Chapter 01 - The World She Hears

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You know the story.....why mankind lived inside three, large Walls.

You know why humanity was driven to near-extinction...because of giant beings that suddenly appeared without warning and started killing and eating humans.....

They were giant four-legged monsters, some are fluffy, some are skinless, some are very small, some are very tall. But ALL of them are scary.

We call them...."Alpacas"....

...yes....they were those kinds of monsters....yet.....

You think it's a joke? That such creatures existing in this world are a joke?

You think they are because you lived inside the Walls, and/or you have never seen them.

Neither do you nor I have any idea what they are. We don't know anything about them!! We know little - ask the men who fight them. Have they learned anything from them?! No!!

Well, let me tell you this...I saw them.


--- ---

(Year 1010. Inside Wall Aya, in the streets of the walled district of Akihabara)


I stood and watched as my father argued with a tall man with short blue hair at our house's doorway. It looked like the man wanted my dad to do something for him.

"You want me to come back?"

"We need soldiers, Mori. You have a past record of being an efficient Alpaca killer - "

"I am not coming back, Norio. Period."

"Look, I understand your fears. I am afraid too. But...we don't have a choice. If we don't fight those monsters, we will never be safe...."

"Let me remind you, Sonoda-kun. I have made my choice. I will not join Love Live Corps ever again. Please, understand that."

I could see my dad's face clearly. He's face showed how irritated he is speaking to this man. Though I was just a child at that time, I can clearly understand what they were talking about.

My dad's friend wants him to come back and rejoin the Love Live Corps, a corps that goes outside the Walls to kill Alpacas. My father resigned as a member of that corps five months ago.

"I'm sorry, Sonoda-kun. I don't want to fight anymore. I have a family now. I'd prioritize giving my life for them than to give it up for something too big for me to handle."

But the man named Norio Sonoda looked unconvinced. He replied:

"Yazawa-kun. I have a family too. But do I have hesitations to go outside and give my life for mankind? The same can be said for the soldiers. They too have families and fears for their life, yet they continue to fight."

"I don't have a strong resolve compared to you guys. I cannot be just like the others. I don't want to force myself to keep doing what you guys do."

"Why not? I think you are just looking down on yourself - "

"Enough, Sonoda-kun. Enough. I have made my decision. I have done my part to fight alongside you guys. I have made up my mind to give up and leave the military without hesitation. Please, go away."

Finally, the man left the house. My dad sighed with relief as Mr. Sonoda disappeared from sight.

I walked towards my dad with a disturbed expression since at the time, I had no idea why dad said such things. He told me he left the military because he was tired of the job. But from what I heard.....


I went out to see him. My dad is surprised.

"....oh, Nico-chan. What is it?"

" you really run away?"


"Dad, I heard that you left the Love Live Corps because you don't want to fight anymore. Why?"

My dad suddenly looked depressed when he learned that I eavesdropped at their conversation. He walked up to me.

"....Nico....are you sad that I left?"

"...more like.....I think I'm angry that you did that."

" daughter....."

"...I do not understand, dad. Why did you have to leave the corps? Soldiers are supposed to be fighting for mankind against those monsters, right?"

"'s because....."

My dad knelt down and placed his left arm on my shoulder.

"....because I was scared. I was scared to keep doing those things. that I have a, your mom, and your siblings. If I had continued to fight, I might have lost my life...."

"...but...that man also said that many people continue to fight even though they're scared, right?"

".......", my dad said nothing for a moment. Then, he looked at me with a very persuasive expression.

"....Nico. Alpacas are scary creatures. They can be killed, but no matter how many you kill, more will keep coming for you. They're very dangerous. They are the reason why I left the Corps."

My dad, Mori Yazawa, left the Corps about five months ago. He did not tell me why - all he said was that he got tired and wanted to focus on us. It was a sudden resignation.


"I don't want to talk about that anymore, my child. Please, try to understand me."

Eventually, my dad stopped talking about it.

