๐•ฎ๐–๐–†๐–•๐–™๐–Š๐–— 17: ๐–๐–Ž๐–˜๐–ˆ๐–š๐–’ ๐•ฌ๐–‘๐–‡๐–š๐–’

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Light bid farewell to his sister. Ryuzaki and Near stood behind him, awkwardly, while Misa just decided to flash a grin at everyone. Naomi was going to return home.

Hogwarts felt empty, with very few people staying there. The parents' had wanted their children home after listening to the news of what had chanced there.

In conclusion, nearly, pun intended, first and second years had gone home. The Slytherin Sixth year dorm was empty too, save for Ryuzaki, Light and Misa. Near didn't mind being alone in the Ravenclaw tower. All his yearmates had disappeared. The ones who stayed back were a couple of Seventh and Sixth Years and a few Fifth years, studying for their tests.

In fact, there were so less people, that Dumbledore had ended up asking for a single table. The total number of students who stayed back couldn't have been more than twenty. Misa had sat beside Near, who hadn't really minded. Her company was peaceful and didn't leave him with injuries.

Ryuzaki was calmly shovelling the sweets in his mouth, while keeping a watch on Dumbledore. The Chamber of Secrets had completely made him forget about the notebook which the wizard had been talking about. He needed to find it. He knew that it was in Hogwarts and that there was probably an obstacle course for it, due to the man's lunacy.

He was beyond irritated and on the edge. He had, on a particular night, given in to Light's incessant nagging and explained the matter about the Horcruxes. His words only seemed to make the teen look convinced. He really hoped that he would be able to get this job done without much trouble.

He had figured out all the other obstacles, however he still couldn't exactly pinpoint Dumbledore's one. Basically due to the Minister refusing him access to the records of the Department of Mysteries.

Ironical, considering that in whole Dumbledore was more suspicious than L, but he hadn't probed further, deciding to wait and let the meddling old man show his hand. He didn't have much time left as it is.

Finishing his dinner, he got up, planning to take a round around the castle, to search for clues to Dumbledore's obstacle. Light finished his own food and followed him. Ryuzaki saw that and slowed down.

As they say, two heads are better than one. However, Near, who had known L the longest, had a very good idea of what was going on. Ryuzaki laughed more and seemed livelier after coming in contact with Light. The way he looked at him...nopes, it wasn't mere buddy relationships.

Misa had come to the same conclusion by observing Light, who made things painfully obvious. Either Ryuzaki knew this and was ignoring him, or he was being an oblivious idiot. She really hoped it was the latter half. Light would be devastated otherwise.

Near hadn't really had much of an appetite. He was itching to do the new set of jigsaw puzzles Misa had gifted him. Not having known that he would get a gift, he was rather upset that he hadn't got her something. Misa had assured him that it was fine.

Ryuzaki had, by some strange whim, got him a book called, "The Deadliest Mysteries in History."

Classic L.

They didn't really know what L and Light had given each other, but Near had a pretty good guess of it when he had seen L swallowing a carton of sweets and Light turning over the leafs of a new book.

Misa had sent the people she knew her customary Christmas Card with a chocolate bar.

Light had, by some Merlin given grace, gifted Misa Owlnuts for Rem and ten packs of cards to Near to build his card tower. Near's last hoard of cards had been burnt to ashes by some bullies. Safe to say, their house was tormenting them for their loss of points.

Ryuzaki, not really knowing what to do, had given Misa a book detailing the history of Transfiguration. It had been precise and to the point and earned him another peck on the cheek as a thank you.

He was still confused as to why she would do such an action.

Something in Light's eyes had shifted, a momentary shift, which had disappeared when Near had started snickering at L's dumbfounded expression. He had laughed too, however Misa could almost feel it and had smirked.

L (and Near) had been really surprised to have found these people who called them their friends. It was quite amusing for L, especially, because the knowledge that he was L didn't stop Light from punching him when required, and Misa from berating him. Near was a generally quiet person, but he seemed to have become more lively to have someone to play with.

Dumbledore hadn't really known what to feel. On one hand, he wasn't upset for this strange friendship, however it was too strange for him to be happy. McGonagall had given him a nice speech as to why he shouldn't meddle in that affair, which had convinced him to make his move. He would get his way.

L wasn't sure whether he wanted to gift him lemon drops or punch him square in the face when he discovered it.

Teru Mikami and Takada had been quietly gossiping, but Misa still heard it and was really annoyed. Near had finished his dinner and so had she. They went to the Ravenclaw Tower to play, and in Misa's case, study along with that.

Light panted as he caught up with Ryuzaki. The absence of the Disillusionment Charm convinced him that Ryuzaki didn't mind his company at the moment. He rather hoped that it would be so, for a rather long time.

"May I enquire where you are off to?" Light asked.

"I have a task which requires my attention."

"May I enquire its nature?"

"Indeed, for it concerns you, somewhat anyways."


"Yes, indeed."

After a couple of "indeed"s, Ryuzaki explained the situation.

"At the beginning of the term, Dumbledore had hinted that he had somehow acquired the possession of an incredibly dangerous magical artefact, the Death Note. The entire confusion with the Chamber had put this matter at the back of my mind. However, he had put it in this castle, I have discovered the place. He has set an obstacle race, of which I know almost all of them."

"Except one?"

