Chapter 02 - That Day...

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More than three centuries ago, giant beings suddenly appeared and engulfed most of humanity. These giant creatures resembled animals that are related to ilamas - thus they were all simply called Alpacas. These Alpacas appeared to eat people without any logical reason. They regenerate quickly - and their only weaknesses were the napes of their neck, a place that seemed impossible to reach.

Mankind fought against these creatures, but they never succeeded. Swords, bows, and other weapons never had a chance against these monsters. Cannons did not work. Kings and queens failed to stop them.

In one final gamble, humanity decided to build three giant walls that would stand to protect mankind from the Alpaca invaders. The three Walls used to be called Walls One, Two, and Three respectively. Now, in honor of the three heroes who were said to have done great deeds in the war against Alpacas, the three Walls now had different names: the outer wall is now called Wall Aya, the middle wall is now called Wall Emi, and the inner wall is now called Wall Suzuko.

For two hundred years, these Walls protected humanity. So far, nothing has appeared to break them down - their efficiency led to most of mankind assuming that these Walls will protect them forever. So far, the Walls have stood firm.

So far......for now.....


(Present Day - Year 1010. At the southern District of Akihabara.)

It was a peaceful day. People went to markets to buy food. The Uranohoshi Garrison Corps guarded the entrance to Otonokizaka - due to lack of any serious Alpaca movements, the Guardians spent their time gambling and leaving their posts to hang out at nearby markets.

Sometime later, the division of LL soldiers that participated in a one month Expedition to hunt Alpacas returned to the Walls. A crowd assembled to see them.


It was horrible. The operation to clear the Darkwood Forest of Alpacas led to massive casualties. 17 wounded, 23 dead.

Our men marched through an unwelcome crowd. They could clearly see how defeated we are - our faces showed despair, frustration, and weariness. Our carts carried wounded soldiers. All of us were either too silent to speak of anything positive or too embarassed to look at the faces of the crowd.

I could tell that my fellow comrade, Kimi Minami, is very depressed. She is worried for us, for our mission, for mankind, and most of all, for her sick daughter, Kotori. She is probably thinking what she should say to her little daughter.

"Where's my father!?"

Our march is halted when a little girl appeared in front of us. She had dark blue hair.....I recognized who she is.

"Sir, where's my dad?! I want to see him!!"

".........", I was speechless. The little girl in front of me is Norio Sonoda's daughter, Umi.

I knew, however, that my silence will not drive this girl away. I gave an order:

".....bring it to her...."

"....sir, she's just a child! We shouldn't tell her.....", whispered one of my soldiers.

"It's more cruel to let her wait for somebody who will never come back...."

One of my troops got off his horse to give Umi her dad's necklace.


I kneeled before Umi and told her the horrible truth.

"Your dad died....he died covering our escape as we ran away from the alpacas. I'm sorry."

A moment of silence is all that existed after what I said. The crowd knew very well how bad our Expedition is. The little girl just looked at us with pure shock and disbelief.


I just gave her my word. Then....the little girl started to speak out.

"...why....why did....."



The little girl could no longer hold her emotions back. She let out all the frustrations she has on us.

"I don't understand!! You're all soldiers, right?! You go outside the Walls to kill those monsters - why can't you win then?! You're going outside only to get killed!!? Why is that?!!"

"I'm sorry...."


" guys......YOU GUYS ARE USELESS!!"

My eyes widened when she said that we are useless.

"You're all useless!! You keep fighting Alpacas yet you don't achieve anything!! No matter what you guys do, nothing changes!! People die, and that is it!!"

Every insult she made against us is appropriate. Her anger...her words....her shouts.....she represented all of mankind. Everyone who is watching us would have told us the same things: we go outside the Walls to build new settlements and fight Alpacas beyond the safety of the Walls. Yet nothing happened - all that ever happened was the decrease of our manpower, the deaths of many of our comrades. I am so ashamed......the girl speak's mankind's truth.

"How can you call yourselves soldiers?!! Running away from Alpacas?! Dying while running away?!!"


The girl ran away, disappearing into the crowd.


"See, my daughter? My friend died for nothing because he fought those Alpacas. I don't want you to die in vain just like them. You have to understand."

"", I replied to my dad. Earlier, I requested my dad to let me see the Love Live Corps. My dad agreed and we went here to see them when we heard the bells.

I was expecting heroes to turned out that they were too guilty to call themselves one.

I am totally shocked at what I saw. I never expected them to look so frightened and hopeless. I realized that dad wanted me to see the truth of the Legionnaires - that they are failures.

After watching them, dad and I walked back home. It was time for breakfast - before my mom leaves the house.

"Welcome home!", my mom said as we went inside the house.

Her name is Noriko Yazawa. She is the town's doctor, although she'd become a bit well-known beyond here.

"'s your sightseeing?"

"The Legionnaires failed in their mission. I could tell by the look of their faces and the presence of wounded soldiers."

"I see. That is the common impression of them to folks like us nowadays."

We sat on the table. All of us ate our breakfast as we talked. My younger siblings are enjoying the food (afterwards they left to play games), while my parents talked with each other. I ate my food, but thoughts raced through my mind about what I saw earlier. I was confused. I was old enough to be aware of what is going on.

"Alright. I have to go now. Kotori is waiting for me.", my mom said after she ate. She picked up her stuffs while my dad talked to her.