My name is Nico Yazawa. 10 years old. A young nobody in the city of Akihabara. I live a normal life with a normal family. But...the world I live in...isn't normal.

Growing up, I always had this strange sensation that my life isn't mine. How should I say this? It's almost's like this isn't my world, this isn't my life. As if all this is just a dream.

In the past week, I had weird dreams that I could not understand. Though they bother me, I don't usually give them much attention. My attention is towards my future and my dreams.

--- ---

(Five days later, outside the Walls, a division of soldiers from the Love Live Corps raced through the woods. They ride on horseback with green cloaks flowing through the air. The soldiers are called Legionnaries - members of the Love Live Survey Corps.)

(Every soldier is nervous - they knew that fighting in the forests with little light, limited vision, and a cold breeze is dangerous. They are uncertain if they can survive all these factors.)

"Move forward men!! Our goal is to eradicate every Alpaca in this forest! If we do it well, we can finally establish humanity's first military camp outside the Walls!!", the commander of the Corps shouted these words through the trees. This large man encouraged those men behind him. His name is Hiroto Kousaka.

"Remember the plan!! Group A under my command will distract any Alpaca we encounter! Group B under Captain Kimi Minami will attack the targets!! Group C under Norio Sonoda will position themselves at the trees and will be in charge ambushing Alpacas below them! Group C will also be in charge spotting any Alpaca that are coming our way."

They moved deeper and deeper into the forest. It was now too dark to see any movements from a safe distance - they had to wait for the Alpacas to be really close to spot them.

"TARGET SIGHTED!!", shouted a Scout named Kimi Minami. Her sharp eyes managed to catch a glimpse of a large shadow moving slowly towards us.

Immediately, the commander ordered his troops into formation via giving a signal with his hand.

"Sonoda-kun!! Position your squad at the trees, and wait for my signal to attack!", soon after being given this command, Norio Sonoda and his men pulled out two blades with two triggers. They pressed the upper trigger which launched two grappling hooks that came out from two pistols strapped at their waists. As these hooks snapped into the barks of the trees, the soldiers pressed their blades' lower trigger which activated an exhaust tube that released pressurized air to pull them towards the trees. This propelled them up into the air and with another press of the upper trigger, they pulled back their grappling hooks and pressed it again to launch them to another tree. As such, they fly and swing through the forest.

This weapon is called the 3D Maneuver Gear or 3DMG. It was invented fifty years ago, since then it had become the main anti-Alpaca arsenal, mass produced for all human soldiers.


This mission is dangerous. We lost men in our previous Expeditions to the point that our numbers have decreased dramatically.

I had hoped that Mori would come back to join us. He has served the Corps for five years and has had a record of 14 Alpaca kills. It surprised us that he had to resign five months ago - because he is afraid to die. It looks like I cannot bring him back to the Corps. I will respect his decision.

Now, the odds are against us, but I still believe we could drive them out! I believe that we will bring humanity outside the Walls someday!!

"I am going in for the kill!!!", I shouted as I swooped down from the trees towards the target.

I had it in my sights. I went behind it's neck and pulled my blades to slice it up. I shouted:

"Long live mankind!!!!!"

The Alpaca fell to the ground. I killed it....but the job had just begun.

"Two Alpacas coming from our right!!"

"I will handle them!!!"

Everyone worked together in this hostile world. Having each other helped us to keep fighting, to keep being motivated in our mission to free the human race.

It was was everyone's motivation....

"Wait!! Something is moving at our left flank!!"

.....and yet....despite all our wishes......I realized...

...a motivation will always be and stay as a won't go beyond that..... matter how motivated you does little to change the circumstances that occur beyond your control......



Immediately, after our target has been slain, multiple groups of small Alpacas charged right through us! They suddenly came out of nowhere!!!

"Shit!! Those two alpacas were meant to distract us!! Protect our left rear!!"

They quickly ran towards me and my group. They were aiming for us - the command team - and anyone on horseback.



A/N: I published this chapter right away while wifi is available even though it supposedly should have had more pics. I decided that I will add the pics later once they are done.

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