Chapter 03 - The Fall of Akihabara

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"Outside the Walls are lands of fires and ice, nyah?"

There are two kids talking about a book that described the worlds outside the Walls. Said book belonged to the grandmother of the little girl named Hanayo.

"Yep! I really want to go outside to see these cool places!"

This isn't the first time that they read the book. They've been reading it ever since Hanayo found it a month ago. The book contained sketches and journals about the world beyond the Walls. It detailed lands of ice and fire, oceans made of salt, dry lands with lots of sand, and so much more.

Rin and Hanayo spent their time talking about stuffs that most people shouldn't. Talking about the world outside the Walls is considered dangerous. The government discourages people to go beyond the walls - obviously because Alpacas roam the outside world.

"Kayochin, if it is really your wish to go outside, I will join the military and become a soldier!!"


"You need someone to protect you, you know!!"

"Oh.....thank you...."

These two kids are aware of the world's dangers. Their desires to see the outside world are born out of curiosity. In addition, their parents also want to see the outside world, but they kept their dreams to themselves to avoid offending the government.

"I find it so sad that all of us have to be caged inside these large Walls...."

It could be said that Hanayo and Rin are bored with living inside the Walls. Hanayo is too shy and scared to express her ideas. Rin is very energetic, but sometimes she does not know how to express herself properly.

While the two talk about the outside, two people passed by. Both of them recognized who they are.

"Hanayo!! It's Nico-chan and her dad!!!"

"Oh!!? Hey, Nico-chan!!"

They caught their attention. Nico and her dad briefly greeted them back.

"Hey!! Nice to see you two!!", Nico's dad replied back with a quick smile.

"Where are you guys going?!!", Hanayo asked.

"Dad is going to bring me to the Love Live Corps!!", Nico replied.

"Whoa!! Nico-chan is so lucky!!"

Nico is a friend of Hanayo and Rin. Though not actually very close with one another, they developed friendship with one another as a result of a conversation they had a month ago. The three of them talked about the outside world after Hanayo brought out that book she found which detailed what the world outside is supposed to be.

"Sorry, kids but we need to go. Take care."

Nico and her dad were too busy to give Rin and Hanayo time to talk. They bid them farewell then they quickly headed for their destination.


Nico and her dad walked through a busy city filled with colorful characters. Merchants flock to sell goods. There are artisans, performers and other professionals.

Passing by one block, Nico noticed a small group of priests who are preaching their message of discouraging exploration beyond the Walls. They are Wall Cultists - individuals who belive that the Walls are sacred gifts from God, and that mankind must not go anywhere beyond it.

One of the cultists is a woman with dark hair - her name is Nina Tsushima. She brought her little daughter with them in order to encourage her to join the Cult someday. The woman continued to speak:

"Going outside the Walls is forbidden!! It is against the will of God to break that rule!! But the Legionnaires go against God. They send their soldiers to their deaths outside the Walls!! Blasphemy!! We should work together to stop them from - "

Nico is irritated with what she heard. The cultists insult Love Live as if they are heretics.

"Ignore them, Nico. Everyone has their own beliefs."

Nico and her dad continued walking, ignoring the cultists and their teachings.


Finally, they made it. At the inner gate of Wall Aya, Nico and her dad asked for the whereabouts of the Love Live Corps.

"Excuse me, is Commander Kousaka still around?"

"Too late, sir. The Legionnaires have already left for Wall Emi."

After realizing they are too late, Nico's dad turned to tell Nico:

"Nico, looks like we have to go home now."

"Dad, will we see them again?"

"We will. Commander Kousaka is my friend. He will not hesitate to see us. Let's go home okay?"

We walked back to our house. The sky was orange. Three birds flew by the sky. Everything was peaceful....


Suddenly, a flash of lightning appeared and the ground shook. It brought people down to the ground, some are thrown off balance.

The two of us are already at the middle area of the town when it happened. My dad held me tightly until the shaking stopped.

"Nico, are you alright?"

"Y-yeah.....what was that - "

"What is that?!!", said a merchant besides us as he looked at the sky.

(Meanwhile, at the inner part of town, youngsters Rin and Hanayo felt a stronger tremor.)


Everyone was shocked. Some people fell to the ground. Others were awestruck. No one expected that.

"Kayochin!! Are you okay?!!"

"Yes, I am fine Rin-chan."

"Why did the ground shook.......wh...what the?...", I said as I wondered why the ground shook....then I noticed a thick smoke that appeared behind the Wall.

"Kayochin? What is wrong?"

"R-rin.....look.....look at that!!!"

At the horizon, the sky turned bright orange as the sun shone over the huge shadow that covered the Wall. Everyone in the crowd, me and Rin included, were frozen in shock as we witnessed the beginning of the end for all of us - for all mankind.

My face was stunned in did Rin-chan.

