the universe would you be contemplating at this early morning hour?"

He wasn't really expecting a response, but Ryuzaki, being Ryuzaki answered anyways. He had been tempted to say something else, but pathological lying got in the way of his honest declarations.

"The mystery of how beautiful the world is when sheathed in white. So beautifully it hides all the sins and the blood of what had occured, leaving the land in a state of fake purity."

Light laughed.

"Never would have taken you for a poet, Ryuzaki."

Said person pretended to look offended.

"I am hurt, Light-kun, one would assume that you don't have faith in my poetic skills. How many cases would been left unsolved if I hadn't had knowledge of Lord Byron and Dante."

Light spoke with a straight face, "Sounds like half the criminals are just artists who have taken their art too far."

"Ah yes, when they would rather be animating objects, they animate people to do it, live puppets."

"You don't find it shocking."

"Well, considering my history, I wouldn't be shocked if blood poured out of the sky and all the ghosts in Shakespeare's tragedies came to inform me of an apocalypse."

Light started laughing. Ryuzaki joined him after a while.

Near stood at the edge of the courtyard to find a rather energetic snowball fight going on. He blinked and rubbed his eyes to make sure that they were the exact same people that he knew.

Misa suddenly popped up beside him. She had a really bad habit of popping up, which reminded one of Bianca Castafiore. Near wondered whether he was Tintin. Except he didn't have a dog.

"Why don't we join the boys? They are having too much fun by themselves."

Near looked at her. The last snowball fight had ended up with him having a broken wrist, and Mello was sporting a cut on his cheek.

Misa's smile turned gentle as she said, "Don't worry, you won't get hurt, it is a harmless game."

Near froze.

Misa sighed and looked back at Ryuzaki and Light who resembled snowmen. She didn't wish to force Near out if he didn't want, so she forced herself to stay and watch them.

After one entire minute, they could hear Light screaming, "THAT WAS A FOUL!!!"

Ryuzaki said something along the lines of, "IT CAN'T BE A FOUL IF THERE WAS NO RULES!!!"

Near looked up, amused.



Misa was slightly worried when she saw spells flying around. Near was still having a hard time believing his eyes.

"So, these two extra serious students are having a snowball fight now?" A bemused voice behind them caused them to turn around.

It was Naomi Misora. She still wasn't aware of Ryuzaki's real identity.

"So it appears," Misa said.

Naomi looked coolly at it, wishing that she could take part in it.

However, she didn't have to wait for long as a stray snowball from Light hit her face. That boy was gonna pay.

Whipping out her own wand, she fired three at Light before he could begin apologising. Light choked, giving Ryuzaki the perfect timing to pounce on him with a handful of snow.

"Thank you, Miss Misora," Ryuzaki exclaimed as Light fought to get out or his grip, "Why don't you join us, and perhaps get more shots in?"

"Tha-at is-n't fa-ir," Light managed to get out.

"Oh, wow, look a talking Snowman."

Naomi laughed and went in anyways, she was too amused.

"I AM OUTNUMBERED, HELP!!!" Light screamed helplessly, while conjuring multiple shield charms.

"Why don't you help him, Misa?" Near asked, "I will stay back and observe this."

Misa looked at him. She really didn't want to leave him alone, but she guessed that he wouldn't be lonely either way.

"Light Yagami, say hello to your saviour," she proclaimed, in the most serious voice possible.

Ryuzaki and Naomi got pummeled by snow from her spells.

"Miss Amane, I am really hurt that you would choose his side, but I guess that's how a fair fight works."

Ryuzaki got a mouthful of snow for that.

It was ten o' clock in the morning, when they finally got exhausted. Near was laughing quietly. Somehow, Ryuk and Rem had come to see this exchange as well. It had made quite a show for the other students too.

It was as he had said, the snow hid all the imperfections, making it equal and pure.

He almost felt like he was seventeen.


The grin on his face was however, the most genuine one he had put on his face for a long time

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