𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 18: 𝕮𝖞𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖘

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Having found out Dumbledore's trick, L was content. Even though he was a bit stumped with everything. Especially the teen who had nodded off to sleep on his shoulder.

Everything felt unrealistic. Near would never stop laughing. And he didn't know what to do about Misa. Ryuk had, for some odd reason, come down and stayed the better part of the night with them.

They planned to finish off the Death Note nonsense, tomorrow, mostly to prevent it from falling in the enemy's hands and also to rightfully wrestle it away from Dumbledore. L bit his fingernail. That lunatic.

They had gotten out of the room and returned to the Slytherin Dormitory. After some talking, Light, who wasn't the one to stay up had fallen asleep on his shoulder. He didn't particularly mind it, but the entire oddness of the situation had made him wonder whether it was a dream.

Yes, he had wept, he had tried to fight against himself, but ended up melting for Light Yagami.

Great going, L Lawliet.

Definitely the most useful step to take while trying to defeat the Dark Lord.

Yes, he was annoyed with himself, but didn't exactly regret his decision. He looked down at the book in his lap, which he had finished reading just now. Shifting a bit to make the both of them more comfortable, he started contemplating on the best strategy to finish off the Horcruxes.

There was one in a cave where Tom Riddle had led his first victims to.

That is, Slytherin's locket.

There was another one definitely in Hogwarts. Most definitely, somewhere in some version of the Room Of Requirements.

That is, Rowena Ravenclaw's diadem.

There was the snake that he kept by him all the time.

That is, Nagini.

There was another one in the Lestrange vault.

That is, Helena Hufflepuff's Cup.

The other two had been destroyed.

Riddle's diary and the ring.

The diary had been too much of a gamble.

Either Voldemort was too reckless or the diary had been a part of a carefully engineered plan.

Misa was returning from the Ravenclaw Tower. She didn't particularly wish to be in the Slytherin Dungeons at the moment, so she chose to roam about a bit, exploring the place.

Left alone, Near had proceeded to solve the puzzle in five minutes. Yawning, he went up to sleep.

Light groaned and shifted in his sleep, muttering Ryuzaki's name.

Ryuzaki ran a soft hand over his forehead and he seemed to calm down. Staring off into the distance, he realised that he couldn't trust the Aurors to solve this mess.

No, they would only be leaking information to the Ministry.

As it is, L was pretty sure that his mysterious behaviour had been reported back to Voldemort. If the man was as smart as Dumbledore claimed, he would try to research the identity of Ryuga Hideki.

He would get the name of a popular Japanese idol.

He would become even more suspicious, then.

And appoint spies to keep an eye on him.

L bit his lip. He didn't particularly have a problem with Voldemort knowing how he looked or that he was at Hogwarts. If push came to shove, he would just apparate out of the place.

However, his major weakness was the Dementors.

If they got him, he was dead.

He was getting really annoyed at his inability to conjure a Patronus.

The teachers had given him sympathetic looks and even Snape had patted him on the back and given him a chocolate. Annoyed at being patronized, he had swallowed it, and refused to talk to anyone when asked. In his rather paltry defense, he had been only ten.

He looked at his wand lying beside him. It was made of ebony and a single line, like a thin crack ran through its middle. The wand had been made on private order, and therefore suited him the best. Taking it in his hands, he fingered it and examined it for the millionth time.

They did say that the hair of a Threstle wasn't the best wand to use to conjure a Patronus. Briefly, he wondered how it would be to try and learn to be an Animagus. It wouldn't hurt, he mused, he could do that after he finished off this Voldemort nonsense.

The clock struck twelve.

Misa was running fast through the courtyard, not wishing to look behind her. A skeletal hand brushed the gates of Hogwarts and pulled away as if burnt.

The wards acted all over the place as a solitary werewolf ran with his dog-friend in an ancient manor, hidden from the sights of Muggles.

Dumbledore rubbed his nose as he read the letter.

"Dear Dumbledore,

This is your former student, Tom Marvolo Riddle. I have come to the conclusion that you are harbouring L inside your castle. Cornelius Fudge is dead. Half of the Auror population has been wiped off. I am sure that the news of one Raye Penber has reached you already.

If you wish to protect your castle, hand over L to us, otherwise—"

The letter went into the burning grate.

Naomi Misora sat at her chair in utter shock as the news reached her.

The only words she could utter were said over and over again.

"He is dead."

A/N: I know that this chapter sounds nonsensical and is kinda short. Ehm. I promise to make more sense in the later ones. This book was mainly written to burn off stress, so most of it will be nonsensical. You have been warned. 

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