A BIG problem prt. 1

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The next morning, Mindy's tummy got worse. It started with waking up in the middle of the night to use the restroom, then double checking to make sure it wasn't her time of the month. One of the maids had given her some medicine for the pain, but it only lasted for an hour. It was the afternoon and Mindy was still in bed groaning in pain. "What's wrong with me?" she mumbled as she heard voices coming from outside her door.

It was a maid named Kaylee and her fiancé George. Mindy couldn't make out the words, but she had a feeling it was about him coming to see her. She knew that George wanted nothing to do with her, knowing full well that he was a cheater. Mindy waited until he was gone before she called in Kaylee.

Kaylee stepped inside her room. "Afternoon Millicent. How're you feeling?" she asked as Mindy groaned in response. "The pain is still there?" Mindy managed a quick nod before her stomach gurgled more, forcing her to clench it harder. "Do you believe it was something you ate?" Kaylee asked genuinely. "I don't think so. And before you ask, it's not my period either." Mindy replied, having already gotten that same question 4 times today.

A pair of hard steps startled the poor girl and her maid. Her father. Mindy could already tell that he was in a bad mood, and him seeing her like this would only worsen his anger. "Kaylee, please don't let him see me like this?" Mindy pleaded, but Kaylee was already racing to lock the door to her room. "MILLICENT! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GIRL!" Mindy squeaked at the yell, knowing full well that he was pissed. Once Mindy's father was at her bedroom door, he banged on it hard. "OPEN UP!" he ordered, but Kaylee wouldn't. "Mindy, go hide in the bathroom."

"But what about-"

"I SAID OPEN UP!" Mindy flinched. Her father was not going to stop. She took one last look at Kaylee who gave her a nod before using all the remaining strength she had to hide herself in the restroom.

Once Mindy looked the door from behind, she was able to get a pretty good view at her stomach. She nearly screamed. This wasn't just some manageable stomach ache. Her belly was glowing bright blue and was slowly beginning to flow through her blood stream, making her entire body glow just as bright. "No no no." she began to say as she quickly took out the flip phone gift that the Colossians have given her before they left. She didn't know if they had left Earth yet or would be able to read her signal, but she had to give it a try.

Mindy flipped the phone and turned it on, the phone automatically communicating to their ship. "Johnathan? William? Are you there?"


Will was currently making the last finishing touches on the outside of the ship. After he and John dropped off Mindy that night, they went to bed promising to work on the ship in the morning. Will had been fixing the communicators on the bridge, sending an update on their status on Earth. The Prime Minister had asked if any Terrans had come in contact with them, but Will only laughed it off, saying that a few of them had felt the ship bumping into them, but they wouldn't remember sense they were intoxicated.

Will wasn't sure if he should've mentioned Mindy or not, but he didn't think it was important. Will gave out a rough sigh just as he felt his boyfriend hugging him from behind. "I missed you so much." John cried as Will laughed. "You've only been gone for an hour." John had gone off to look for a new power source for Archer leaving Will back at the ship. John gave him a pitiful whine. "I know, but I still missed you." he said before unwrapping his arms and helping his boyfriend stand up. "So, how's the ship doing?"

"Well, the good news is I was able to fix the communication system and the clocking device. But the engines are still busted and without that power source, we can't go back to Colossal." Will explained as John crossed his arms. "Well, you had better luck than me. The planet doesn't have a single inch of power anywhere." he replied as he ruffled his hair a bit and sighed. "Any word from the Prime Minister?"

"She said that the ship is still in route to Earth at full speed." Will replied as John nodded. Just then, the communication bridge had begun to ring. "Incoming call. Incoming call." Archer said as the two Colossians raced to the bridge. "Who is it?"

"Caller ID unknown." The two of them looked at each other, wondering who could be on the other line. The only person who they could reach at this moment was the Prime Minister and...Mindy. "Answer." Will commanded as the ship patched the call through. "Johnathan? William? Are you there?" Mindy voice chimed in as the boys widen their eyes. "Mindy? Is that you?"

"Who else would it be?" she replied as John blushed a bit. "Mindy, is everything okay?" Will asked just as the two of them heard a painful groan. All at once, Will and John's instincts were on high alert. "Mindy what's wrong?"

"I don't know. My stomach hurts a lot and I'm glowing." Both Colossians were taken aback. They've never heard of a glowing Terran. "This isn't normal." Mindy continued. "Please, help me." The Colossians didn't need to be told twice. "Don't worry, Mindy. We're on our way." John replied, telling Archer to scan Mindy as soon as she's on the ship.

Will facepalmed and groaned, pissed at himself for not noticing the radiation in her body. "Mindy, you still there?"

"Yeah?" she replied just as a shouting voice boomed in the volume of the phone. He heard Mindy cry out and a slam, making the Colossian worry. "Mindy, listen to me. I need you to find a way outside. Me and John will get you back to the ship for another scan." Will explained as he heard Mindy shouting at someone before turning back to the phone. "Okay. Please get here quick." That was all Mindy could say before the phone line was dead.

John and Will ordered Archer to put the ship on lock down until they returned and made their way to Mindy's location.

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