S.1 E.2 That Day: The Fall of Shiganshina Part 2

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Scene 1

JP: (Thoughts) They first appeared over a hundred years ago. Giant creatures with the taste for our blood. They're strength was incomparable. Mankind was put near extinction almost overnight. Survivors built walls to protect themselves. This worked for about a century. Then everything changed.

[Hannes is still carrying JP and Mikasa]

JP: (Angry) Why did you come? We could have saved her? We almost had her out!

[Hannes throws JP to the ground]

Mikasa: JP!

[Mikasa runs to JP's side]

Hannes: Listen, JP. There was nothing you could have done. You're just a kid. You're weak.

[JP starts to cry. Mikasa squeezes his hand]

Hannes: (Crying) I was worse. In the line of duty, I was coward and ran the other way. Your mother died because of me! I'm sorry.

[Hannes leads JP and Mikasa away. Mikasa has a flashback of death]

Mikasa: (Thinks to herself) It's the same thing all over again.

Scene 2

JP: (Thoughts) The purpose of the walls was to keep the titans out. If one wall was broken through, everyone goes behind the next wall. The only problem was there usually one way in and out.

[JP, Mikasa, and Armin climb aboard a ferry]

JP: (Whispers) This isn't real! This is a nightmare!

[Mikasa looks at JP. She starts to reach for his hand but holds herself back. The ferry begins to leave. Suddenly another large titan breaks through yet another wall]

JP: (Thoughts) Bad news travels fast. It didn't take long until the news reached everyone else.

[JP starts to break down]

JP: (Thinks to himself) It's all gone! Our house! Everything! It's all gone! I'm such a failure. I couldn't protect anyone!

[JP stands up and starts to walk to the side of the ferry. Mikasa sees him do this and stands up]

Mikasa: What are you doing?

Armin: What's wrong, JP? Did you see something?

JP: (Shouts) I'm going to kill them all! Every last one!

Scene 3

[JP is having a nightmare. He is lying on the ground. He sees his dad walk over]

JP: Dad?

Grisha: Son.

(JP notices his right arm is made out of metal)

JP: What happened?

Grisha: When you rescued Mikasa you were badly injured. Your arm was cut badly. It had to be amputated. I replaced it. Go ahead and try to move it.

(JP moves his arm)

JP: What do I do now?

Grisha: Hide it. Always wear long sleeves and gloves. No one will know the difference.

(JP sits in silence)

Grisha: I know Mikasa will never forget what you have done. You're a very brave boy. Do you wish to be strong and protect others?

JP: Yes.

(Grisha grabs JP's left arm)

Grisha: I'm going to inject you with something. It will make you strong.

(JP starts to scream in pain)

Grisha: In the future, make sure you get to the basement. It's very important that you do this!

[Bells ring and it wakes up JP. Mikasa runs to JP's side]

Mikasa: Hey. It's okay. You were just dreaming.

JP: It felt so real.

Mikasa: It was just a nightmare. Shake it off. They're handing out food now. We should get going.

[JP and Mikasa walk outside]

Mikasa: I think this is where they used to store all of the dry goods. Now it holds all of the refugees.

[Armin runs toward them]

Armin: Hey, guys! I got food! My grandfather helped me out.

Mikasa: That was very kind of him.

[A soldier sees this and walks away angry]

JP: What's wrong with him?

Armin: He's probably just hungry like everybody else. Just ignore it. I'll make that last.

Soldier: We shouldn't be wasting our rations on these people. Doesn't matter. They'll all be titan food soon. Eat up! Titans like people with meat on their bones.

[JP sits down and starts to cry]

Soldier: Truth too hard for you to handle, kid?

[Mikasa walks over]

Mikasa: You leave him alone! You have no idea what's he been through!

[Mikasa prepares to strike the soldier. Armin walks in front of her]

Armin: He understands, sir! He's just scared like the rest of us!

Soldier: What about her?

Armin: She's just very protective of him that's all.

[The soldier walks away. Mikasa walks over to JP]

JP: I'm such a coward. I can't protect anyone.

[JP, Mikasa, and Armin walk away]

JP: I should die. I'm such a coward.

Armin: Are you crazy? It's just your hunger talking.

JP: I'm such a coward.

[JP hands his piece of bread back to Armin]

JP: I can't eat this.

Armin: What are you going to do? Starve?

JP: I'm sorry, Armin.

Armin: I'm sorry. I don't know what else to do.

[JP starts to cry. Mikasa puts her arm around him]

Mikasa: JP, if you look around you can see that we're all cowards. We all have retreated for protection. Titans are the top of the food chain. You'll just have to learn to understand that. You're not a coward. You know that. Your mom didn't ask to be brave though. She told us to survive.

[Mikasa hands JP his piece of bread]

Mikasa: You can't protect anyone if your dead. I know that's what you want. To be a protector. In order to do that we need to survive. Please eat this. We can't let your mom down.

[JP breaks down crying. Mikasa squeezes his hand]

JP: Thank you, Mikasa. I knew I could always count on you.

[Mikasa slightly smiles]

Mikasa: I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you, remember?

Scene 4

JP: (Thoughts) Days later, people were gathered to try to farm as a last-ditch effort to raise food. But nothing grew. People who were old enough to serve in the military were drafted to fight the titans.

[JP, Mikasa, and Armin sit by themselves. Armin is crying]

JP: I'm sorry, Armin.

Armin: It's okay.

JP: We have to find a way to stop them. Nothing will be same until we do. Home will never be home. Next year I'm applying to join the cadets. I can't just sit here and be useless.

Armin: I'm going with you.

JP: You don't have to do that.

Armin: Yeah, I do. I want to be like you.

Mikasa: I'll go with you too.

JP: (Shouts) No! I'm not letting you follow me to your death!

Mikasa: (Hurt) Well, with me there it won't be your death!

[JP hugs Mikasa. Mikasa hugs JP back. Armin stands]

JP: Together then. Let's do this.

[The following year, the three are lined up in front of a drill sergeant in a boot camp]

Keith: (Shouts) Listen up, cocksuckers! The boot camp is about to begin! My name is Keith Sadis and you will learn to hate me! I'm going to put all of you through hell and back! Right now, you're nothing! Less than nothing! Basically livestock! But over the next three years you'll learn to fight back! Now ask yourself. Am I a fighter or am I food?

JP: (Thinks to himself) Oh! I'm a fighter. They're going to regret ever putting my loved ones in danger!


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