"Except one," Ryuzaki confirmed, turning around a bend, while using a spell to detect the presence of any ultra-powerful magical artefact in the vicinity, "Dumbledore's obstacle. I hadn't used Leglimency, for it would show that I have lost, which is one satisfaction I wouldn't give that thrice-accursed old man. I believe that he will show me his hand today, and I need to make the most of it. It would be really disastrous to go in unprepared. I am rather hoping that it is eating sweets, however I do know that it isn't."

There was silence on Light's part. They turned around a corner. Ryuzaki felt a presence and moved in that way.

"The clock is ticking. If I wish to beat that old bastard, I have to wrap this matter up before he dies. Which is, probably gonna be in March. The nature is the Death Note is such that it allows the user to kill anyone if they know their real name and face. Dumbledore made a farce of not knowing exactly how Voldemort looks now due to his age and rather limited field experience. Apparently. He just doesn't want any blood on his hands, he would rather leave the others to do the dirty task for him while he passes away in peaceful nobility. There are obviously other rules which I haven't yet uncovered. The game has begun. Dumbledore and Voldemort has reached a stalemate. And Iโ€”," Ryuzaki said dramatically opening the door, "L, am his ace in the hole and have been fouling Voldemort's attempts at assassinating me for quite some time ever since my presence had become rather obvious after the incident."

Light had gone completely silent. The door swung open to reveal an ornate mirror with carvings.

"Oh wow, the Mirror of Erised. Fantastic," despite his rather sarcastic tone, Ryuzaki sounded almost scared.

"Desire?" Light asked, moving forward. Ryuzaki didn't stop him, slipping in after him. There were carvings at its bottom.

"Erisedย stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi"

Light frowned.

"I show not your face but your heart's desire?" He spoke before looking up at the mirror.

It showed him as the Minister of Magic and a prosperous magical nation behind him. Beside him, stood Ryuzaki for Merlin knows what reason.

"I see, so Ryuzakiโ€”, hey Ryuzaki!??!!?!!?"

Ryuzaki had gone silent at whatever he had seen in the mirror. He looked shocked, as if he couldn't believe his eyes. Light was really getting concerned with his odder than usual behaviour. His eyes had widened and blood had drained from his face.

Light touched him on the shoulder. Ryuzaki jumped back, as if burnt. Light flinched. Whatever had shocked him had taken away the shock now and he tore his gaze away from Light's. He was shaking. Real bad.

"Ryuzaki," Light began in a gentle tone, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." The response was automatic.

"That's a lie."

Something snapped in the other teen and he looked at Light, even though he looked ready to bolt.

"Tell me, Light, from the moment you were born, have you ever, spoken the truth."

Light's eyes narrowed, ever so slightly. What was he getting at? But, an unpleasant feeling made him realise what he was speaking. People usually never speak what's on their mind. They say something else and you are supposed to figure out what they mean from that. Though for people like Ryuzaki, it possibly meant something more than that.

He spoke, choosing his words carefully.

"Human beings aren't made perfectly, Ryuzaki. Everyone lies. Even so, I have been careful to not tell any lie to hurt others."

Ryuzaki's shaking had stopped. Even though, he looked way worse.

"I see," he mumbled, "I knew you would say that."

Now, Light was actually getting worried.

He took a step towards him, who looked resolutely detached from reality. He might have been in another realm for all Light knew.

He cautiously placed both his hands on his shoulders. Ryuzaki was slightly shorter than him, due to his slouch, but he didn't look up.

"Ryuzaki? What did you see?" Light's words were a whisper in his ears. He shivered.

"Nothing of importance," was the monotonous reply.

"Ryuzaki pleaseโ€”, I swear I wouldn't judge."

Ryuzaki snorted, even though it came out as a choked sob.

Worrymeter going blood-red, Light looked down at his face, crouching down to get a better look.

Ryuzaki was upset. And, as a matter of fact, this was the first time he had seen the detective look upset.

"I am sorry."

His voice was broken, as he tried to cope with the conflict in him. Not really knowing what to do, Light cupped his face so that he looked at him.

He wouldn't deny the rush of warmth, however, he would rather lie than deal with the consequences of the truth. However, maybe for the first time in his life, lying felt nearly impossible. So, he kept silent.

"Why are you sorry?" Light asked, heat rushing to his own cheeks at the close proximity. However, in that moment, he realised what he had seen in the Mirror. He didn't know whether to be happy or upset. However, one could hope.

Ryuzaki closed his eyes. If he kept looking, he wouldn't be able to control himself. And a relationship was the last thing he needed in the mess.

He felt a cool hand brush away his tears, and despite himself, he leant into the touch.

"Ryuzaki, there is nothing to be embarrassed of."

He cracked.

Light wasn't ready for the broken detective, however he didn't mind. Really, he was secretly happy, happy for L Lawliet's decision.

Ryuzaki buried his face in the other's chest, which muffled his sobs. Not that he needed to worry about anyone finding him, he had locked the door and made it sound-proof when they had entered. Light put his head on top of the messy black hair, pressing a kiss to it.

A lone mistletoe, possibly Dumbledore's doing, hung above them.

It was Christmas. A day of joy and laughter.

Misa and Near grinned in accomplishment at their card tower. It was made to resemble Hogwarts.ย 

A marking stone in their life.ย 

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