"Kotori? Oh right, that is the name of your patient."

"Yes, she also happens to be my friend's daughter. Her mom told me to keep an eye on her today while she is away working with the Love Live Corps......."

When I heard the words "Love Live Corps", I felt that I needed to tell them what I want to do.

My mom continued speaking.....

".....poor Kotori. That little girl is very severely ill right now. She has an unusually high fever that makes her dizzy and prevents her from being able to walk properly. I have to treat her regularly, otherwise she might die - I do not want that to happen to her...."

"You saved the town from a plague, Noriko. I am sure you will save Kotori's life. Take care!"


I shouted these words before my mom left. Until now, I have been too embarassed to tell them this. But now I am twelve years old, old enough already to realize that the world I live in needs more soldiers to fight for mankind.

My new dream caught my dad off guard. He is angry at me for it.



"It will never be enough for me dad!! True, they are depressed. Most people would just be content to give up on them, even you! But I will not!!"

"Nico!! How hard is it for me to tell you that joining the Corps will get you killed - "

"Let Nico do what she wants.", mom said with a calm face.


"It's her choice. We cannot force her to do otherwise. Nor should we let fear hesitate us to decide. When a person wants to do something, it is not the choice that matters. What matters is if you can make it happen, how you will make it happen, and if you will accept the results of your choice."

"Her decision is the same as yours, my dear. You left Love Live Corps; in my opinion it is neither right nor wrong, but you did it anyway to take care of me and your kids. As a result, you got the peaceful life that you are statisfied with, right?"

My mom's arguement left my dad speechless. She looked at me and said:

"I have to go. Nico, I will give you something special when I come back. Bye."

Once my mom left, dad went to me and asked me more questions.

"How about being a doctor just like your mom? Or an idol like you always said you would want to become? There are other dreams you can choose from...."

He is trying too hard to distract me to do something else. I understand that he is convincing me to choose a safer dream. So I said to him:

"...because everyone is afraid."

That line had an impact on my dad.

"Dad, I would love to become either of what you said. But....I do not see the point in those dreams when everyone is afraid...."

"I could become a doctor, but a doctor cannot cure people's fears.....and if I chose to be an idol, everyone would be too afraid to listen and watch me perform, right? I can already imagine how bad it is if I perform on stage in front of a crowd who cannot smile because they are afraid to die."

I spoke to my dad in a way that he realizes that I am already old enough to be aware of what truly goes on inside the Walls. My dad just listened as I explained myself.

"And want to protect you, my mom, and my siblings. I I can, I want to protect other people too. If someday the Walls fall, being a soldier is the only thing meaningful enough you can......."

My dad still looked unconvinced.

"Nico.....did you get that idea because someone told you that the Walls will fall.....who told you that?"

" told me.....BUT PLEASE DO NOT SCOLD HER....she just suggested the was my choice to believe her and....."

"Nico.", my dad held me with both arms.

"I do not blame you nor Hanayo. I understand your reasons, all of them are true. Everything you said are the same reasons why people join Love Live Corps.....those same reasons are what motivated me to join the Corps in the first place....."

"Then.....", I thought for a moment that my dad will understand.

"It is all just first impressions, Nico. You have not yet seen the Alpacas and what they can do. Your decision will still not convince me unless you get to see them yourself...."

"Then let me see them, dad!! I want an Alpaca to come here right now and prove to you I am not scared of them nor that I am scared to give my life for mankind!!!!"

I answered with certainty that I have what it takes to fight Alpacas. It made my dad irritated at me.


He shouted at me angrily. I was scared for a moment. But my dad quickly realized how he reacted, so he stood up and turned away to take a deep breath to blow off steam. Moments later he turned to look at me.

"Sorry......I am just concerned for you because you are my daughter...I never intended to scream at you like that...."

My dad scratched his head. He realized that my mind is totally made up.

"Looks like I cannot convince you otherwise.....geez...your mom is right. I guess you have already grown enough to make big choices like that....."

Once again he went closer to me. This time, he requested me to prove how serious I am to dream like that.

"But like I said Nico. Prove to me that your mind has made up to join the Love Live Corps once you see an Alpaca. I am sure the Alpacas will convince you otherwise."

"Come Nico. I will bring you to the Love Live Corps....I will let you talk to them. They will tell you how scary Alpacas are...."

Dad held my arm and together we went outside to start looking for the commander and his soldiers. They have not yet left the city. I agreed to his idea without hesitation since I also wanted to see them. It made me excited.

"Cocoro, take care of your siblings. Go somewhere to play or something. Nico and I will be back."

"Yes dad!!"

My dad left my other sibling, Cocoro (9 years old), to take care of Cocoa and Cotaro. She could handle it - back when dad used to be away as a Legionnaire, it was common practice to leave either me or Cocoro to guard the house and our siblings.

And so, me and my dad left to see the Love Live Legionnaires.


A/N: I am supposed to publish this chapter with a picture of young Umi in shock, but it has not yet been colored yet.

You will notice that I will not be able to publish the coming chapters as quickly as I want to. This is because my next chapters are scheduled to have pictures - drawing artworks is not an easy and quick task. Plus, I am not lucky enough to find a daily wifi zone that I can go to to get Internet connection and publish the next chapters.

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