A giant creature....that was what we saw. A giant, skinless creature that peeked over the Wall with a ferocious face.

No was.......a giant alpaca....a Colossal Alpaca!!

It was terrifying. Looking at it made shake with fear. My hands just shook uncontrollably. Rin's face is very terrified, but then she said:

"Kayochin, I am scared!! We have to leave!!"

Soon, Rin and I started running to call our parents. We had to leave right away!!

As we started running, a huge explosion destroyed the entrance a created a hole. I knew that something terrifying was about to appear.

--- ---


Moments after this behemoth appeared, the Colossal Alpaca looked over the town with great distress. I could not tell if it was angry or sad at us - it never smiled.

As for myself and the people who saw it up close, we all felt complete horror. All of us were terrified at the monster that stared down on us.

I was stunned in disbelief. The creature sent chills into my spine. I could not believe it - the first Alpaca I saw is this large, skinless monster. My dad is more shocked.

Seconds later, a large explosion took place at the Wall. The Colossal Alpaca used it's large legs to break Wall Aya's gate. Debris fell all over the place - causing destruction in the city.

Then, something worse happened. Alpacas that are smaller than the Colossal started coming in from the hole. Everyone ran for their lives, screaming in fear of the monsters invading the town.

Looking at all this chaos, I am paralyzed with fear. This is the first time I have seen these horrors, I made a big miscalculation. I did not know what to do.

"Nico, follow me. I will get us out of here....."

But my dad called out to me. He held my hand and never let me go. It calmed me down to realize that now is not the time to be afraid. Immediately, we started running towards our house!!

We kept running. Hundreds of people ran past us trying to flee from the Alpacas. Some are dead, crushed by the debris that fell upon them. I am scared with what I am seeing, everything is getting thrown into chaos before my eyes. But my dad kept himself cool enough to focus amidst the chaos. I just held on and looked at my dad to calm myself down.

When we reached the street that leads to our home, we saw overhead our house crushed by a large boulder.

"NOOOOOO!!!!", we screamed.

We quickly went back home and looked for our siblings. We scrambled through the debris to look for our siblings. We hoped that they are still alive.

"Where are they?! I can't find them!!"

I grabbed as many debris as I could. Then I started hearing screams of people getting eaten by Alpacas. It scared me.

"Ignore those screams, Nico!! Keep looking!!"

We kept looking but we never found anyone. Then I noticed something at the street.

"Dad, it's Cocoro's necklace!!!", I quickly ran to pick up the necklace. It is still clean, no signs of blood anywhere.

"Oh no!! Did those three ran off somewhere!?"

"Dad, could they be heading towards the Wall?!"

"I believe so, Cocoro would have thought the same thing! Darn it!! I need to find a soldier to help us find them!!"

Amidst our dilemma, a soldier of the Uranohoshi Garrison Corps ran hurriedly towards us. Like every Guardian, he panicked to run for safety. The Garrison soldiers are unprepared for this attack - all they could do is to leave and run for their lives to the inner entrance.

"Hey!! I need your help!!", dad shouted to the running soldier.

"I cannot help you, right now!! I am heading for the Wall!!"

"Wait!! Could you give me your Maneuver Gear then?! It is urgent!! I am a former Legionnaire - "

"Here, take it!! I am too scared to use it anyway!! Now stop talking to me, I gotta go!!!", he quickly took his gear off him and gave it to my dad.

As dad strapped on the Maneuver Gear, he gave me quick instructions.

"Nico, get to the inner gate of the Wall as quickly as possible. At this rate, you can still outrun the Alpacas!! Follow the crowd and remember the path we took a while ago! Do not let anything or anyone distract you. Do not try to help anyone else - you will get lost."

"Where are you going!!?"

"I need to look for your siblings. I can't carry you cuz I need two arms to bring them with me."

"Will you be okay?!!!"

"I still remember how to use this. Don't worry, I will not get myself anywhere close to the Alpacas."

"Don't die, dad!!!"

My dad gave me a quick kiss on the forehead then he walked away. I looked at him as he pulled his trigger and unleased grapplong hooks that stuck to the walls of the houses in front of him. Then he pulled another trigger to ignite the gear's gas propellant which pushed him into the air and made him fly.

The way he flew looked so cool. I am amazed at the sight. However, I quickly focused my attention back to reality - there was no time to waste. I quickly ran to Wall Aya - believing that my dad will be alright and that he will rescue my siblings.

That day....Akihabara was about to fall to the Alpacas.....


A/N: For now I am going to be releasing these first 3 chapters. I am still working on artwork to post for the next chapters. I believe I will be able to publish Chapter 04 by next week. Also, I am aiming to complete and publish all these Volume 01 chapters before the end of April.

(By the way, do not judge yet that the plot of this parody is too similar with the original Attack on Titan. Expect new and big plot differences once I release more chapters.)

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